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NFIB on Corporate CEOs: “Easy for you to say.”

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 11, 2012 —The National Federation of Independent Business released the following statement from its President and CEO Dan Danner regarding a letter on the fiscal cliff that was sent to the president and members of Congress, signed by the CEOs of some of America’s largest corporations.

“It’s easy for corporate CEOs to say that individual tax rates ought to be raised; their companies don’t pay taxes at the individual rate," Danner said.

“It’s easy for big business to point to another group and say ‘raise their taxes.’

“It’s unfortunate that some business leaders are so cavalier in asking the government to raise taxes on someone else – namely, on small business – while protecting corporate profits and Wall Street.

“Avoiding the fiscal cliff is critical, but America’s books should not be balanced on the backs of small business. "