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Published on Dec 5, 2012

Our parents and grandparents left us a strong America and a growing economy. Meanwhile, trillion-dollar deficits have left our future generations saddled with debt. Our children and grandchildren - this is who House Republicans are fighting for.

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All Comments (5)

  • Diane Benjamin

    #FireBoehner GOP has controlled the House for 2 years - deficits AREN'T addressed, raising taxes on rich accomplishes nothing! We need conservative leadership in the House and Senate who can convey conservative values - not play to the Presidents class warfare.


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  • Scott Downer

    Under the Constitution .. Government can not Borrow money if a War is not been declared * they have to sell Bonds.stock, or Gold .. No war = no Credit No Budget..this is to Protect the Peoples money so Government was not to get to big to Control under the Constitution..As of January 2011, foreigners owned $4.45 trillion of U.S. debt, or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public of $9.49 trillion. Do you want to be owned by Communist Country"s ?


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  • Yvette Cox

    You're absolutely right!


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    in reply to likeaks(Show the comment)
  • likeaks

    I have to admit, the Democrats are very successful (even though they hate success) at staying on message, utilizing opportunity, and demonizing the Republican Party. It's time for our tired and worn-out Republican Leadership to step down. We don't have to abandon our principles, we just need a better message with better Leadership that can connect with people. We need to demand Term Limits as a first step to eliminating the corruption.


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  • KRoseVideo

    The Great Obama Train Wreck is coming !!!!


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