
I am a Professor in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. My research, which focuses on misperceptions about politics and health care, has been published in journals including the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Pediatrics, and Vaccine. (My publications and working papers are listed below; see my curriculum vitae or Google Scholar profile for more.) I have been named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow by the Carnegie Corporation of New York (2018-2019) and a Belfer Fellow by the Anti-Defamation League (2019-2020). In 2017, I was given the Emerging Scholar Award for the top scholar in the field who is within 10 years of their Ph.D. from the American Political Science Association's section on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior.

I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at Duke University and previously served as a RWJ Scholar in Health Policy Research and Professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

I am currently a contributor to The Upshot at The New York Times and a co-founder of Bright Line Watch, a watchdog group that monitors the status of American democracy. From 2011-2014, I served as a media critic for Columbia Journalism Review.

Previously, I was a founder and editor of Spinsanity, a non-partisan watchdog of political spin that was syndicated in Salon and the Philadelphia Inquirer, along with Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer. We also co-authored All the President's Spin, a New York Times bestseller that named one of the ten best political books of 2004. I also worked as a marketing and fundraising consultant for Benetech, a Silicon Valley technology nonprofit, and Deputy Communications Director of the Bernstein for US Senate campaign in Nevada.

Peer-reviewed publications

More Accurate, But No Less Polarized: Comparing the Factual Beliefs of Government Officials and the Public (pre-publication version). Forthcoming, British Journal of Political Science. (with Nathan Lee, Jason Reifler, and D.J. Flynn)
-EGAP preregistration
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

Who Will Defend Democracy? Evaluating Tradeoffs in Candidate Support Among Partisan Donors and Voters (pre-publication version). Forthcoming, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. (with John Carey, Katherine Clayton, Gretchen Helmke, Mitchell Sanders, and Susan Stokes)
-EGAP preregistration
-Replication data and code (R)

The Sources and Correlates of Exposure to Vaccine-related (Mis)information Online (pre-publication version). 2020. Vaccine 38(49): 7799-7805. (with Andrew M. Guess, Zachary O'Keeffe, and Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (R)

Real Solutions for Fake News? Measuring the Effectiveness of General Warnings and Fact-Check Banners in Reducing Belief in False Stories on Social Media (pre-publication version). 2020. Political Behavior 42(4): 1073-1095. (with the students in my 2017 Experiments in Politics seminar at Dartmouth)
-EGAP preregistration
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

Political Sectarianism in America (pre-publication version). 2020. Science 370(6516): 533-536. (with Eli J. Finkel, Christopher A. Bail, Mina Cikara, Peter H. Ditto, Shanto Iyengar, Samara Klar, Lilliana Mason, Mary C. McGrath, David G. Rand, Linda J. Skitka, Joshua A. Tucker, Jay J. Van Bavel11, Cynthia S. Wang, James N. Druckman)

A Digital Media Literacy Intervention Increases Discernment Between Mainstream and False News in the United States and India. 2020. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(27): 15536-15545. (with Andrew Guess, Michael Lerner, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, Jason Reifler, and Neelanjan Sircar)
-EGAP preregistration (U.S.)
-EGAP preregistration (India)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

Taking Fact-Checks Literally But Not Seriously? The Effects of Journalistic Fact-Checking on Factual Beliefs and Candidate Favorability (pre-publication version). 2020. Political Behavior 42: 939-960. (with Ethan Porter, Jason Reifler, and Thomas J. Wood)
-EGAP preregistration (Study 1)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

Facts and Myths About Misperceptions (pre-publication version). 2020. Journal of Economic Perspectives 34(3): 220-236.

Exposure to Untrustworthy Websites in the 2016 U.S. Election (pre-publication version). 2020. Nature Human Behaviour 4: 472-480. (with Andrew Guess and Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

Treatment Versus Punishment: Understanding Racial Inequalities in Drug Policy (pre-publication version). 2020. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 45(2): 177-209. (with Jin Woo Kim and Evan Morgan)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

The Effects of Corrective Information about Epidemics: Evidence from Zika and Yellow Fever in Brazil. 2020. Science Advances 6(5). (with John Carey, Victoria Chi, D.J. Flynn, and Thomas Zeitzoff)
-EGAP preregistrations: 2017 experiment, 2018 experiments

"Fake News" May Have Limited Effects Beyond Increasing Beliefs in False Claims. 2020. Misinformation Review 1(1). (with Andrew M. Guess, Dominique Lockett, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, and Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (R)

A Consensus-Based Transparency Checklist. 2020. Nature Human Behaviour 4: 4-6. (with 65 co-authors)

Searching for Bright Lines in the Trump Presidency (pre-publication version). 2019. Perspectives on Politics 17(3): 699-718. (with John M. Carey, Gretchen Helmke, Mitchell Sanders, and Susan C. Stokes)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Counting the Pinocchios: The Effect of Summary Fact-Checking Data on Perceived Accuracy and Favorability of Politicians (pre-publication version). 2019. Research & Politics July-September 2019: 1–10. (with the students in my 2016 Experiments in Politics seminar at Dartmouth)
-EGAP preregistrations: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3
-Replication data and code (Stata)

  • Media coverage
    • -Jon Allsop, Columbia Journalism Review (8/19/19)

The Role of Information Deficits and Identity Threat in the Prevalence of Misperceptions (pre-publication version). 2019. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 29(2): 222-244. (with Jason Reifler; finalist, 2015 Prize in Public Interest Communications Research, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Conspiracy and Misperception Belief in the Middle East and North Africa (pre-publication version). 2018. Journal of Politics 80(4): 1400-1404. (with Thomas Zeitzoff)
-EGAP preregistration
-Replication data and code (Stata)

How Conditioning on Posttreatment Variables Can Ruin Your Experiment and What to Do About It (pre-publication version). 2018. American Journal of Political Science 62(3): 760-775. (with Jacob Montgomery and Michelle Torres)
-Replication data and code (R)

Fighting the Past: Perceptions of Control, Historical Misperceptions, and Corrective Information in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (pre-publication version). 2018. Political Psychology 39(3): 611-631. (with Thomas Zeitzoff)
-EGAP preregistration
-Replication data and code (Stata)

The Science of Fake News. 2018. Science 359(6380): 1094-1096. (with David M. J. Lazer, Matthew A. Baum, Yochai Benkler, Adam J. Berinsky, Kelly M. Greenhill, Filippo Menczer, Miriam J. Metzger, Gordon Pennycook, David Rothschild, Michael Schudson, Steven A. Sloman, Cass R. Sunstein, Emily A. Thorson, Duncan J. Watts, and Jonathan L. Zittrain)

Revisiting White Backlash: Does Race Affect Death Penalty Opinion? (open access). 2018. Research & Politics. (with Ryden Butler, Jacob Montgomery, and Michelle Torres)
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (R)

Redefine Statistical Significance (pre-publication version). 2018. Nature Human Behaviour 2(1): 6-10. (with 71 co-authors)

Critical Dynamics in Population Vaccinating Behavior (pre-publication version). 2017. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(52): 13762-13767. (with A. Demetri Pananos, Thomas M. Bury, Clara Wang, Justin Schonfeld, Sharada P. Mohanty, Marcel Salathé, and Chris T. Bauch)

The Effects of Congressional Staff Networks in the U.S. House of Representatives (pre-publication version). 2017. Journal of Politics 79(3): 745-761. (with Jacob Montgomery)
-Replication data and code (R/Matlab/Stata)

Differential Registration Bias in Voter File Data: A Sensitivity Analysis Approach (pre-publication version). 2017. American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 744-760 (with Chris Skovron and Rocío Titiunik)
-Replication data and code (R)

Media Scandals Are Political Events: How contextual factors affect public controversies over alleged misconduct by U.S. governors (pre-publication version). 2017. Political Research Quarterly 70(1): 223-236.
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

The Nature and Origins of Misperceptions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs about Politics (pre-publication version). 2017. Advances in Political Psychology 38(S1): 127-150. (with D.J. Flynn and Jason Reifler)

Classified or Coverup? The Effect of Redactions on Conspiracy Theory Beliefs (pre-publication version). 2016. Journal of Experimental Political Science 3: 109--123. (with the students in my 2014 Experiments in Politics seminar at Dartmouth)
-EGAP preregistrations: Study 1, Study 2
-Replication data and code (Stata)

An Inflated View of the Facts? How Preferences and Predispositions Shape Conspiracy Beliefs about the Deflategate Scandal (open access). 2016. Research & Politics. (with John Carey, Benjamin Valentino, and Mingnan Liu)
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Does Public Financing Affect Judicial Behavior? Evidence From the North Carolina Supreme Court (pre-publication version). 2016. American Politics Research 44(4): 587-617. (with Morgan Hazelton and Jacob Montgomery)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Understanding Innovations in Journalistic Practice: A Field Experiment Examining Motivations for Fact-Checking (pre-publication version). 2016. Journal of Communication 66(1): 102-138. (with Lucas Graves and Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Displacing Misinformation about Events: An Experimental Test of Causal Corrections (pre-publication version). 2015. Journal of Experimental Political Science 2(1): 81-93. (with Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

The Effect of Fact-checking on Elites: A Field Experiment on U.S. State Legislators (pre-publication version). 2015. American Journal of Political Science 59(3): 628-640. (with Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Connecting the Candidates: Consultant Networks and the Diffusion of Campaign Strategy in American Congressional Elections (pre-publication version). 2015. American Journal of Political Science 59(2): 292-308. (with Jacob Montgomery)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

  • Media coverage

Scandal Potential: How Political Context and News Congestion Affect the President's Vulnerability to Media Scandal (local copy; pre-publication version). 2015. British Journal of Political Science 45(2): 435-466.
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Does Correcting Myths about the Flu Vaccine Work? An Experimental Evaluation of the Effects of Corrective Information (pre-publication version). 2015. Vaccine 33(3): 459-464. (with Jason Reifler)
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: A Randomized Trial (pre-publication version). 2014. Pediatrics 133(4): e835-e842. (with Jason Reifler, Sean Richey, and Gary Freed)
-Commentary by Shelley Springer, AAP Grand Rounds
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Beliefs Don't Always Persevere: How Political Figures Are Punished When Positive Information about Them Is Discredited (pre-publication version). 2013. Political Psychology 34(3): 307-326. (with Michael Cobb and Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

The Hazards of Correcting Myths about Health Care Reform. 2013. Medical Care 51(2): 127-132. (with Jason Reifler and Peter Ubel; lead article with accompanying editorial by Aaron E. Carroll)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

The Role of Social Networks in Influenza Vaccine Attitudes and Intentions Among College Students in the Southeastern United States (pre-publication version). 2012. Journal of Adolescent Health 51(3): 302-304. (with Jason Reifler and Sean Richey)
-Online appendix
-Replication data and code (Stata)

One Vote Out of Step? The Effects of Salient Roll Call Votes in the 2010 Election (pre-publication version). 2012. American Politics Research 40(5): 844-879. (with Eric McGhee, John Sides, Seth Masket, and Steven Greene)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)

The Limited Effects of Testimony on Political Persuasion (pre-publication version). 2011. Public Choice 148(3-4): 283-312.
-Replication data and code (R/Stata)
-TESS design/results summary

The "Unfriending" Problem: The Consequences of Homophily in Friendship Retention for Causal Estimates of Social Influence (pre-publication version). 2011. Social Networks 33(3): 211-218. (with Hans Noel)
-Replication code (R)

When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Political Misperceptions (pre-publication version). 2010. Political Behavior 32(2): 303-330. (with Jason Reifler)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

Bayesian Model Averaging: Theoretical Developments and Practical Applications (pre-publication version). 2010. Political Analysis 18(2): 245-270. (with Jacob Montgomery)
-Replication data and code (R/Stata) [7.3 MB]
-R package: readme.txt, Unix/Mac, Windows-32, Windows-64

  • Media coverage

Other publications

Fair Elections During a Crisis: Urgent Recommendations in Law, Media, Politics, and Tech to Advance the Legitimacy of, and the Public's Confidence in, the November 2020 U.S. Elections. UCI Law. 2020. (with other members of the Ad Hoc Committee for 2020 Election Fairness and Legitimacy)

National News, Local Lens? Findings from the 2019 Poynter Media Trust Survey. The Poynter Institute. 2019. (with Andrew Guess and Jason Reifler)

Why Fears of Fake News Are Overhyped. Medium. 2019.

Fake news, Facebook ads, and misperceptions: Assessing information quality in the 2018 U.S. midterm election campaign. Public report. (with Andrew Guess, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob Montgomery, and Jason Reifler)

All Media Trust Is Local? Findings from the 2018 Poynter Media Trust Survey. The Poynter Institute. 2018. (with Andrew Guess and Jason Reifler)

Social Media, Political Polarization, and Political Disinformation: A Review of the Scientific Literature. Hewlett Foundation. 2018. (with Joshua Tucker, Andrew Guess, Pablo Barbera, Cristian Vaccari, Alexandra Siegel, Sergey Sanovich, and Denis Stukal)

Avoiding the Echo Chamber About Echo Chambers: Why Selective Exposure To Like-Minded Political News Is Less Prevalent Than You Think. The Knight Foundation. 2018. (with Andrew Guess, Benjamin Lyons, and Jason Reifler)

"You're Fake News!" The 2017 Poynter Media Trust Survey. The Poynter Institute. 2017. (with Andrew Guess and Jason Reifler)

A Checklist Manifesto for Peer Review. 2016. The Political Methodologist 23(1): 4-6.

Increasing the Credibility of Political Science Research: A Proposal for Journal Reforms (pre-publication version). 2015. PS: Political Science & Politics 48(S1): 78-83.

APSA as Amplifier: How to Encourage and Promote Public Voices within Political Science (pre-publication version). 2015. PS: Political Science & Politics 48(S1): 90-93. (with John Sides and Joshua A. Tucker)

Estimating Fact-checking's Effects: Evidence from a long-term experiment during campaign 2014. 2015. American Press Institute. (with Jason Reifler)

The Diffusion of Fact-checking: Understanding the growth of a journalistic innovation. 2015. American Press Institute. (with Lucas Graves and Jason Reifler)

Which Corrections Work? Research Results and Practice Recommendations. 2013. New America Foundation Media Policy Initiative Research Paper. (with Jason Reifler)

The Effects of Fact-checking Threat: Results From a Field Experiment in the States. 2013. New America Foundation Media Policy Initiative Research Paper. (with Jason Reifler)

Does the US Media Have a Liberal Bias? A Discussion of Tim Groseclose's Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind (local copy). 2012. Perspectives on Politics 10(3): 767-771.
-Replication code (Stata)

Misinformation and Fact-checking: Research Findings from Social Science. 2012. New America Foundation Media Policy Initiative Research Paper. (with Jason Reifler)

How Political Science Can Help Journalism (and Still Let Journalists Be Journalists) (local copy). 2011. The Forum 9(1). (with John Sides)

Why the "Death Panel" Myth Wouldn't Die: Misinformation in the Health Care Reform Debate (local copy). 2010. The Forum 8(1).
-Replication code (Stata)

Party and Constituency in the U.S. Senate, 1933-2004. 2008. In Why Not Parties?, Nathan W. Monroe, Jason M. Roberts, and David Rohde, eds. University of Chicago Press. (with John Aldrich, Michael Brady, Scott de Marchi, Ian McDonald, David Rohde, and Michael Tofias)
-Replication data and code (Stata)

All the President's Spin: George W. Bush, the Media and the Truth. Touchstone, 2004. (with Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer) Best Books of 2004 (11/10/04)
-New York Times bestseller (9/5/04)

Current research

Political Audience Diversity and News Reliability in Algorithmic Ranking (with Saumya Bhadani, Shun Yamaya, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer, and Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia) [R&R at Nature Human Behaviour]

The Effects of Unsubstantiated Claims of Voter Fraud on Confidence in Elections (with Nicolas Berlinski, Margaret Doyle, Andrew M. Guess, Gabrielle Levy, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, and Jason Reifler) [R&R at Journal of Experimental Political Science]

The Limited Effects of Partisan and Consensus Messaging in Correcting Science Misperceptions (with the students in my 2020 Experiments in Politics seminar at Dartmouth) [R&R at Research & Politics]

The Effect of Electoral Inversions on Democratic Legitimacy: Evidence from the United States (with John Carey, Gretchen Helmke, Mitchell Sanders, Susan Stokes, and Shun Yamaya) [under review]

The Distorting Prism of Social Media: How Self-Selection and Exposure to Incivility Fuel Online Comment Toxicity (with Jin Woo Kim, Andrew M. Guess, and Jason Reifler) [under review]

Does Elite Rhetoric Undermine Democratic Norms? (with Katherine Clayton, Nicholas T. Davis, Ethan Porter, Timothy J. Ryan, and Thomas J. Wood) [under review]

Do People Actually Learn From Fact-Checking? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study During the 2014 Campaign (with Jason Reifler)

Scholarly reviews

Review of Milton Lodge and Charles S. Taber, The Rationalizing Voter (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013). 2014. Public Opinion Quarterly 78(S1): 365-367.

Review of Thráinn Eggertsson, Imperfect Institutions: Possibilities and Limits of Reform (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005). 2006. Public Choice 129: 239-241.

Courses taught

Political Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories (Dartmouth, Michigan)

Experiments in Politics (Dartmouth, Duke)

The Presidency (Dartmouth)

Quantitative Political Analysis (Dartmouth)

Political writing

Contributor, The Upshot, The New York Times (March 2014-)

-Contributor, GEN/Medium (February-August 2019) -Media critic, Columbia Journalism Review (November 2011-February 2014)
-Featured blogger, HuffPost Pollster (formerly and Washington Monthly Ten Miles Square blog (2009-2011)
-Politico op-ed (10/8/13) [with Jason Reifler]
-Crystal Ball column (10/6/11)
-Crystal Ball column (5/26/11) commentary (4/28/11)
-Boston Review article (11/11/10) [with Eric McGhee and John Sides]
-New York Times op-ed (3/25/10) (personal blog; 2004-present)

Spinsanity (with Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer; 2001-2004)
-Featured columnist, Philadelphia Inquirer (2004)
-Award of Distinction, 2003 Paul Mongerson Prize for Investigative Reporting on News Coverage
-Featured columnist, (2002)

Previous experience

Marketing and fundraising consultant (2001–2003)
The Benetech Initiative

Deputy Communications Director (2000)
Bernstein for US Senate, Nevada

Resources for new/aspiring academics

Tom Carsey, Tom's Comments: Advice about Graduate School, Finding a Job, Reaching Tenure in Political Science and other Social Sciences, and All of the Steps in Between

Jessica McCrory Calarco, A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum

Robert Peters, Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning an M.A. or a Ph.D.

Fabio Rojas, Grad Skool Rulz: Everything You Need to Know about Academia from Admissions to Tenure

Gary King, So You're a Grad Student Now? Maybe You Should Do This

Michael Munger, IHS essays and videos Kosmos podcasts on academic success

Michael Munger, Scholars Talk Writing

Alvaro de Menard, What's Wrong with Social Science and How to Fix It: Reflections After Reading 2578 Papers

Justin Grimmer, Barry Weingast, and Ken Schultz, Advice to PhD Students Going on the Academic Job Market

Arthur Spirling, Job Talks: A Talk

Emily Hanford, Don't Lecture Me: Rethinking the Way College Students Learn

Tom Carsey, What Makes for a Good Research Presentation

Phil Agre, Networking on the Network

Richard Hamming, You and Your Research

Phil Arena, Signaling Advice For Grad Students

Cal Newport, Some Thoughts on Grad School

Don Davis, Ph.D. Thesis Research: Where do I Start?

Ira Glass on the gap between your taste and your work and how to close it and Todd Henry on developing your creative voice

Journal editors on what makes a good review

Tyler Cowen on academic publishing

Chris Blattman, How to get a PhD *and* save the world

Paul Edwards, How to Give an Academic Talk

Ezra W. Zuckerman, Tips to Article-Writers

Philip J. Guo, The Ph.D. Grind: A Ph.D. Student Memoir

Karen Kelsky, Should I Do an Edited Collection?

Hugo Lindgren, Be Wrong as Fast as You Can

Eric Chown, Giving Computer Science Students Freedom

Eve Ewing, How to write a personal statement for graduate school

Kieran Healy on nuance traps in theories of social behavior

Tyler Cowen on the relative importance of incentives vs. where we are on the innovation curve

David Karpf, The Dissertation as Teacher

Robert J. Stenberg, Self-Sabotage in the Academic Career

Andrew Oswald, Things I would have found it useful to have been told when I was a young researcher

Kurt Gray and Daniel M. Wegner, Six Guidelines for Interesting Research

Cosma R. Shalizi, On Academic Talks: Memory and Fear

Radhika Nagpal, The-Awesomest-7-Year-Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-track-faculty-life

Nathan M. Jensen, My paper's journey through the review process

Gabriel Rossman on how we broke peer review and how to fix it

Chris Blattman, Frequently asked questions on PhD applications

Mark Cuban, Don't Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Effort

Kaitlin Gallagher, Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

Chris Blattman, Advice for new Assistant Professors

Jesse Shapiro, How to Give an Applied Micro Talk

John Patty, The Math of Getting a Job in Political Science

Marc F. Bellemare, How to Publish in Academic Journals

Brian McGill, William Shockley on what makes a person who publishes a lot of papers

Scott Adams, Passion is overrated and goals are for losers

Jonathan Berk, Campbell R. Harvey, and David A. Hirshleifer, Preparing a Referee Report: Guidelines and Perspectives

Leonard Mlodinow on myths about where scientific discoveries come from

Ezra Klein's advice to young journalists (much applies to aspiring academics)

Avoiding gender bias in reference writing

Chris Jones, Nine Rules for Creative Work

Stephen M. Walt, How to Get Tenure

Scott Alexander, Nonfiction Writing Advice

Andrew Little, Three Templates for Introductions to Political Science Articles

Johannes Haushofer, CV of Failures

Daniel McCormack on why you shouldn't ask a professor whether you should pursue a Ph.D.

Paul N. Edwards, How to Give an Academic Talk

Jean Yang, The Genius Fallacy

Brett Mensh and Konrad Kording, Ten simple rules for structuring papers

Matt Might, 10 easy ways to fail a Ph.D.

David Evans, How to Publish Statistically Insignificant Results in Economics

Gary King, Dissertation Advice

Amy Catalinac, Overcoming Barriers to Women’s Advancement in Political Science

Jacquelyn Pless, 12 Job Market "Vitals"

Philip Guo, A Five-Minute Guide to Ph.D. Program Applications

Paul Niehaus, Doing research

Paul Graham, Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule

Ben Olken, My Epic Failures

Josh Kertzer, Five things I wish I knew over the past decade

Benjamin Lauderdale, Things that I have learned by being a journal editor

John Lofland, How to Make Out in Graduate Sociology

Department of Government
Dartmouth College

Curriculum vitae

Google Scholar profile