Campaign Trail

Michigan Supreme Court Campaign Credits Facebook Ads With Margin of Victory

Michigan Supreme Court Campaign Credits Facebook Ads With Margin of Victory

Facing an onslaught of TV and radio ads, candidate Bridget McCormack spent 51% of her ad budget on Facebook in the final five days.

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What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Created Ads for the Romney-Paul Ticket

What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Created Ads for the Romney-Paul Ticket

For this political ad guy, being called up to move to Boston for four months, seven days a week to work for the Romney for President campaign was like "getting called up to the Yankees as they're heading into the World Series."

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Romney Digital Team to Unload Data, Campaign Details to RNC

Romney Digital Team to Unload Data, Campaign Details to RNC

The Romney camp hopes its files will be valuable source of information, showing the party what worked and what didn't.

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Sorry, This Subject Line Did NOT Help Obama Win Reelection

Sorry, This Subject Line Did NOT Help Obama Win Reelection

Last week I asked you to spot the subject line that did not come from the Obama campaign's voluminous emails. Today we have a winner.

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Obama's Approach to Big Data: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Obama's Approach to Big Data: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Obama and others push for regulations on some of the very tactics they use to get elected.

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Papa John's Health-Care Remarks a Missed Marketing Opportunity

Papa John's Health-Care Remarks a Missed Marketing Opportunity

CEO's discussion of costs of Obamacare could have been a hero moment, rather than demagoguery.

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Papa John's Faces Backlash in Wake of Obamacare Comments

Papa John's Faces Backlash in Wake of Obamacare Comments

Reality for restaurant industry is PR minefield as it considers cutting employee hours, increasing prices.

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Will Voters' Message to the GOP Shake Up the Ad Industry, Too?

Big Tent contributors debate whether ad industry will note the 'demographic shellacking' the GOP took this election?

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Obama, Bush Advisers Craft Shocking Children's Advocacy Ad

Obama, Bush Advisers Craft Shocking Children's Advocacy Ad

To grab viewer attention, "Too Small to Fail" ad depicts drowning child.

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Macy's Unmoved by 'Dump Trump' Petition

Macy's Unmoved by 'Dump Trump' Petition

Retailer facing criticism for Trump's political antics, but says marketing has nothing to do with politics.

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Colbert's Astonishing Plan For His $800K in Remaining Super PAC Money

Colbert's Astonishing Plan For His $800K in Remaining Super PAC Money

Stephen Colbert's lawyer helps him find a solution for $800,000 in leftover super PAC money.

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Week After Romney-Ryan Loss, Man Regrets Logo Tattooed on Face

Week After Romney-Ryan Loss, Man Regrets Logo Tattooed on Face

"Totally disappointed, man," Mr. Hartsburg told Politico about his Romney/Ryan face tattoo. "I'm the guy who has egg all over his face, but instead of egg, it's a big Romney/Ryan tattoo. It's there for life."

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Never Mind Social Media. This Was The Obama Campaign's Real Secret Weapon

Never Mind Social Media. This Was The Obama Campaign's Real Secret Weapon

To commemorate the winning team's deeply annoying and devilishly effective email marketing strategy, I present to you a short list of some of my favorite Obama-Biden campaign email subject lines -- with a twist.

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Election Over, Political Campaigns Reveal Their Bags of Tricks

Election Over, Political Campaigns Reveal Their Bags of Tricks

Here's what the data-fueled race to Pennsylvania Avenue can teach marketers on Madison Avenue.

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New Reality Means Social Issues No Longer Benefit the Republican Brand

New Reality Means Social Issues No Longer Benefit the Republican Brand

If ABC can get a prime-time hit with a show like "Modern Family," maybe it's time to move on.

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For Its Own Sake, Adland Should Reconsider Political Advertising

For Its Own Sake, Adland Should Reconsider Political Advertising

Why wouldn't we expect to have the same level of scrutiny brought to bear on political ads as there are on, say, an ad for toothpaste or frozen peas?

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Obama Beats Romney on Twitter One Last Time

Obama Beats Romney on Twitter One Last Time

Tuesday's presidential election all but hijacked Twitter's top trends this week.

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Q&A: What It Was Like Designing Banner Ads for Obama

Q&A: What It Was Like Designing Banner Ads for Obama

Designer Al Rotches on cranking out web units for the president's re-election campaign.

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Romney and Republicans Outspent Obama, But Couldn't Out-Advertise Him

Romney and Republicans Outspent Obama, But Couldn't Out-Advertise Him

With help of super PACs, Republicans outspent Democrats, but targeting and message control won the day.

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CNN Narrowly Wins Cable News Ratings Race on Election Night

CNN Narrowly Wins Cable News Ratings Race on Election Night

Fox News got more total viewers in prime time, but CNN led for the night from 7 p.m. through 2 a.m., when President Obama gave his victory speech.

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