Advertising and Marketing Wisdom: Adages

Kmart Campaign Crashing My Christmas, Ruining Decent Song

Kmart Campaign Crashing My Christmas, Ruining Decent Song

Holiday campaign got my attention, but made me vow not to give Kmart a single dollar of my money.

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12 Days of Gifting: Modern Updates on Some Old Presents

12 Days of Gifting: Modern Updates on Some Old Presents

Forget a partridge in a pear tree. Go with a pocket projector instead.

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With Dec. 21 Just Weeks Away, Apocalypse Marketing Gains Momentum Again

Far be it from companies to not try and capitalize on buzz around something so grim as the potential end of the world.

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Behold the Weirdest Marketing Video You'll See Today

Behold the Weirdest Marketing Video You'll See Today

A unique piece of dairy-farming equipment gets the disco treatment.

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Each Tweet Is Worth a Condom in Durex Promotion

Each Tweet Is Worth a Condom in Durex Promotion

Durex will donate the condoms to global and local charities dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV.

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Marilyn Hagerty Thinks Times Was Too Hard on Guy Fieri

Marilyn Hagerty Thinks Times Was Too Hard on Guy Fieri

Famed Olive Garden reviewer says Pete Wells' trashing of restaurant was needlessly negative.

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Conan O' Brien Says Marc Pritchard Looks Like Keith Richards

Conan O' Brien Says Marc Pritchard Looks Like Keith Richards

Last night, Conan O' Brien served as the host for the Ad Council's 59th annual Public Service Awards.

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'It's Like a Magic Box': Tim Tebow Brings His Skills to TiVo

'It's Like a Magic Box': Tim Tebow Brings His Skills to TiVo

New York Jets backup quarterback Tim Tebow is introduced as spokesman for TiVo.

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Week After Romney-Ryan Loss, Man Regrets Logo Tattooed on Face

Week After Romney-Ryan Loss, Man Regrets Logo Tattooed on Face

"Totally disappointed, man," Mr. Hartsburg told Politico about his Romney/Ryan face tattoo. "I'm the guy who has egg all over his face, but instead of egg, it's a big Romney/Ryan tattoo. It's there for life."

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GMO Ballot Rejection Fuels 'Sticker-Bombing' Campaign

GMO Ballot Rejection Fuels 'Sticker-Bombing' Campaign

Thwarted at the ballot box, Alex Bogusky and some other supporters of genetically modified labeling are encouraging people to "sticker bomb the local grocery" by labeling foods on their own.

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From Mad Men to Made Men in Bob Garfield's First Novel

From Mad Men to Made Men in Bob Garfield's First Novel

Bob Garfield's novel "Bedfellows" is "Goodfellas" on laughing gas.

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In China, Durex Shows Difference Between Obama and Romney

Condom brand Durex posted a risque bit of post-election analysis in China, using its account on Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblog

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15 Fun Stats About Number Wizard Nate Silver

15 Fun Stats About Number Wizard Nate Silver

A look at the data on election night's prediction guru.

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The Ad Age Presidential Poll: Who Will Win on Election Day?

The Ad Age Presidential Poll: Who Will Win on Election Day?

With the election tomorrow, Ad Age wants to know who readers prefer.

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The Best Piece of Advertising Writing You've Never Read

The Best Piece of Advertising Writing You've Never Read

The late Linds Redding's "A Short Lesson on Perspective" should be on your must-read list.

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Working Through the Storm: Share Your Sandy Stories With Us, Adland

Working Through the Storm: Share Your Sandy Stories With Us, Adland

Shifting work to offices on the West Coast, working out of hotels, hooking Mac computers directly up to generators: It's taking inventive measures to get work done after Sandy. Tell us how you did it.

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Video: Swing-State Child Driven to Tears by 2012 Election

Video: Swing-State Child Driven to Tears by 2012 Election

A Colorado girl's mom reports she snapped after an NPR broadcast mentioning Obama and Romney.

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Pernod's New Vodka Brand Includes 'Fresh Cut Grass'

Pernod's New Vodka Brand Includes 'Fresh Cut Grass'

There's nothing like the smell of fresh-cut grass to conjure thoughts of spring, some sneezing and ... a vodka buzz?

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Vote for Your Favorite: Mr. Whipple vs. Mr. Clean in a P&G Icon Runoff

Vote for Your Favorite: Mr. Whipple vs. Mr. Clean in a P&G Icon Runoff

These Procter & Gamble characters squeezed their way to the top of yesterday's poll. Now it's time to pick a winner.

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Don't Digitally Lengthen Those Eyelashes

Don't Digitally Lengthen Those Eyelashes

A Christian Dior mascara ad featuring Natalie Portman has been banned in the U.K. following a complaint from rival L'Oreal.

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