Wednesday, January 02, 2013 Updated 05:45 PM ET

U.S. Job Creation Steady in December
The Gallup Job Creation Index remained relatively steady in December at +17, similar to the +18 average recorded in November. Nongovernment net hiring has stalled at +20, the lowest monthly average since February.

Americans are split when asked if the country's best years are ahead of us or behind us. By almost a 2-1 margin, they predict 2013 will be a year of economic difficulty rather than a year of prosperity. reviews some of the top findings of 2012, spanning political, economic, wellbeing, and world news.

Gallup reviews its top 10 world news findings of 2012 based on surveys conducted in more than 140 countries through the Gallup World Poll.


The Greatest World Poll Discoveries

Gale Muller, Ph.D., vice chairman and general manager of the Gallup World Poll, reveals some of Gallup's greatest discoveries from the more than 1 million interviews it has conducted with citizens worldwide. He highlights metrics that indicate the potential for social unrest and new ways of assessing global employment.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Most Admired in 2012
Americans name Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as the Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man alive in the world today. Clinton has been the Most Admired Woman 11 years straight, Obama the Most Admired Man five years in a row.

Inside Strategic Consulting

How Family-Run Businesses Should Choose Future Leaders
These enterprises face a big problem: Who will run their companies in the future? Those that neglect formal succession-planning processes and leadership development risk making bad decisions.


NRA Has 54% Favorable Image in U.S.
Fifty-four percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the National Rifle Association; 38% view it unfavorably. Views of the NRA have fluctuated over time -- from a low of 42% favorable in 1995 to a high of 60% in 2005.

Americans' support for strengthening gun sale laws, as well as for passing new gun laws, is up sharply. But views toward banning semi-automatic rifles and handguns are unchanged, with majorities opposed to both proposals.

Americans say an increased police presence and more spending on mental health would be the most effective ways to prevent mass shootings at schools. A ban on semi-automatic weapons is fourth on a list of six potential actions.
Good Is Alive and Well
Insights on the future of religion in America, based on more than 1 million Gallup interviews.
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Dec 28-30, 2012 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change

Interactive Features

Politics Year in Review reviews some of the top findings of 2012, spanning political, economic, wellbeing, and world news.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Most Admired in 2012

Americans name Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as the Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man alive in the world today. Clinton has been the Most Admired Woman 11 years straight, Obama the Most Admired Man five years in a row.

Parents' Fear for Children's Safety at School Rises Slightly

Parents' concern about their children's safety at school has risen in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting. However, the 33% who currently fear for their child's safety is lower than after similar tragedies.


Americans Unsure if Best Times for U.S. Are Past or to Come

Americans are split when asked if the country's best years are ahead of us or behind us. By almost a 2-1 margin, they predict 2013 will be a year of economic difficulty rather than a year of prosperity.

U.S. Consumer Spending Surges During Pre-Christmas Weekend

Americans' self-reported daily spending surged to $119 during the pre-Christmas weekend spanning Dec. 21-23, easily the highest three-day average for the holiday season and for the year.

U.S. Unemployment Ticks Down to 7.6% in Mid-December

U.S. unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, is 7.6% in mid-December, improved from 7.8% in November. But fewer Americans say now is a good time to get a quality job, at 19% -- down from 24% in November.


Gallup's Top 10 U.S. Wellbeing Discoveries in 2012

Highlights from the top 10 most compelling health and wellbeing findings from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index in 2012.

Americans' Satisfaction With Health Coverage Slips Slightly

Slightly fewer Americans rate their healthcare coverage as excellent or good, at 67%, down from 72% last year. But Americans' satisfaction with their healthcare quality remains as high as ever, with 82% saying it is excellent or good.

Latin Americans Most Positive in the World

Latin America is home to eight of the top 10 countries for positive emotions in 2011. Panamanians and Paraguayans are the most likely worldwide to report positive emotions; Singaporeans are the least likely.


Labor Migration Doesn't Always Pay Off for FSU Migrants

Nearly four in 10 migrants who have returned home to their countries in the former Soviet Union said the temporary work they did abroad did not improve their families' economic situations.

Latin Americans Most Positive in the World

Latin America is home to eight of the top 10 countries for positive emotions in 2011. Panamanians and Paraguayans are the most likely worldwide to report positive emotions; Singaporeans are the least likely.

Income Biggest Barrier to Banking in Developing Countries

The richest adults in developing countries are more than twice as likely as the poorest adults to have a bank account, according to a Gallup/World Bank study. Lack of money, cost, proximity, and documentation are common barriers.

More Data & Analysis

Trends A-Z Explore all Gallup trends in one place.

WorldView Access data that represent the voice of more than 98% of the Earth's residents through a Web-based portal.

Gallup Brain The Gallup Brain is a searchable, living record of more than 70 years of public opinion.

Research Reports Gallup experts and senior scientists are continually analyzing Gallup data and sharing their findings.