The PJ Tatler

Patrick Poole


December 6, 2012 - 5:29 pm

Back on Sunday I broke the news here at PJ Media of the arrest of Abdullatif Aldosary in connection with the bombing of a Social Security Administration office in Casa Grande, Arizona, last Friday morning. I noted that while the bombing and Aldosary’s arrest had received local news coverage, there was a virtual blackout by the national media on the Iraqi refugee’s identity.

Yesterday I reported on details provided to the federal court on Monday during Aldosary’s initial court hearing, which included information on what was found when the FBI conducted a search of his Coolidge, Arizona, home last Friday night. Among the items recovered was a bomb-making manual that had been hidden behind a photograph on the wall. Also discovered were an AK-47 and a 9mm Ruger handgun, along with more than a thousand rounds of ammunition. Kerry Picket at the Washington Times also reported that they recovered several gallons of chemicals typically used in bomb making.

When authorities checked Aldosary’s bank statements, they found he had more than $20,000 despite the fact that he was a convicted felon, only worked as a day laborer, and had no visible means of supporting himself sufficient to warrant having that kind of balance.

But a bombshell report came out today based on information obtained by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), who had received a request from Aldosary in November 2011 for assistance in obtaining a “green card.”

According to today’s news report, the Department of Homeland Security responded to Gosar’s request on behalf of Aldosary last year by saying that he was ineligible for a change in status because of “terrorism-related grounds of inadmissibility”:

Gosar said DHS responded by saying Aldosary was not eligible for a permanent change to citizenship “pursuant to the terrorism-related grounds of inadmissibility, and that “individuals who engage in terrorism-related activity … are barred from receiving various immigration benefits.”

DHS did not elaborate on what the activity was. Gosar wrote that to be barred from permanent status, under federal law the immigrant must have engaged in activity “indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity; to prepare or plan a terrorist activity; to gather information on potential targets for terrorist activity” or belong to “a terrorist organization” among other actions.

In light of the Casa Grande bombing, Gosar questioned why Aldosary was not detained and processed for deportation in November 2011, after it was determined he had engaged in terrorism-related activity.

The bombing happened about a block away from Gosar’s office.

“But for the grace of God, no one was injured in the bombing,” Gosar wrote.

Gosar also asked what efforts were made to track and monitor “a known terrorist.”

Gosar sent a letter to Homeland Security yesterday raising concerns about Aldosary being ruled ineligible for citizenship, but then not being detained and processed for deportation. Among the questions Gosar has asked DHS are:

1) Why wasn’t a known terrorist detained and deportation proceedings initiated once DHS concluded he was engaging in terrorism-related activity?

2) What efforts were made to track and monitor a known terrorist in Arizona?

3) Did DHS inform local law enforcement about this potential threat?

4) Was DHS aware of Mr. Aldosary’s prior criminal record?

5) What is the time frame to arrest and deport a resident alien once the DHS determines he or she has engaged in terrorism related activity?

All fair questions to ask. We’ll keep you informed about this case as developments warrant.

Patrick Poole is a national security and terrorism correspondent for PJMedia. Follow me on Twitter.

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20 Comments, 12 Threads, 11 Trackbacks

  1. 1. softunderbelly

    If you’re expecting anything more than shuck and jive from our “protectors”, you’re in for a rude shock.

  2. 2. Standing Wolf

    …Gosar questioned why Aldosary was not detained and processed for deportation in November 2011, after it was determined he had engaged in terrorism-related activity.

    I can think of two likely explanations:

    1.) The Department of Homeland Security considered him an asset, a source of valuable information that can’t be referred to in greater detail because it’s a national security matter under current investigation.

    2.) He was on a waiting list for a position high in the State Department.

  3. 3. Gus

    In other news, The Reverend Al Sharpton ows over 5000’000 in back taxes to the IRS. And John Corozine, Democrat hasn’t,t yet been charged in the theft of over a billion and a half dollars of his investors money. You see, we have rules here in federal prison, he who has the gold, makes the rules. I hope you appreciate all that the federal government is doing for you. And remember to vote Democrat.

  4. 4. Alert

    First the White House, then State Department, now DHS has turned into an Al-Qaeda Sleeper Cell.

  5. 5. Buffalobob

    Big Sis, “the system worked”.

  6. 6. Emma

    Aw, gee. Isn’t the Congressman cute. Acting all aware and stuff.

    The phrase “too little, too late” applies 24/7……

    Give me a break.

    • Rob Crawford

      Aw, isn’t the sarcasm endearing?

      What would you have him do?

  7. 7. urbanleftbehind

    Did he come in through the front door or the back door?

  8. 8. lol

    lol not like anyone here cares about the actual truth, but lots of people are denied adjustment (actually I think the proper term is held in abeyance)awaiting a final determination by the Secretary of DHS…INA 212(a)(3)(B) is the section of the law for those so inclined. also many more immigrants are tagged under this section after 9/11 as the “material support” section was broadened…so it could be as simple as one gave money to say the Bangladesh Awami League (who are a legitimate party now, but in the 70′s participated in the overthrow of the government…)

    If the US thinks the immigrant is enough of a security threat they are detained, if not they are put on hold until DHS can investigate their groups current status…Rep. Gosar knows this, but hey politicians going politic…also was this for “adjustment of status to Lawful Permanent Resident” or for citizenship…FWIW its most common with Asylee’s adjusting to LPR status

    • jarmo

      Response from DHS – “individuals who engage in terrorism-related activity … are barred from receiving various immigration benefits.”

      The magic word here is “engage”, not “support”. So, this is a guy we want walking around free? Oh, he is a Muslim. What “Homeland Security”? Is this a joke? You’re being very lackadaisical about this. Oh, that’s right. This guy was no threat. It’s the Tea Party that are the real threat.

    • Tionico

      if what yhou mention is ALL there is to see, I might at least concede you’ve a point worthy of further investigation. However… given the OTHER facts brought to light in the article, it does seem more than suspicious that Jannie and her pals are asleep at the wheel, or, even worse, wilfully complicit. The FBI certainly had this guy on their radar. When it comes to light just WHAT his “disqualifying activity” was, we’ll have to see what jig the Jan Unit will dance to THAT tune. I don’t trust her farther than I could throw her, and she’s far too big for anyone to throw far.

  9. 9. Rik

    I guess Bob Costas and the media was too busy excoriating the American public about their love of guns in the wake of a drunk’n jock killing his girlfriend to worry about an illegal alien with possible Muslim ties bombing a building. Nothing to see here.

  10. 10. Anonymous

    1)hy wasn’t a known terrorist detained and deportation proceedings initiated once DHS concluded he was engaging in terrorism-related activity?
    A: He has been implanted with an identity microchip that allows for effective tracking, like the ones used for pets and anti-shoplifitng. This makes him a defacto canary. Probably a presidential finding behind this.

    2) What efforts were made to track and monitor a known terrorist in Arizona?
    A: Officially, nothing was done to track him. Unofficially, the microchip.

    3) Did DHS inform local law enforcement about this potential threat?
    A: No, because Jan Brewer and Sheriff Arpaio are on BHO’s Enemies List.

    4) Was DHS aware of Mr. Aldosary’s prior criminal record?
    A: Probably yes, like the US Army “knew” about the Fort Hood jihadist.

    5) What is the time frame to arrest and deport a resident alien once the DHS determines he or she has engaged in terrorism related activity?
    A: If they donate to BHO’s favorite charity, the time scale is 100 years.

    Just my opinion..

  11. 11. figmo

    Working for the government is about the only place you can cause a major f-up and not get fired. That’s why we have so many major f-ups working for the government.

  12. 12. susanm


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