Tom Price

Tom Price


Representative from Georgia's Sixth Congressional District and Chairman of the House Committee.

Washington, D.C. ·

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Americans overwhelmingly support major spending reforms as a part of deal. No debt ceiling increase without it.

A debt ceiling increase shouldn’t be considered in talks w/out Medicare reform, like premium support.

Our problem isn’t that we tax too little. It’s that we spend too much! We must have serious spending cuts for a debt ceiling increase.

President Obama's tax increase would fund government not for eight years, eight months or even eight weeks! Only eight days!

REMINDER: President's proposed tax hike funds government for only EIGHT DAYS & would destroy 700,000+ jobs.

President Obama's tax hikes are bad for jobs and don’t fix the debt crisis, as this chart shows.

Happy 376th Birthday to the ! Thank you for all you do in defending our freedoms at home and abroad.

Ever mindful of those who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 at . God bless those who defend our freedom at home and abroad.

harms America’s ability to conduct necessary research & development to maintain global competitiveness.

Repealing the is an area Repubs & Dems can find common ground in efforts to serve the American people.

Congrats to my friend for being named President of . He will serve Heritage with distinction, as he has South Carolina.

MATH: The President’s plan to increase taxes on “wealthy” covers government spending for only EIGHT DAYS.

Disappointed in the Administration’s reaction to our ally . We should be standing with the Israeli people.

We do not need a government takeover & President Obama’s higher taxes. We need patient-centered reforms.

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