
The Agenda is Nevada's premier source for political commentary, bringing informed opinions about the issues affecting you. With Elizabeth Crum from the right and Hugh Jackson from the left, this is The Agenda.

The Agenda keeps you up to date with commentary on the hottest political issues from both sides of the political spectrum every Monday through Friday at 12:30 p.m.

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Hugh Jackson, Co-Host of The Agenda
Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson, co-host of The Agenda, is also the publisher of the Las Vegas Gleaner political blog, a veteran journalist and a former analyst for national and Nevada progressive public interest organizations.
Elizabeth Crum, Co-Host of The Agenda
Elizabeth Crum
Elizabeth Crum, co-host of The Agenda, is also a conservative-libertarian blogger and the publisher and editor of Nevada News Bureau, an independent news service covering state government and politics.

The Agenda

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Updated: 1/03/2012 8:15 am
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Online fan - 1/23/2013 2:42 PM
0 Votes
Joe Heck might find the "other side" more willing to negotiate on the budget if his side would be honest about the facts and stop yammering on their tired talking points. Medicare isn't "going broke" after 2024; if nothing is done it will be able to pay 87% of current benefits. Social security is not "going broke" after 2036; if nothing is done it will be able to pay 75% of benefits. That's not to say we don't need fixes to the programs (like raising benefit eligibility age + earnings cap), and the sooner the better, but the sky isn't falling. See

Grady - 1/23/2013 1:43 PM
0 Votes
I don't see why anyone will need an "assault" rifle either,but we can not ignore that during the 1950,and 60s a person could buy a rifle from the back of a magazine,without any checks of any kind, and have it shipped anywhere including a,and yet crimes involving firearms were a fraction of what they are today.The elephant in the room is that, it is society that has changed the devaluation of human life, political correctness does not allow that discussion to take place it is easier to attack guns,and those who own them.Television like it or not, the primery influence on society is loaded with violence,profanity,permiscuesness,and just playing vulgar behavior.Anyone bored enough to watch any of the housewives shows can attest to that.The survivor shows are all about cheating,lying,and betrayal win at any cost.In the 1970s drug use became "cool" drugs are still the cause of most of the gun violence. The use of the F word has become a favorite verb preceding the start of almost every thought,and used even by the VP of the US.They are no longer any bounderies, I believe it goes to the lack of teaching Christian values on which this country was founded on.In Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov",three brothers set out to find the source of evil,when they finally figure it out one of the brothers exclaims "without GOD everything is allowed!".We are well on our way to becoming a Godless society.

Grady - 1/23/2013 12:44 PM
0 Votes
GOD bless Jim Rodgers,and News 3 the best news source in town, for their support of UMC.When I hear uninformed people speak of closing UMC, Oscar Wilde comes to mind. Yes Oscar Wilde "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it".

Grady - 1/18/2013 10:44 PM
0 Votes
Julie, the LDS church may currently hold the position of no tolerance towards bigamy,but that hasn't always been the case and you should know that. Romney called himself a "Mormon" during the campaign at various times. The LDS church has rewritten its history on many occations to adjust to the times,it was not until 1978 that black folks were allowed in the church under pressure from the Carter administration. The LDS historian (during the presidential campaign) in a interview with Brian Williams claimed not to have known the reason why black folks were not permitted, he simply lied. I know why and it is not pretty, that is why the historian took the easy way out. This is not a forum to discuss the LDS church and its controversial views so I won't but for you to pretend that bigamy does not exist in light of recent events like the arrest and conviction of Warren Jeffs a Mormon leader for various crimes against young women which included bigamy charges it's just outrageous.By the way I know what excommunicated means.

Grady - 1/18/2013 1:27 PM
0 Votes
Part of what is wrong with the children today is the degradation of the family,that is actually this nation's greatest problem.Kids growing up in single parent homes,teenage moms, kids raised by grand parents,I have a neighbor a grand mother raising two grand kids by two different mothers her son is not involve the mothers none existand.People are willing to make the greatest of all commitments to bring a new life into the world but they are unwilling to marry and put in the necessary work,I have a friend, a teacher at a local high school who tells me that during open night not a single parent showed up in his classroom not one.We think we can legislate our way out of everything when are we going to learn that values, morality,faith,respect, love of country, and ethics start at home but what do you do when there are no longer any homes.

Julie - 1/18/2013 1:26 PM
0 Votes
Grady, Do your homework. "mormons" do not practice bigamy. If any member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who are often referred to as Mormons, is openly found to be practicing any form of bigamy, they are immediately excommunicated. That means they are kicked out. I don't know if you will find very many other churches that would do that.

Julie - 1/18/2013 1:18 PM
0 Votes
I've often thought the things said by Elizabeth Crum were less than conservative, although she is touted as the co-host from the right. As she was talking to a libertarian today and Hugh Jackson wasn't there, it almost appeared as she was playing devil's advocate. I may have thought that if I hadn't heard her opinions so many times. Her opinions on education sounded very liberal. Just because one child learned how to read at age 3 and was still ahead in third grade doesn't mean that attempting to teach all children early would reap benefits. I heard a piano teacher once say that whether a student started taking piano lessons at age 3 or 8 they were almost always at the same level by age 9 or 10. The reason is that most children are not developmentally ready until age 8 to perform the skills necessary to play the piano. Much of this readiness is exactly the same for reading. I had my two youngest sons home schooled for ll years. Neither one of them read until around age 8 or 10. The oldest is dyslexic, and when he learned to read, it finally just clicked, and one day he wasn't reading and the next day he was. The younger of the two had a chronic terminal illness, and was in and out of the hospital a lot during those preceding years. They both wanted to attend regular high school. One for 2 years the other for one year. They both passed all their proficiency exams on the first try, and they took them in the space of 2 days. They were honor students. I feared being prosecuted for educational neglect, because they were not reading when the "experts" said they needed to be reading. The second thing I wanted to comment on was a statement she made about having to go to the doctor for the basic cold and flu antibiotics. Are you kidding me?!!! That is exactly the problem. People are getting prescriptions for antibiotics when they have a virus which is not affected by antibiotics!!!! Antibiotics do not work on viruses. You are creating SUPERBACTERIA!!

hpiltz40 - 1/11/2013 12:40 PM
0 Votes
By the way Mr. Jackson, Steve Wynn rolls with education. It may not be the UNLV grandious donation. But he is and has donated to our school. Pinecrest Academy of NV.

Grady - 1/7/2013 9:22 AM
0 Votes
Everyone MUST pick up he current issue of Rolling Stone magazine,and read the article on the bail out.Final score Banksters billions tax payers nothing.NEED TO READ!.

Grady - 12/31/2012 7:03 PM
1 Vote
Larry T so all your arguments against Barack Obama don't hold water, now you are going after his dead father,that's a new low even for you Larry T.You really haven't given this a lot of thought you want talk bigamy ROMNEY IS A MORMON!!! bigamy is their middle name,man you really need to get some rest and clear your mind before you write anything again. Featured Pages:
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