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Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 1.23.2009

Posted by mgreene January 23, 2009 11:32AM

Hi Ignition fans! Zach here with another update for you. I have been feeling pretty sore this past week due to our hard-fought game Sunday and our strength and conditioning coach coming in for our weekly session on Tuesday. His name is Jim and he is from the Athletic Republic at Total Soccer in Wixom. He's a great guy but he's not really our favorite person when he is pushing us to work harder! We do a lot of things including but not limited to sprinting, cutting, jumping and core work. Jim always seems to find a way to mix it up so it's not too boring or repetitive. He really pushed us hard in the preseason and I definitely noticed how helpful that was once the season began. Now our sessions aren't quite as long and taxing because we need our bodies to recover quickly for the games, but it is still tough. It all helps a lot in the long run. The soreness goes away by the end of the week and I'll definitely be ready to go by Sunday.

I would like to take a moment to mention that Leo's Coney Island, in Plymouth, is now my official sponsor! I have their emblem on my jersey, so next time you see me play you will have to take a look. We had a team lunch there last year that was great. Some fans of the team even came to eat with us. I had the Reuben sandwich and a brownie sunday for desert. My food was really good and I think everyone enjoyed their meal. There is such a variety of food at Coney islands, it seems like no matter what time of the day it is you can find something appealing.

Last post I gave you some clues about a certain Ignition player. That player is Leo Gibson! He is a great Scrabble player. Somehow he knows all the obscure words that give you lots of points. The only time I heard that someone beat him was last year when our now head coach, Matt Johnson, pulled out a win on the last word. Leo sends home used soccer equipment to his family in Liberia, where they give it out to people who can't always afford to buy it new. He was interviewed at halftime by the Comcast crew after scoring a goal and an assist in the first half.

Sunday we take on New Jersey. Come see the Clash of the Titans! (Check out the video on the website if you haven't already.)

Catch you on the flipside!

Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 1.20.2009

Posted by Zach Wilkes January 20, 2009 09:00AM

Categories: Feature Story

Hello everyone! Another weekend has past and we put another win in the books. It was a very high scoring game. We came out firing, going up 6-0 by the end of the first quarter. Our coaches urged us to keep up the intensity and we did, holding the lead throughout the game. Only the very best of finishing attempts could get past Danny - he was on fire in the goal. Another day at the stadium ends with his screaming and dancing in the locker room.

I hope you all enjoy reading this blog and if you haven't noticed yet, you can make some comments of your own. Seeing as one reader has posted some questions I'll go ahead and take some time to give you some answers. I won't repeat the questions since you can read them yourselves by clicking on the "view comments" link under each section.

The formation we run is basically a 2-2-1. You have two defenders, a midfielder, a forward, and a target. The midfield and forward positions are very similar, though you could consider the players at the midfield position slightly more defensive minded. The target gets down the field quickly to stretch out the space and be the option long. You are always trying to feed the ball to a teammate in space where he can be dangerous, which includes the area in the box, though that is exactly what the opposition is trying to prevent so it is not always possible. If Danny were to get injured during a game we would have to put in a field player at keeper unless we had a backup keeper in the lineup, which we usually do not.

Players do work elsewhere during the season and for many, that entails coaching soccer. Playing is pretty much a full time job so it is tough to do much else while in season. As for the substitution situation, each player is on a "line" with one or two other players at a certain position. When a player leaves the field, the other player or players on the line know who is next to enter the game. Finally, Droo has not been playing because he injured his hamstring in the preseason. He came back in our game at Chicago but re-injured it on his second shift. He definitely wouldn't want to re-injure it again so I think you need to be cautious but hopefully we will have him back soon. I appreciate your interest and hope this info helps with some of your questions. I may not always be able to answer everything you ask but I will do my best.

I will now give some info about a certain Ignition player and another chance to guess who I am talking about.

Here are your clues:
1) This player is an expert at the game of Scrabble.
2) This player sends used soccer equipment to his hometown, where his family gives it out to people who can't always afford to buy it new.
3) This player was interviewed at halftime by the Comcast crew at our most recent home game, after playing a great first half.

Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 1.15.2009

Posted by Zach Wilkes January 15, 2009 09:18AM

Categories: Feature Story

Hi Ignition Fans! I am back after a long but exciting weekend. It was interesting from the start as our travel plans had to be changed at last minute just to get the team to the game on time. Our original flight was cancelled due to the weather. We found another one and ended up making it to the stadium in Milwaukee just thirty minutes before game time. We had a quick warm-up and an important pregame talk from our coach. He told us that there was no room for excuses.

We fought hard in a very physical game and ended up being tied 12-12 at the end of regulation. In overtime we had a free kick just outside the box, towards the corner. Our coach called a timeout and drew up a play. It worked perfectly as Kyt played a ball through the first line of defenders to Josh Rife for a first time strike that hit the back of the net and ended the game. In their pregame talks, the announcers at the stadium had named Josh as one of the "players to watch for" from our team and he definitely made good on their call by finishing at this crucial moment. After the game we went back to the hotel, ate some dinner and got to bed quickly so we could get some rest for our home game against Chicago the next day. The win made the flight home and the rest of the trip a bit more enjoyable.

Sunday we arrived to our home stadium and it was time to play again. We felt the bumps and bruises from the day before but put them out of our mind to concentrate on the game ahead. Our coaches once again let us know that excuses of playing the day before, or whatever they may be, are unacceptable. Once the game starts I forget about all of that anyways and am ready to compete.

We were down at half but scored the next two goals to take the lead. After finishing two more goals while Chicago was playing with a 6th attacker, the game was in hand. Our weekend came to a close with two straight wins - Everyone is feeling great. I'm surprised Danny didn't loose his voice after screaming so much in the locker room after the game. That night a bunch of us went out together and had a great time.

By the way, welcome back Sampson! If you were at the home game I'm sure you noticed him out there. He scored a goal to tie the game and it's not like he is one of the smaller players on the field. Like I told you before, Kyt likes to give players nicknames and Sampson's is "Giant". Anyways, he's been out for a while and it was great to have him back out there!

Talk to you soon,

Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 1.9.2009

Posted by Zach Wilkes January 09, 2009 14:36PM

Categories: Feature Story

Hi guys! I hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year! Mine has been a little rough as I was sick for a couple days, so I spent a short time on the couch in recovery. I actually watched our first home game again since I had it recorded, so I'll just consider it a personal strategy session.

The energy level at training has been high all week. I expect it to stay that way for the rest of the season, partially due to a new addition in our locker room. That addition is a board that our coaches have set up, where we keep track of each player's practice game wins and losses for the week. After training each day, next to your name, you mark an X if you lost and a check if you won. The next week, during our game tape review session, the players who were on the losing end of the spectrum go and get bagels for the whole team to share. The bagels are a nice little incentive, though the real satisfaction comes from having a winning record for the week. In the case that a player goes undefeated, they definitely take the time to let everyone else know about it. In the rare occurrence that a player goes winless, everyone else will be sure to let them hear it about to an even greater extent. The intensity level at our practices is already very high, but this just seems to take it to the next level. I have been sick, so I missed a couple of days, but I'll let you know right now that I have only put up checks so far. See how it works? It's fun to let everyone know when you are doing well!

Our week of practice is coming to a close and we are eager for the weekend to arrive. It will be a busy one since we have two games. Our first is away against Milwaukee. I am definitely looking forward to seeing them again since we fell short in our first game at their place. Our second game is at HOME against Chicago. We won our first home game in overtime, which was exciting, but hopefully we won't make it that close this time. We definitely appreciate your support and would love to see you at the game!


Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 12.30.2008

Posted by Zach Wilkes December 30, 2008 17:32PM

Categories: Feature Story

Hello Ignition fans! This is Zach Wilkes here again to give you some team news. We are back from our trip to Chicago where we played a fairly good game overall but did not come out with the victory. After controlling the majority of play, we failed to capitalize on enough of our chances. Our coaches have told us many times that the game is often won in the box. Winning the battles near the goal is what the game came down to, and we came up short.

The time away is a good chance to get to know each other and it brings us closer together as a team. We all went out to eat in Chicago the night before our game and had a nice dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. My roommate for the trip was defender Wes Sechrist. He is new to the team this year but has a good amount of experience as a professional. He shared some stories with me about previous teams he has played on, and expressed how much he enjoys the team and the time he has spent here. When you respect and appreciate your teammates as much as we all do, it shows in your play. You play not only for yourself, but for everyone around you.

Now we have to get back to practice and work even harder to improve the areas of the game where we have been lacking. This week of practice will be slightly shorter than usual due to the holidays but there is no game this weekend so we still have a good amount of practice time before our next game.

Last time I gave you some info about a certain Ignition player. That player is Kyt Selaidopoulos! He likes to use funny nicknames for many of the players on the team, speaks three languages, and has played for the Ignition since the first season. Great job if you guessed right!

Before I go I would like to say congratulations to player/assistant coach Droo Callahan! He raced home Saturday night to be with his wife for the birth of their second daughter Lindsay!

I'll be back with more news after the holiday weekend, have a Happy New Year!


Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes - 12.26.2008

Posted by Zach Wilkes December 26, 2008 14:57PM

Categories: Feature Story

Hi everyone! This is Zach and I'm back again to give you a quick update before the weekend. I hope you all are having a great holiday season! With all the snow we have been getting lately I wanted to go snowboarding, skiing or sledding but haven't been able to yet. Hopefully you have taken advantage. I did get to have dinner with my family and open some presents but now it is back to business.

Our shortened week of practice is coming to an end and we have been doing all we can to prepare for the weekend. After going over game tape with the coaches, our team is continuing to iron out the areas of our game that need improvement. We hope to keep the momentum from our win last Saturday going this weekend in Chicago. As you would expect, it's always a little tougher to play away rather than at home. You have to deal with the trip out there, the stay in a hotel and then playing in a stadium you are not completely familiar with. The hotel stay isn't bad but it's not home. Obviously having the home crowd cheering against you doesn't help either.

A couple players that couldn't play last weekend should be back this game so that should give us some added motivation. It is tough to sit on the sidelines and watch while your teammates are out there battling, so I'm sure they are itching to get back and make an impact.

Once again this week I'll give you some info on a certain Ignition player and you can do your best to guess who I am talking about.

Here are your clues:
1) This player has or will come up with a funny nickname for every player on the team.
2) This player speaks three different languages: French, Greek, and English.
3) This player has been on the team since the inaugural season in 2006

Can you guess this player?
Wes Sechrist - Nate Craft - Worteh Sampson - Kyt Selaidopoulos

Ignition Insider with Zach Wilkes

Posted by Zach Wilkes December 23, 2008 10:02AM

Categories: Feature Story

Hello again Ignition fans! This is Zach, back for an update on Ignition news. We have our first win under our belts and are looking to make it a habit. It wasn't an easy win, and I'm sure you were holding your breath along with the rest of our team. The goal by Mack to tie it up with just seconds remaining gave us momentum and in overtime the game was ours. It was a great win, and was Danny Waltman's 100th career victory and Matt Johnson's first as a head coach. It was awesome for everyone to pull together and perform well, despite injuries to some key players on the team.

After the game the team went out together to celebrate at Doc's Sport Retreat. All of the food was really good but my favorite was the French Onion soup. After some laughs and dinner table tricks we called it a night and I went home to rest up. By the way #2 on our team, Tino Scicluna, can do some pretty interesting magic tricks with a toothpick that I still don't completely understand.

Monday was our first practice of the week and we hit a high intensity level as usual. We won this past weekend but now is not the time to be content with ourselves. We need to keep working to get closer to our potential as a team. Practice starts with some technical work and moves on to some game situation/playing time, and ends with some fitness training. We are in good physical shape but can only look to improve. A few times in the last game I didn't have time to sub and got stuck on the field for some long shifts, so I need to be ready if that happens again. No time to rest on the field in such a fast paced game!

Last time I gave you some clues about a certain Ignition player and gave you a chance to guess who I was talking about. If you missed last week, go back and check it out before reading the next sentence! The player I gave you clues about is Ryan Mack! He was my roommate on our trip Milwaukee, wears white game shoes, played college soccer at Indiana University (colors are red and white), and hit a huge bicycle kick in practice last week. Good Job if you guessed correctly! If not, don't worry, I'll give you another one next time.

Happy Holidays!



Posted by mgreene December 20, 2008 11:00AM

Categories: Game Headlines

Victory is netminder Danny Waltman's 100th career win

Plymouth, Mich. (Dec. 20, 2008) - The Detroit Ignition (1-1) pulled out an overtime win over the New Jersey Ironmen (0-2) in the club's home opener at Compuware Arena tonight. The victory is starting goalkeeper Danny Waltman's 100th career win.

Detroit led for most of the game, but fell behind by four points with five minutes remaining. Indoor soccer veteran Drew Crawford, making his Ignition debut, put the team within two at 12:15. Midfielder Ryan Mack scored the tying goal with just six seconds to play that sent the game into overtime.

Mack went on to score the winning goal just over three minutes into overtime, a two-pointer off an assist from team captain Kyt Selaidopoulos.

The Ignition return to action on Saturday, December 27 against the Chicago Storm at the Sears Centre.

Player Blog from Zach Wilkes

Posted by Zach Wilkes December 18, 2008 10:34AM

Categories: Feature Story
Zach Wilkes

Hello Ignition fans! This is Zach Wilkes, a second year defender with the team. I am 25 years old, grew up in Dearborn, and I have lived in Michigan all my life.
I'll be here all season to give you guys some "info from the inside". I'll keep you up to date on everything from practices and games to player stories and anything interesting that comes about. First I would just like to say how great it is to be back this year. After getting knocked out of the playoffs in the semi-finals last year, I am really looking forward to getting out there and playing again. Though our actual preseason was short this year, many of us having been playing and conditioning together for a while. We have been working hard and I know it will pay off in the long run.

Our first game was in Milwaukee and we didn't come away with the win but we learned from it. After a strong start to the game, our execution of the game plan became poor and we paid the price. Our coaches know a lot about the game and have shown us this week where we need to improve to be successful. With such a strong team, we will be hard to beat once we get it right. I'm definitely looking forward to the next game so we can show everyone what we can do and the best part is that it's a home game. You better be there!

Before I go I'll give you a little something to think about for next week. I will give you a few clues about a certain Ignition player, and then you can try and guess who I am talking about. I'll give you the answer next time.

Here are your clues:
1) This player was my roommate for our first trip of the year to Milwaukee, and wears white game shoes.
2) This player previously played for a team whose colors are red and white.
3) This player hit a huge bicycle kick in practice last week, that could have received a "practice goal of the year" award, but Danny was there to make the save (of course).

Can you guess this player?
Mike Apple - Ryan Mack - Leo Gibson - Vahid Assadpour.

Check back next week for the answer!

Until next time,


First Person Account - Writer tries out for the Ignition

Posted by mgreene December 01, 2008 08:34AM

Categories: Feature Story

By Pete Cunningham

Last week, I tried out for a professional indoor soccer team. The Detroit Ignition - of the Xtreme Soccer League - held open tryouts at High Velocity Sports in Canton, Sat., Nov. 15. Anyone with $50 and soccer shoes had a chance to be a pro soccer player, and, after more than three hours of grueling play, I was one of 20 invited back for a second look this past weekend.

In addition to being invited to the next round of tryouts, coach Matt Johnson invited us to the two-hour informal training sessions Monday through Thursday of last week. The practices were mostly scrimmaging, only it wasn't just players trying to make the team who showed up. Ignition players, ex-professionals and players from another local pro team - Detroit Waza - were among the attendees.

Very few players from the open tryout took advantage of Johnson's invite, and halfway through the first practice I almost wished I hadn't. After playing well at the open tryout, a part of me thought my ultimate goal of making the Ignition may not be so far fetched. Monday's practice was a rude awakening.

- -

After a brief warm up, we break into two teams of seven - no goalies, no substitutions - and put 15 minutes on the clock. It was clear right away that this group was infinitely more talented than the tryout crop. Every pass is pinpoint. Nobody takes two touches when one is needed, and every shot is a rocket, rarely missing the mark. Also, the pace at which the players move is incredible. I'm not in bad shape, but these guys never tire.

The opposition soon realizes I'm a chink my team's armor and exploit the weakness. An exorbitant amount of passes are sent toward whomever I'm covering, and I become physically and mentally fatigued. Tracking forwards is tiring, and, when they score - which is often - my confidence takes a hit. I begin second guessing myself on offense as well resulting in turnovers and more blows to the ego. Plus, my relative ineptitude begins to anger my ubercompetitive teammates. These guys are pros. They didn't get where they are by taking losing lightly. Never have I wanted a practice to end so badly. After four sessions, the final buzzer finally sounds. I've played longer before, but never at such a high level. After an hour that feels like four, I can barely stand.

The rest of the week wasn't as bad. More people show up which at least means there are substitutions. Still, most aren't of the tryout crowd and I remain on the low end of the skill ladder. At Tuesday's practice I juke a defender near the goal-side boards and feed a streaking teammate at the top of the penalty area. He buries the goal and my confidence takes a temporary spike. It's quickly dashed when an opposing player accosts his teammates for allowing me to sneak by.

"How could you let that guy get through?" screams Ryan Mack, veteran Ignition midfielder. He isn't upset by the goal itself as much as he is that I had any part of it. Mack won two national titles at Indiana University and he approaches every minute of practice as if the third is on the line. "No way he should be able to get through here. No way."

- -

Of course I'm not the only one trying out who comes to the practices. I quickly befriend Oscar Grimaldo. A 27-year-old brick-paver from Wixom, this is Grimaldo's third time trying out for the Ignition. He says it will be his last.

"I want to give it one more shot, see if I can do it. It's not about money, it's about proving to myself I can do it," says Grimaldo. Last year he made it all the way through the two-week training camp before being released.

"Last year I would come and train until about noon, then go to work, get home around 9, then wake up and do it again. And this is like manual labor. It was exhausting, but, you know, I've got a wife and family to support." says the father of two. He's taking time off of work this year to dedicate himself to making the team in hopes the extra rest might give him the edge he needs.

Wes Giachetti is another regular at the practices. The 22-year-old Florida native wasn't at the open tryout, but was one of the 15 or so specially invited by the team for the second weekend. Giachetti tried out for the Chicago Storm earlier in the month. Chicago had enough keepers on their roster, so they told him about Detroit where the Ignition only have one signed.

After speaking with Johnson, Giachetti packed up everything he owns and headed north three weeks ago. He never played indoors in Florida (why would he?), so he's still adjusting to the nuances of the game. Will he adjust soon enough?

- -

After playing with the Ignition all week, Saturday's tryout feels like slow motion. Everything that went wrong during the week was falling into place at the tryout. Despite my perceived success, I was the last of eight names read on the cut list Saturday. Sunday saw 20 more casualties. All of us knew making the Ignition was a longshot. Nonetheless, falling short of a goal is never easy.

Twelve players were invited to the two-week training camp, which begins Dec. 1. Johnson says maybe one will make the 15-man roster, while two or three may be signed as developmental players. Giachetti and Girmaldo were among the 12 asked back as was Brian Alenky, the Belmont Abbey College student who, along with his friend Guy Garguilo, made the 12-hour drive from North Carolina for a second time this weekend. Alenky will travel alone next week.

"It kind of sucks because me and Guy really wanted to do this together," says Alenky. He's proud to have made it past another round of cuts, but knows his greatest tests still lie ahead. Alenky, like Giachetti, is a keeper. The team might keep one of them, but definitely won't keep both.

"I know there's nothing I can do but come out and play well. It's day-by-day," says Giachetti. "It's difficult, not knowing where I'll be next. Can't really control anything at this point. Just gotta keep playing."


Posted by Michelle Greene November 25, 2008 11:14AM

Categories: Breaking News

Club re-signs trio of veterans for 2008-09 XSL season

SOUTHFIELD (Nov. 24, 2008) -The Detroit Ignition have agreed to terms with forward Leo Gibson and defenders Josh Rife and Zach Wilkes, the club announced today. All three players were members of the 2007-08 Ignition team, while Rife has played in Detroit since the inaugural season in 2006. As per club policy, the financial terms of the agreements were not disclosed.

Rife, a native of Honolulu, ranked second on the Ignition in blocks last year with 28 over 29 regular season games. He played collegiate soccer at Indiana University, and has played for the United Soccer League's Charlotte Eagles since 2003.

Wilkes enters his second professional indoor season this year after graduating from Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan. He netted his first goal with the team on April 5, 2008 against the Baltimore Blast, a score that helped the Ignition lock up a one-point victory for the regular season title.

Gibson tallied four goals in four regular-season games for the Ignition, including a hat trick against the California Cougars on March 22, 2008. Gibson, a native of Monrovia, Liberia, has also played for the United Soccer League's Minnesota Thunder for the past three seasons.


Posted by Michelle Greene October 28, 2008 08:19AM

Categories: Breaking News

Trio of veteran players scored nearly 150 combined points last season

SOUTHFIELD (Oct. 24, 2008) - The Detroit Ignition have agreed to terms with forward Mike Apple and midfielders Miodrag Djerisilo and Ryan Mack, the club announced today. Per club policy, financial terms of the agreements were not disclosed.

Mack was the Ignition's third-leading scorer in the 2007-08 Major Indoor Soccer League regular season, tallying 66 points in 28 games. During the playoffs, he scored three goals for Detroit - a number which ranked him first on the team in post-season scoring. The Birmingham, Michigan native was named Big Ten Conference Player of the Year in 2000 while playing collegiate soccer at Indiana University.

Apple enters his eighth professional indoor soccer season this year, after spending the off-season representing the United States at the FIFA Futsal World Cup. He tallied 33 points with 13 two-point goals and 7 assists during the 2007-08 season for the Ignition, and netted a pair of goals in the 2008 playoffs. Apple, a three-year Ignition veteran, hails from Akron, Ohio.

Djerisilo, an original member of the 2006-07 Ignition squad, spent last season in Orlando where he led the Sharks in scoring with 48 points. A native of Belgrade, Serbia, he began his professional indoor career in 2002 with the Kansas City Comets. Prior to coming to the United States, Djerisilo played for the Italian club Pescara of Serie B.


Posted by Michelle Greene October 17, 2008 14:01PM

Categories: Breaking News
Matt Johnson

Droo Callahan to serve as player/assistant coach

(Southfield, Mich., October 17, 2008) - The Detroit Ignition have named veteran defender Matt Johnson Head Coach, the club announced today. Johnson has been a member of the Ignition since its inaugural 2006-07 campaign, and has served as the club's assistant coach for two seasons. Brighton resident Droo Callahan will step into Johnson's former role as player/assistant coach. Per club policy, financial terms of the agreements were not disclosed.

"Matt has brought an invaluable amount of leadership to our team over the past two seasons," Ignition Vice President of Business Operations Lindsey Gamrod said. "He has a great coaching mind and relates well to the players, and we're thrilled to welcome him into this new position."

Johnson began his professional indoor soccer career with the San Diego Sockers in 2002-03. He ranked fifth on the Ignition last season in blocks with 21. The defender scored a pair of two-point goals and notched two assists in 28 regular-season games. Johnson, who played collegiate soccer for the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, resides in Canton with his wife, Katie.

"I'm very excited - it's a great opportunity for me," Johnson said. "I'm looking forward to continuing the winning tradition that's developed over the past two years here in Detroit."

Callahan, an active member of the Michigan soccer community, represented Detroit on the All-MISL (Major Indoor Soccer League) First Team after posting 62 blocks during the 2007-08 season. He ranked fourth on the team in scoring last season with 62 points, and scored a franchise-high six three-point goals during 30 regular season games. Callahan, who was a member of the now-defunct Detroit Rockers from 1998-2001, resides in Brighton with his wife, Amy and daughter, Allison.


Posted by Michelle Greene October 07, 2008 10:19AM

Categories: Breaking News

(Southfield, Mich., October 6, 2008) - The Detroit Ignition have agreed to terms with goalkeeper Danny Waltman, forward Worteh Sampson, and midfielders Vahid Assadpour and Kyt Selaidopoulos, the club announced today. Per club policy, the financial terms of the agreements were not disclosed.

Waltman, the Ignition's starting keeper in the 2007-08 Major Indoor Soccer League season, posted a league-leading save percentage with a .744 mark during the regular season. He led the MISL in wins and was selected to the All-MISL Second Team. The 27-year old netminder played collegiate soccer at University of Washington.

Sampson, a native of Monrovia, Liberia, enters his third professional indoor soccer season this year. He tallied 42 points during the 2007-08 regular season with 14 goals and 14 assists. Sampson played collegiate soccer for Madonna University, and was named Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference Player of the Year in 2003.

Assadpour finished his first professional indoor season with the Ignition last year after being acquired by the club in the 2007 Amateur Draft. The University of Detroit graduate led the Ignition's 2007-08 rookie class with 15 points over 21 regular season games.

Selaidopoulos, acquired by the Ignition in the 2006 Expansion Draft, tied for first in the MISL in game-winning goals with 5 during the 2007-08 regular season. Selaidopoulos, originally from Montreal, Quebec, will begin his fifth professional indoor soccer season this year.


Posted by Michelle Greene September 29, 2008 16:01PM

Categories: Breaking News

Detroit and Milwaukee kick off inaugural Xtreme Soccer League season Dec. 13

(Southfield, Mich., September 26, 2008) - The Detroit Ignition will kick off the 2008-09 season on Saturday, December 13 when they face Milwaukee Wave at U.S. Cellular Arena. The match-up, the first-ever in the Xtreme Soccer League, features two teams who ended their last seasons in the Major Indoor Soccer League with a 22-8 record - Detroit held the tiebreaker over Milwaukee and came away with the Regular Season Championship. The inaugural XSL weekend also includes the New Jersey Ironmen hosting the Chicago Storm on Sunday, Dec. 14.

XSL teams play a 20-game regular season from December through early April of 2009. Rules remain unchanged from previous seasons, including multiple-point scoring. Fans who cannot travel to the arena will have the games at their finger tips: Efforts are in the works to include live Web streaming of all games and an online fantasy game accessible at www.XtremeSL.net.


(Ignition Home Games in Bold)

December 13: at Milwaukee
December 20: vs. New Jersey, 7:35 pm
January 10: at Milwaukee
January 11: vs. Chicago, 4:35 pm
January 18: vs. Milwaukee, 4:35 pm
January 25: vs. New Jersey, 4:35 pm
February 8: vs. Milwaukee, 4:35 pm

February 15: at Milwaukee
February 18: at New Jersey
February 20: vs. Chicago, 7:35 pm
February 22: at New Jersey
February 28: vs. New Jersey, 7:35 pm
March 1: at Chicago
March 8: vs. New Jersey, 4:35 pm
March 15: at Milwaukee
March 20: vs. Chicago, 7:35 pm
March 22: at Chicago
March 27: at New Jersey
April 3: vs. Milwaukee, 7:35 pm
April 5: at Chicago