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Thursday, October 4, 2012

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In this IssueAUL asks “What Don’t You Know” about Planned Parenthood in a special October roll out; AUL’s legal team files FOUR amicus briefs in life cases; and the power of the life issue is explored in this election.

A look behind the facade
of Planned Parenthood


Above: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, pro-abortion activist Sandra Fluke,
and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.


AUL rolls out The Planned Parenthood Exhibits: The Continuing Case for Investigating the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider

What don’t you know about the nation’s largest abortion provider which enjoys the favor of the Obama Administration and continued Federal funding? This month, AUL will roll out continuing EXHIBITS in the on-going case against PLANNED PARENTHOOD, detailing the true behavior of the political powerhouse that has worked diligently “behind the scenes” to integrate pro-abortion and anti-First Amendment policies into federal and state laws. 

October marks the 96th Birthday of Planned Parenthood. And with the hyperbole of a politically manufactured “war on women” marking the election, it is a good time to consider just what happens to women who experience Planned Parenthood’s “services,” and just what those services are costing American taxpayers. 

Up first: An overview from AUL President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest looking at the events that began with the July 2011 release of AUL’s THE CASE FOR INVESTIGATING PLANNED PARENTHOOD and precipitated an ongoing Congressional investigation of the abortion mega-provider.

Exhibit 1: Learn more about the political favor enjoyed by Planned Parenthood and the political maneuvering that has kept taxpayer money flowing.

Exhibit 2: Learn more about the scope of Planned Parenthood’s abortion business, raking in at least $99 million a year.

Exhibit 3: Learn more about Planned Parenthood efforts to maintain the U.S. position as 1 of 4 nations in the world with the most radical pro-abortion policies.

To learn more, click here.


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Americans United for Life’s Legal Team Goes to Court in Four Key Amicus Brief Filings in October


Above: AUL's Legal Team

October will also be a landmark month for AUL’s legal team as we file four, strategic amicus curiae briefs, making the case that women’s lives and our First Amendment freedoms deserve greater protection under the law. 

“For more than 40 years, AUL has been defending vulnerable unborn children and their mothers in strategic court cases,” said AUL President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest, “and we know that someday this will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.”

In the briefs to be filed this month, AUL attorneys will: 

Seek to protect the First Amendment freedoms of healthcare providers and all Americans;

Argue in favor of regulations protecting the health and safety of women who are given abortion-inducing drugs;

Advocate for a 20-week abortion limitation that protects women from the risks inherent in this dangerous procedure; and

Address the issue of life-ending drugs being mislabeled as “contraception” in the healthcare law.

To read more, click here.

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Join AUL’s October 10th Webcast on the
Historic Arizona 20-Week Abortion Limitation

On October 10, 2012, AUL will file an amicus curiae brief on behalf of national medical organizations in support of Arizona’s “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a limitation on abortion at and after 20-weeks’ gestation based on the risk to women and the pain felt by an unborn child. Arizona became the first state in the nation to enact this limitation, which is currently being challenged in the 9th Circuit. Join AUL’s President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest, along with Arizona State Representative Kimberly Yee and AUL Senior Counsel Clarke Forsythe, to discuss the impact of this historic case on the Supreme Court’s abortion doctrine. 

Date: October 10, 2012

Time: 5:00pm EST / 4:00pm CST / 3:00pm MDT / 2:00pm PDT

To register, click here.


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The Associated Press notes Dr. Yoest’s Concerns for the
future of the Supreme Court

Charmaine Yoest 

Earlier in this election cycle, AUL detailed the TOP FIVE life issues at play in this election. National AP correspondent David Crary, in a widely picked up analysis, talked with AUL’s Dr. Yoest (above) about a key issue that should be receiving more attention.

“The next president - Obama or Romney - could have huge influence over the future of abortion policy if vacancies arise on the Supreme Court. For example, if two seats held by liberal justices were vacated and filled by Romney-nominated conservatives, prospects for a reversal of Roe v. Wade would increase,” wrote Crary.

"That's bigger than everything else combined, because of the long-term consequences," Dr. Yoest observed during the interview.

AULA is engaged in an innovative, on-line effort to register people to vote and to activate the pro-life community. People can create their own avatars to join with other pro-life Americans, and each week, new celebrity avatars will join the cause. 

This week that includes Penny Nance (President & CEO of Concerned Women for America), Rep. Randy Hultgren, Rep. Dan Lipinski, and Melinda Delahoyde (President of Care Net):



Follow the efforts at #TeamLife, or click here to create your own avatar and join the effort to make your vote count for a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law.


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ph 202.289.1478