
112912 Sen. Rand Paul floor speech in defense of the Sixth Amendment

SenatorRandPaulSenatorRandPaul·280 videos
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Published on Nov 29, 2012

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  • rickyricardo21

    He should have ended that by saying "...mother f****ers."


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  • Jiong Gao

    Wow, he speaks a lot like Ron Paul...


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All Comments (137)

  • JerokTerojokke

    NDAA 2013 is not the same as NDAA 2012. It does not contain the indefinite detention part.


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    in reply to timbo465(Show the comment)
  • krissmith1986

    Read it...


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    in reply to lolmao500(Show the comment)
  • timbo465

    Then he voted yes on the NDAA 2013 bill.


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  • QuanticIllusion

    It's not only Libya, but his support for increases in foreign aid, his very close association with known neoconservatives McCain, Graham and Lieberman along with his strong and open criticism of anyone who disagrees with him on this, that makes him a full-on neoconservative.


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    in reply to 21brandonking(Show the comment)
  • omnifur




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  • omnifur

    3 cheers for Rand Paul!


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  • JDBurnZ3

    without trial by jury :D


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    in reply to lolmao500(Show the comment)
  • 21brandonking

    ok but you didnt answer my neocon question


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    in reply to QuanticIllusion(Show the comment)
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