Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution
Edward Lazear
Edward Lazear, the Morris Arnold and Nona Jean Cox Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Hoover fellow Lazear named to American Association for the Advancement of Science

Edward Lazear, the Morris Arnold and Nona Jean Cox Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 2006 to 2009, was named to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He was selected for “founding the field of personnel economics, establishing the Society of Labor Economists, extraordinary public service and dedicated mentoring of junior and female economists.” Click here to read the Stanford Report article.

Health Care vs. Health Insurance
James Huffman, a member of the Property Rights, Freedom, and Prosperity Task Force at the Hoover Institution and the Erskine Wood Sr. Professor of Law at Lewis and Clark Law School in Oregon, notes that the contraception mandate is not a form of insurance; it is a wealth transfer, plain and simple. By demanding that her health insurer pay her monthly birth control expenses, Sandra Fluke earned herself a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention. Her speech, and several others at the DNC, insisted that every American should have basic health care. Most Republicans don’t disagree; they just believe there is a better way than Obamacare. The President’s reelection makes it clear that Obamacare will live on, but the debate over the federal role in health care will continue.
Designing a turbine requires the collaboration of engineers from many fields, as the system involves mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical processes.
The Heroes program celebrates the groundbreaking achievements of the most accomplished engineers associated with the Stanford School of Engineering.

Hoover fellows Perry and McCarthy announced as Stanford Engineering Heroes

William J. Perry, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies as well as the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor at Stanford University, and John McCarthy (1927–2011), a former Hoover fellow and a professor of computer science at Stanford, were among the seven former faculty and alumni who were selected as the 2012 Stanford Engineering Heroes. Click here for more information.

Jonah Goldberg and John O’Sullivan on Uncommon Knowledge
From left: Peter Robinson, John O’Sullivan, and Jonah Goldberg.

John O’Sullivan, and Jonah Goldberg discuss the election and the GOP’s future on Uncommon Knowledge.

This week on Uncommon Knowledge, AEI scholar and National Review Online founding editor Jonah Goldberg and National Review’s editor-at-large John O’Sullivan on the election and the GOP’s future. (45:10)
“So my view is you say to Obama, look show us what you want to do, put it on the table. And then you say okay, well you won so we are accepting the democratic verdict. You put that through, we will not oppose it and then you stand back.... And what happens? I think, not the next four years, well before that, we are going to have serious problems.”

December 4, 2012 | Forbes.com

Palestinian Statehood: Politics Trumps International Law -- Again

December 5, 2012 | Advancing a Free Society

The Caravan: Letter from Lebanon – Help Protect the Minorities

December 4, 2012 | Special to Advancing a Free Society

Eureka: Looking For New Ways To Lead, Under A Bolder GOP Banner

December 4, 2012 | Defining Ideas (Hoover Institution)

Google: A Threat to Civil Liberties?

December 4, 2012 | Education Next

Bar Exam for Teachers?

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Library and Archives
December 5, 2012

Hoover Cohosts the Symposium “Current Status and Future Outlook: Archives Institutes and Leadership of Modern China” in Shanghai

David Brady, Hoover deputy director and acting director of the library and archi

The symposium “Current Status and Future Outlook: Archives Institutes and Leadership of Modern China,” cosponsored by the Hoover Institution Archives, the Shanghai City Government, and the Fudan University, was held in Shanghai, China, during November 30 and December 1, 2012. The event was attended by representatives from leading libraries and archives around the world.

December 4, 2012

Semeka Diaries Online

Pages in diary number 1, 1941, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich Semeka diaries, Hoover Inst

The World War II diaries of Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich Semeka, a medical administrator in the Soviet army, have been digitized and are available online. The diaries describe battlefield conditions and how medical activities were administered. They also detail Semeka’s frustration with military decisions, such as not burying fallen soldiers as the army advanced, and with shortages of supplies, hospital beds, and medical personnel.

November 30, 2012

Friday Finds: Herr Präsident Lincoln

Hoover Archives Box 4, Louis P. Lochner Collection.

Who ranks higher in the hearts of Americans than George Washington, Steve Jobs, or Santa Claus? Abraham Lincoln, of course. With a 91% approval rating according to a recent Public Policy Polling survey, Lincoln remains our most beloved American hero. In light of a find this week in the Hoover Archives, it seems that Lincoln held a special place in German hearts as well.

November 29, 2012 | Hoover Archivists' Musings (blog)

Unlocking Andrzej Pomian's London Archive

Unlocking Andrzej Pomian's London Archive

Last month I had the privilege of participating in a conference titled “Documents of the Polish Underground State 1939–1945” organized by the Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw. My presentation was on the Andrzej Pomian papers, which I organized and which were recently added to the Hoover Archives.

November 27, 2012

Hoover Institution acquires papers of Igor Dashkevich

Igor Aleksandrovich Dashkevich

Igor Aleksandrovich Dashkevich was a political activist from Saint Petersburg who was involved in establishing independent trade unions and independent political and trade union publications during and immediately after the collapse of the Soviet system.

Library and Archives »

News Update
December 5, 2012

Order, Discipline, and Accountability in the Armed Forces

Morten Bergsmo listens to William K. Lietzau present “A US Military Lawyer’s Ref
Image credit: Janet Chang

Armed conflict is often more than a battle for territory or to establish military superiority; it is also a battle for hearts and minds. After the troops have disengaged and the combatants have left the field, what is left is winning over the locals and establishing a lasting peace. To do so, however, is complicated by mores, traditions, politics, international law, and legal boundaries that may create a cultural divide between foreign combatants and the local citizenry.

December 4, 2012 | 105 Conversations

Hoover fellow George Shultz discusses leadership on 105 Conversations

an image

George  Shultz, the Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow at the Hoover Institution and chair of the Hoover Institution’s Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, discusses the future of leadership and education, as well as of the state of the country and the world. He goes on to offer advice on how to be a strong, realistic, optimistic country that works to develop a better world.

December 3, 2012 | EconTalk

Mulligan on redistribution, unemployment, and the labor market

Russell D. Roberts

In this podcast Russell Roberts, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and EconTalk host, discusses, with Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago and the author of The Redistribution Recession, the ideas in his book. Mulligan argues that increasing the benefits to unemployed workers explains the depth of the Great Recession that began in 2007 and the slowness of the recovery, particularly in the labor market.

December 1, 2012 | Hoover Institution

Policy Review no. 176 is now online

November 30, 2012

Carl on electricity regulation in California

Power Association of Northern California (PANC) president Les Guliasi (left) and
Image credit: David Fedor

Jeremy Carl, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of the Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, along with Dian Grueneich, a former California Utilities commissioner, and their coauthors David Fedor and Cara Goldenberg, released a paper titled Renewable and Distributed Power in California; Simplifying the Regulatory Maze on Wednesday, November 28, 2012. George P. Shultz, the Thomas and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow and chair of the Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, announced the release of this study Wednesday afternoon at a meeting of the Power Association of Northern California, a trade group made up of leading figures in California’s power industry.

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