January 4, 2013
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Thursday, January 03, 2013
UN finally updates Syrian death toll to 60,000+; this is how UN dealt with Syria only 4 weeks ago.
UN: Syria death toll tops 60,000Article
Friday, December 28, 2012
Saudi Arabia's gender apartheid: text messages used to monitor and restrict movement of women
In Saudi Arabia, women are confined by technologyHuman Rights Voices
Saudi Arabia, UN "Human Rights" Council member for past 6 years, detains dozens for "plotting to celebrate Christmas"
Saudis crackdown on Christmas 'plotters'Human Rights Voices
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Obama admin manages to achieve meager 6-month pay freeze at UN - so much for "significant progress"
Statement by the United States on the Conclusion of the 67th Main Session of the General Assembly Fifth CommitteeDevelopment
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
While UN adds $243.26 mill to 2012-13 budget Obama admin hails "significant progress" toward "fiscal discipline"
UN Adds About 5 Percent to Budget for 2012-2013Article
Islamists on the attack in Africa
Christians BesiegedArticle
UN General Assembly approves $243.26 million appropriations increase for 2012-2013 budget period
General Assembly concludes main part of 67th session (Press Release)Development
Monday, December 24, 2012
UN "Human Rights" Council member Pakistan: citizen accused of desecrating Koran burned alive
Pakistan mob burns man accused of desecrating Koran aliveHuman Rights Voices
The True Colors of Pink Floyd's Roger Waters - disturbing new video direct from the UN
Antisemitism & The Latest Performance of Roger WatersVideo

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The True Colors of Pink Floyd's Roger Waters - disturbing new video direct from the UN

* * * * *

November 29-30, 2012 - How & Why the UN General Assembly upgraded "Palestine" to a "non-member observer state"

Human Rights Actions by
the United Nations
January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
Top Ten Countries Subject to Most UN Condemnation for Human Rights Violations in 2011
1. Israel (criticized by the UN more than two times its nearest competitor)
2. Sudan
3. Syrian Arab Republic
4. United States of America
5. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mexico
6. Libya
7. China, Iran, Somalia

Human Rights Actions

Find statistics on the actions of the UN human rights system critical of specific states.
Cumulative map
from 2003 to 2012

(to 3 October 2012)
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U.N. Body

The UN Goldstone Blood Libel

UN-Iran Watch:

The IAEA first reported that Tehran had failed to comply with its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003. And yet the clock ticks inexorably towards the global catastrophe of a nuclear-armed Iran - the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. The Security Council has failed miserably to live up to its primary UN Charter obligation to take serious action to maintain international peace and security and prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon.The IAEA first reported that Tehran had failed to comply with its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003.

The UN and Terrorism
Eleven Years After 9/11
no definition no names

no comprehensive treaty martyrdom glorified
Available in Video
The UN's "Universal Periodic Review": Human Rights Charade The Legacy of
Durban II
The UN "Human Rights" Council Latest UN Travesties

Straight UN Facts


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