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Gingrich sees 'more pain' in our future

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Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich said that things in America are likely to get worse before they get better.
Photo: Jay Premack

The forecast for America delivered by Newt Gingrich on Monday is periods of gloom interrupted by moments of sheer disaster.

“The world is more complicated than anyone understands, and things are likely to get worse and not better,” he said. “We’ve been through three years of economic pain with no thought, and my guess is that we have three to five years of more pain.”

He likened the government’s efforts at a bailout so far as being “like a doctor saying, ‘I can’t do a CAT scan or other tests, but I’ve got tons of morphine.’”

He said the alleged actions of Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois who was recently impeached and removed by the state Legislature, are “the tip of the iceberg of systemic corruption across this country that is breathtaking.”

Gingrich also predicted the possibility of real trouble ahead with “Mexico, Pakistan, Iran, Gaza” and, to a lesser extent, North Korea. “We are piling up risk [with these countries], and one day the dam will break,” Gingrich said. “As Trotsky said: ‘You may not believe in war, but war believes in you.’”

And how are you feeling today?

(Actually, Trotsky appears to have said, “You may not be interested in the dialectic, but the dialectic is interested in you,” and the word “war” may be a mistranslation. Or so says Wikipedia, and who is Gingrich, a historian with a Ph.D. in modern European history from Tulane, compared with Wikipedia? Also, it would be a lot better to have a dialectic with Mexico than a war with Mexico.)

Gingrich, a Republican who was speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999 and is co-author of the famous 1994 Contract With America, was speaking to reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, a Washington institution where he has appeared 32 times previously.

He probably wasn’t as gloomy in the past, however, or he never would have gotten invited back.

But there was a ray of sunshine: Gingrich believes Sarah Palin might have a bright future. If you consider that a ray of sunshine.

“If Sarah Palin seeks out sophisticated policy advisers and takes sophisticated positions, she will be very formidable,” Gingrich said. “Gov. Palin has an advantage in Iowa [where the 2012 presidential campaign may officially begin] because she is popular with the fundamentalist wing of the party.”


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Replies: 172      
avatar for user Adirondack Al
Party: Republican
Reply #1
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:21 AM EST

Pain versus Palin. Hmm?

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default avatar for user jimbridger
Party: NA
Reply #2
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:24 AM EST

a dialect with mexico? i think the word you are looking for is dialog. but what do you know?

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default avatar for user fittynine
Party: NA
Reply #3
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:29 AM EST  updated

see below

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default avatar for user fittynine
Party: NA
Reply #4
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:34 AM EST

Let me refresh your memory. Gingrich spearheaded Clinton's impeachment, while he was cheating on his own wife. But... he wants to warn us about the "breathtaking" corruption of our system?

Go away hypocrite. We're tired of your flavor.

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default avatar for user SeattleLiberal
Party: Democrat
Reply #5
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:51 AM EST

I sure hope both Palin and Gingrich are on the GOP ticket in 2012!

Obama/Biden would pounce on those two DAMF and double the size of victory in 2008!

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default avatar for user tinyjab
Party: NA
Reply #6
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:00 AM EST

Gingrich should know. His party caused this depression. Not to mention the first one. They're experts in it.

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default avatar for user michael kindself
Party: NA
Reply #7
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:04 AM EST  updated

To jimbridger:

The writer was using "dialectic" (not "dialect") humorously, instead of "war", based on the, apparently, actual version of the Trotsky quote. That was quite understandable to me, but then what do I know?

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default avatar for user Lekkerkerk
Party: Independent
Reply #8
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:19 AM EST

TeamPolitico: Feb. 3, 2009 - 4:30 AM EST

But there was a ray of sunshine: Gingrich believes Sarah Palin might have a bright future.

Well, there you have it. Just what we need, the very thing voters forcefully rejected in November, the new Messiah of the party that brought you the economic destruction of our country.

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avatar for user right time
Party: Conservative
Reply #9
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:20 AM EST

TeamPolitico: Feb. 3, 2009 - 4:30 AM EST

Gingrich also attacked Tim Geithner, the new secretary of the treasury, saying, “I think Geithner is fronting for the banks.” Gingrich is not that pleased with Geithner’s predecessor, Henry Paulson, either. “Paulson was a Wall Street deal maker who was happy to take your money to bail out Wall Street deal makers.”

I wouldn't be surprised to learn this is exactly what most people fear.

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default avatar for user Billmania
Party: Conservative
Reply #10
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:43 AM EST

“But there was a ray of sunshine: Gingrich believes Sarah Palin might have a bright future. If you consider that a ray of sunshine.” _________________________________________________________ “If Sarah Palin seeks out sophisticated policy advisers and takes sophisticated positions, she will be very formidable,” Gingrich said. “Gov. Palin has an advantage in Iowa [where the 2012 presidential campaign may officially begin] because she is popular with the fundamentalist wing of the party.” OK, now back to the bad news. (Unless you consider that bad news.) __________________________________________________________ “Gingrich, who has written 18 books, including a novel on what would have happened if Robert E. Lee had won at Gettysburg, is now working on a novel about George Washington crossing the Delaware. Hopefully, Washington makes it.” ____________________________________________________________ Atleast we know that Roger Simon doesn't interject his opinion or his political leanings into his writing. He can't just write a story about the subject without the snide comments. Journalism takes another one in the teeth.
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default avatar for user mj1kinney@aol.com
Party: Independent
Reply #11
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:48 AM EST

Sorry Ging enough is enough you and your party has done so much damage to this great nation, that any thing you say is of no value and meaning. the corruption must stop, lies being told and if you thing I am blowing smoke up your a====ss, wait until the next election.

Concerns from a Small Famaily Owned Business and after 8 years of Failures and corruption, lies and Destruction, I have no Business.

Mike Kinney
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avatar for user DAAM
Party: Conservative
Reply #12
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:50 AM EST

Has anyone started to get chills up their spines yet? 1) Obama’s first public television interview is with Al Arabiya – an Arab Network formally apologizing for America’s “colonial power.” Excuse me, but we were the ones attacked on 9/11 and I don’t recall EVER hearing an apology from a Arab or Muslim leader.

2) At the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the president's confidant and advisor Valery Jarrett continued with apologies - this time to the world's business and political movers and shakers. Ms. Jarrett told the crowd that this economic crisis did not occur by "happenstance" but is the result of our "profound irresponsibility,” and the Europeans, Asians, and Russians couldn't have agreed more.

3) He then pledges $20M to the Gaza Palestinians

4) He proposes a so-called “economic stimulus” plan that is likely to permanently bankrupt America

5) He then calls upon the Pentagon to prepare for a 10% cut in military spending as China increases theirs to 17.5% and Russia by 27% - this when twice as many Chinese scientists as any other country’s regularly “visit” America’s top nuclear research facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

6) He then orders the closure of America’s only facility for holding the world’s most dangerous terrorists despite irrefutable evidence that several of those who have been released have returned to become top Al Queda operatives.

7) He then extends a hand to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad indicating that he would meet with him if “Iran unclenches its fist.” In response, Ahmadinejad preconditions any meeting with Obama on an apology by the United States for “60 years of its actions.”

8) The infamous video tape that surfaced a week before the election with Obama at a Muslim dinner toasting former PLO operative Khalid Al-Mansour, et al, remains under "lock and key" at the LA Times!!! If people haven’t begun yet to suspect a more sinister and disturbing pattern from America’s new “president,” they had better start. This isn’t going to be pretty!

coup d'é•tat - a change of government illegally or by force, also known as "change we can believe in."
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default avatar for user gwazdos1
Party: Democrat
Reply #13
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:50 AM EST

Who funds this Idiot, how does the dead keep returning. He wrote 11 books with crayons. This guy is the biggest loser ever in Politics, some sucker is funding this guy, must be a die hard conservative, there are still some of them in Iowa.

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avatar for user DAAM
Party: Conservative
Reply #14
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:53 AM EST

mj1kinney@aol.com: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:48 AM EST

Concerns from a Small Famaily Owned Business and after 8 years of Failures and corruption, lies and Destruction, I have no Business.

Why was it that your business failed?

coup d'é•tat - a change of government illegally or by force, also known as "change we can believe in."
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avatar for user Madbonger618
Party: Independent
Reply #15
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:53 AM EST

TeamPolitico: Feb. 3, 2009 - 4:30 AM EST

If Sarah Palin seeks out sophisticated policy advisers and takes sophisticated positions, she will be very formidable,” Gingrich said. “Gov. Palin has an advantage in Iowa [where the 2012 presidential campaign may officially begin] because she is popular with the fundamentalist wing of the party.”

Like George W. Bush. Newt how the hell are we supposed to take you seriously????

When it comes down to making the decisions is the Presidents to make and they need some knowledge to make it.

Had George W. Bush taken Colin Powell's advice on Iraq instead of Rumsfeld and Cheney's his entire Presidency would have been different and our country wouldn't be in quite the mess it's in now.

Even George W. Bush was smart enough to say the President is the decider.

What came first? Fox News or your warped ideology?
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avatar for user DAAM
Party: Conservative
Reply #16
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:55 AM EST

gwazdos1: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:50 AM EST

some sucker is funding this guy,..

Well it couldn't be George Soros - he's already taken!!!

coup d'é•tat - a change of government illegally or by force, also known as "change we can believe in."
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avatar for user DAAM
Party: Conservative
Reply #17
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:58 AM EST

Madbonger618: Feb. 3, 2009 - 6:53 AM EST

Had George W. Bush taken Colin Powell's advice on Iraq instead of Rumsfeld and Cheney's his entire Presidency would have been different and our country wouldn't be in quite the mess it's in now.

So true. If we hadn't gone into Iraq, the sub prime mortgage mess and the meltdown of Wall Street never would have occurred - neither would we have had as much snow in the Northeast this winter.

coup d'é•tat - a change of government illegally or by force, also known as "change we can believe in."
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avatar for user Mercer
Party: Conservative
Reply #18
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 7:02 AM EST

TeamPolitico: Feb. 3, 2009 - 4:30 AM EST

He said the alleged actions of Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois who was recently impeached and removed by the state Legislature, are “the tip of the iceberg of systemic corruption across this country that is breathtaking.”

Why does this not surprise me................Corruption has caused the mess we are in. Judgement has fallen on the United States.

Hope is like riding a carousel horse; no matter how fast you go you never get closer to the one in front.
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avatar for user Mercer
Party: Conservative
Reply #19
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 7:03 AM EST

fittynine: Feb. 3, 2009 - 5:34 AM EST

Let me refresh your memory. Gingrich spearheaded Clinton's impeachment, while he was cheating on his own wife. But... he wants to warn us about the "breathtaking" corruption of our system?

Go away hypocrite. We're tired of your flavor.

Well then, he's telling us like it is from the inside out.

Hope is like riding a carousel horse; no matter how fast you go you never get closer to the one in front.
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avatar for user DFutureIsNow
Party: Liberal
Reply #20
Date: Feb. 3, 2009 - 7:44 AM EST

Hey genius, it was your party and your president that got us into the mess we are in both domestically and internationally... Now STFU!!!
The Greedy Obstructionists Party's Ideas Are Bankrupt !!!
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