Stephen Shankland
CNET Writer

My Latest on CNET

Android's Google Now services headed for Chrome, too

Filed in: News - Internet & Media

December 8, 2012
Remote-vision quadcopter soars over LeWeb

Filed in: News - Cutting Edge

December 7, 2012

My videos

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My software editorial reviews (showing 1 of 1)

My product user reviews (showing 2 of 2)

1 of 1 people found this review helpful

"Good player, but WiFi setup had problems"

This product is no longer available.

May 29, 2009

My software user reviews (showing 2 of 2)

This version is no longer available.
"Hooray! I have my forward-delete button back!"

User's Rating 5 stars

September 13, 2011
This version is no longer available.
"Good open-ended play, but challenging"

User's Rating 4 stars

October 1, 2009

My blogs and podcasts (showing 3 of 3344)

Android's Google Now services headed for Chrome, too

Filed in: News - Internet & Media

December 8, 2012
Remote-vision quadcopter soars over LeWeb

Filed in: News - Cutting Edge

December 7, 2012
Sorry, Europe, don't hold your breath for Pandora music

Filed in: News - Internet & Media

December 6, 2012

My comments (showing 3 of 1778)

Shankland's picture

About Me



    Senior writer
  • Short bio:

    I've been a reporter at CNET since 1998, covering all kinds of technology issues. I have a particular focus on Web browsers, Web development, and digital photography. In the past I've been the beat reporter for Google, Yahoo, Linux, open-source software, servers, and supercomputers. For some perverse reason, I have a soft spot in my heart for the work of standards organizations and I/O interfaces.
  • Interests:

    cartography, photography, travel
  • Tech Interests:

    Web browsers, digital photography, mapping, interconnects, compilers
  • Home page:
  • OS:

    Windows 8, Mac OS X 10.8, Chrome OS, Android, iOS

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My Posting Summary

  • 18 Videos
  • 2 Product User Reviews
  • 2 Software User Reviews
  • 1 Software Editorial Reviews
  • 3344 Blogs and Podcasts

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