Thursday, June 21, 2012 Updated 04:00 AM ET


UAE, Kuwait led the region on Gallup's Physical Wellbeing Index in 2011
Iraqis' views of their health are the worst in the Middle East and North Africa. The country's score on Gallup's Physical Wellbeing Index is nearly half those of the UAE and Kuwait, two of the region's wealthier, more stable nations.

Bulgaria and Yemen lead the world in suffering
An average of 13% of adults worldwide rated their lives poorly enough to be "suffering" in 2011. Suffering ranged from 45% in Bulgaria to 1% or less in the United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Canada, Thailand, and Brazil.

Satisfaction compares favorably with other countries in Middle East
Majorities in Gulf Cooperation Council countries say they are satisfied with the availability of quality healthcare in the city or area where they live. Population growth and increased disease burden could test this satisfaction.

More view Israel favorably than the Palestinian Authority or Iran
The large majority of Americans continue to view Israel favorably, while far fewer view the Palestinian Authority or Iran favorably. Americans also still sympathize more with the Israelis than with the Palestinians.

While 46% support cutting ties to countries that impose sanctions, 31% do not
Eight percent of Iranians approve of U.S. leadership -- still one of the lowest ratings the U.S. receives worldwide. While 46% support cutting ties with countries that impose economic sanctions on Iran, 31% do not.

Half support cutting ties with countries that impose sanctions
While a solid majority of Iranians approve of Iran developing its nuclear power capabilities for non-military use (57%), they are more divided about developing it for military use, with 40% approving and 35% disapproving.

Many more had trouble paying for food, shelter last year
Iranians are increasingly struggling to afford food and shelter, and 65% say sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the U.S., and Western Europe will hurt the livelihoods of the country's residents "a great deal" or "somewhat."

More approve of China's and Turkey's leadership, but still more disapprove than approve
Nine percent of Iranians approved of U.K. and U.S. leadership when Gallup surveyed there in early 2011 and not many more approved of the EU's leadership (12%). The most educated Iranians are more likely to approve of these foreign leaderships than less educated Iranians, regardless of income.

Upward of 15% are unemployed; more than 35% are underemployed
"Suffering" in Iran has nearly doubled, up from 14% in 2008 to 26% in 2011. One factor that may play into this increase is the lack of good jobs, as Gallup finds unemployment in the country above 15% and underemployment exceeding 35%.

International terrorism viewed as top threat to U.S.
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presses the case for more sanctions on Iran, 61% of Americans say the military power of Iran is a critical threat to U.S. vital interests. Of seven international issues, Americans rank Iran behind only international terrorism (81%) as a threat to the U.S.

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