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Michigan right-to-work daily debate: What impact will the issue have on the 2014 election?

McNeilly Pohl.jpg

By Meegan Holland | mholland@mlive.com

December 13, 2012, 12:00PM
Every day this week Greg McNeilly and Zack Pohl debate a question concerning right to work. Full story »
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Question of the Day: Are you making an effort to buy locally in Jackson this holiday shopping season?


By Brian Wheeler | bwheele1@mlive.com

December 13, 2012, 10:01AM
Buy-local advocates have long touted the economic and social benefits of buying from home-grown merchants. Does that matter to you when you're shopping? Full story »
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Guest column: 'Freedom to work' puts Michigan back on path to economic prosperity

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By Jen Eyer | jeyer@mlive.com

December 13, 2012, 7:54AM
MLive will hold a live chat with Rep. Mike Shirkey on Friday at noon. Readers may submit their questions in advance, and visit www.mlive.com on Friday to join the live chat. Full story »

Sorry, mom, my governor fooled me on right to work


By Brad Flory | brad@lifeinplaid.com

December 13, 2012, 7:30AM
Animosity unleashed by this battle will taint the political climate in Michigan for years. It will damage or destroy the image of a state returning to stability. Rancor will become the legacy of a governor who talks about "relentless positive action." Full story »

Tim Skubick: Michigan State Police troopers on House floor was much ado about nothing

Lawmakers debate right to work inside House chamber

By Tim Skubick | Politics Columnist for MLive.com

December 13, 2012, 6:07AM
Democrats have filed a Freedom of Information Act to find out who ordered two Michigan State Police troopers on the floor. Full story »

Sara Scott column: Donations down this year for our annual Wish List, but we can change that


By Sara Scott | sscott2@mlive.com

December 13, 2012, 6:00AM
But, honestly, it doesn’t take much to make an impact. The next time you’re at Target or Meijer, pick up some copy paper, sticky notes or markers. Or if you’ve got a great coupon for Kohl’s or Younkers, buy a set of sheets or bath towels. Full story »

Question of the Day: What punishment would have best suited Linda Chase, who didn't report housemate's death for 18 months?

7-11-12: Charles Zigler

By Brian Wheeler | bwheele1@mlive.com

December 12, 2012, 11:06AM
Linda Chase will be placed on probation and must repay some $28,000 in benefits checks she cashed that were intended for her late housemate, Charles Zigler. Full story »
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State Rep. Mike Shirkey turns to national media, social media in push for Michigan's right-to-work legislation

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By Brian Wheeler | bwheele1@mlive.com

December 12, 2012, 9:10AM
Shirkey has been a vocal supporter of right to work since being elected in 2010. The national media are acknowledging his role not only as a bill sponsor, but as a force who kept the issue on the front burner. Full story »
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Paul Keep: The rights and wrongs of Michigan's right-to-work debate


By Paul Keep | pkeep@mlive.com

December 12, 2012, 8:16AM
Paul Keep looks at the right-work debate "as an interested but unaligned observer." Full story »
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Tim Skubick: Democrats will keep beating drum against right to work all the way to 2014

Lawmakers debate right to work inside House chamber

By Tim Skubick | Politics Columnist for MLive.com

December 12, 2012, 7:05AM
It's too much of a battleground issue; right to work will be a sore point for quite a while. Full story »

Letter: Maybe we can finally get back to making laws for good of the country


By Jackson Citizen Patriot staff

December 11, 2012, 1:56PM
Now that the election is finally over, maybe we can get down to the business of being more interested in the good of our country than the success of a political party. Full story »

Question of the Day: Does it make a difference when local governments weigh in on state issues like right to work?


By Brian Wheeler | bwheele1@mlive.com

December 11, 2012, 10:10AM
Does it matter to you what local governments have to say about the action in Lansing? Do you think it influences state lawmakers? Full story »
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A word from the self-promoting CEO of Amalgamated Plaid


By Brad Flory | brad@lifeinplaid.com

December 11, 2012, 8:00AM
When I entered the business, the idea of self-promotion by a newsman was almost unseemly. Now that I am a semi-retired contractor with a "portfolio career," it is almost essential. Full story »

Tim Skubick: Police hope today's demonstration doesn't turn into another Wisconsin

Unions protest right to work at Michigan Capitol

By Tim Skubick | Politics Columnist for MLive.com

December 11, 2012, 6:21AM
Pity the out-of-state tourists who want a casual tour of the state capitol today. Sometime today, the Michigan House and Senate are expected to put the finishing touches on one of the most contentious issues we’ve seen in this town in decades. The last time there was a nasty confrontation similar to this one over right to work, it... Full story »

Retired bishop says citizens of faith must oppose unjust right-to-work laws


By Jen Eyer | jeyer@mlive.com

December 10, 2012, 1:27PM
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop of the Detroit archdiocese, advocates peace, justice, and civil rights in the United States. He is a co-author of the 1983 U.S. Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letter, "The Challenge of Peace." He is a founding member and past president of Pax Christi USA, the American Catholic peace movement. He is also a... Full story »
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