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DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 2, 2013, 9:35 PM (GMT+02:00)
How long will Ahmadinejad survive?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech Wednesday, Jan. 2, “The country’s economy should not be controlled by 3,000 or 10,000 people.” Seventy-six million Iranians still don’t benefit from the country’s oil revenues, "only an elite minotiry."  debkafile:  The president’s new role of social crusader has sent his relations and friends rushing for the exits, selling property and packing their bags. They know his fate and their own hangs by a thread in a country where car accidents are a common feature of political life.

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Syria as Killing Field for Al Qaeda
Are the US, Russia, EU, China conspiring to lure jihadis to Syria?
Exclusive Log of Syrian CW Emergence – 1
The US first finds - then loses - Syria’s Chemical Weapons.
Exclusive Log of Syrian CW Emergence – 2
Assad transfers CW to Hizballah’s strongholds.

IDF and Syrian rebel officers meet clandestinely in Jordan
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 1, 2013, 11:10 PM (GMT+02:00)
US Special Forces ready to cross into Syria
US Special Forces ready to cross into Syria

Israeli officials have held talks in Jordan with Syrian opposition officials “in advance of a possible Israeli-US operation in Syria to protect the Golan Heights,” Western intelligence sources reported Tuesday, Jan. 1. There was no further information about this operation. The goings-on on the Israeli and Jordanian borders with Syria are officially blacked out. But European intelligence sources reveal nightly border clashes between US, Jordanian, Israeli special forces and Syrian rebels, on the one hand, and Syrian special forces, on the other.

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Failed Syria envoy Brahimi’s mission brings chemical war closer
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 30, 2012, 9:08 PM (GMT+02:00)
Victim of Syrian army poison gas attack in Homs

Both sides to the Syrian conflict appear to have launched a form of poison chemicals against their foes. Western and Middle East military sources say pro-Assad forces may have brought into the Homs battle of Dec. 23 imported gas grenades which Iran used to quell the 2009 Tehran riots. debkafile: Although Jordan claimed Sunday it “would not enter into any alliance to protect itself,” large NATO and US forces have prepared the kingdom for chemical attack. Some intelligence sources estimate Turkey or Israel may be next after Jordan.

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Fateh missiles and Russian-Iranian military cooperation to bolster Assad
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 29, 2012, 11:23 AM (GMT+02:00)
The Iranian Fateh A-110 surface missile

Moscow and Tehran have advanced from their strategic partnership for Bashar Assad's survival to military cooperation. debkafile: An Iranian naval maneuver began in the Straits of Hormuz Friday, Dec. 28 - two days after Russia launched its largest naval war game ever in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. As Iranian-made Fateh A-110 missiles were fired this week by the Syrian army under Iranian officers, Moscow rapidly expanded the deployment of its highly-sophisticated S-400 interceptors near the Turkish border.

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A Jordanian-Palestinian confederation aired by Netanyahu, Abdullah
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
December 27, 2012, 9:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visits Jordan's King Abdullah in Amman
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visits Jordan's King Abdullah in Amman

A confederation plan for a Palestinian West Bank state and Jordan  was  the real subject of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s recent conversation with King Abdullah in Amman, debkafile’s sources reveal – not Syria. This idea has become a focal talking point in Amman, Washington and Palestinian centers. It ties in with the report from US and Jordanian sources that Israel and the Palestinians will resume talks in the spring for a long-term interim accord, and defer the core issues indefinitely.

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Where are Obama and Netanyahu's nuclear clocks?
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 26, 2012, 10:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's nuclear clock is ticking. Is anyone listening?
Iran's nuclear clock is ticking. Is anyone listening?

While running for reelection, Barack Obama said an Iranian “breakout capacity” must be averted because it meant Tehran could quickly assemble a nuclear weapon before US or Israeli intelligence caught on and had time to intervene. debkafile: Iran is widely presumed to have passed this stage already, and so “breakout capacity” is just another red line to be blown away by Tehran. The talk of 2013 being a critical year for preempting Iran’s nuclear capacity is nothing but election spin.

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Iran, Hizballah setting up terror squads to perpetuate Syrian war post Assad
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
December 25, 2012, 10:55 PM (GMT+02:00)
Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani
Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani

Tehran has plans to maintain its grip on Syria, even while Washington and Russia are pressing on with secret discussions on the fate of Syrian president Bashar Assad and, in Damascus, international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi Tuesday, Dec. 25, gave himself an extra six days to mediate a deal for ending the war. debkafile:  Saudi intelligence chiefs at the GCC summit in Manama revealed that Iran intends launching Hizballah and local militias to sabotage any international deals and any transitional regime.

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Turkey resumes NATO ties with Israel - a Netanyahu breakthrough
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
December 24, 2012, 7:13 PM (GMT+02:00)
A shot in the arm for Binyamin Netanyahu
A shot in the arm for Binyamin Netanyahu

Turkey’s resumption of strategic cooperation with Israel through NATO is a major breakthrough for Binyamin Netanyahu. He is constantly accused of bringing Israel into deep international isolation as he runs for reelection. NATO and Turkey undercut that charge. Barack Obama worked hard to heal the breach between Ankara and Jerusalem - both to strengthen his burgeoning pro-US Middle East axis and to pave the way for the resuscitation of Israel-Palestinian peace talks in March, 2013 in accord with Netanyahu.

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Assad’s deadly agenda: First, chemicals, next, Iskander 9K720
DEBKAfile Video
December 19, 2012, 11:28 AM (GMT+02:00)

debkafile Exclusive: The Russians have given Bashar Assad his most sophisticated weapon thus far – the Iskander cruise missile which has a hypersonic speed of 1.3 miles per second. The Syrian ruler now has at his disposal a fearsome armory of chemical weapons and a top-line missile.

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Russian warships sail for Syria, large anti-submarine ship for waters near Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report
December 18, 2012, 7:11 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian Northern Fleet

Russian warships set out Tuesday, Dec. 18, for two Middle East flashpoint destinations: Two assault ships, a tanker and an escort vessel sailed from the Baltic to Syria – possibly to evacuate Russian citizens; and Russia’s largest anti-submarine vessel headed for the Gulfs of Aden and Oman close to the Persian Gulf and Iran. debkafile: Russia’s military steps seem to be actuated by anticipation of the international crisis arising from the introduction of chemical warfare to the Syrian war – either by Assad’s army or insurgents.

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DEBKA-Net-Weekly    A sampling from past issues
Iranian Scientist Defects over Nuclear Safety
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #568
December 6, 2012

An Iranian scientist who defected last week over lax safety at his country’s nuclear sites reports that the Bushehr reactor is too faulty to last more than 18 months and mysterious illnesses are spreading through Isfahan from four nuclear facilities. Fearing the reactor might explode, Russian experts summoned from Moscow temporarily removed the fuel rods. According to Russian estimates, an explosion might have caused one million Iranian deaths and injured hundreds of thousands of radiation victims in Persian Gulf countries.

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Iran Loses its Southern Front in Gaza
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #566
November 23, 2012
USS Iwo Jima
USS Iwo Jima

Iran suffered a serious setback in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli operation to get rid of Hamas’s pro-Iranian leaders. Tehran had conceived of the Gaza Strip as its gateway to the Muslim Brothers of Egypt and Jordan. Though small in time and scale - and relatively inconsequential in the large Middle East picture - the eight-day Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip helped elevate the US to the Middle East major league at Iran's expense.

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Iran to Expand Military Spending
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #567
November 30, 2012

A confidential report submitted to Ayatollah Khamenei advises a massive expansion of military spending focusing on earmarking more money and scientific resources for developing missile and sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicles. The technology and manufacturing plants for sophisticated drones should be transferred to Gaza and Sudan – not Lebanon. This process was underway in Gaza when Israel launched its air offensive against Hamas in mid-November.

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The Gaza Operation: Less a War than an Anti-Iran Coup
DEBKAfile Video
November 28, 2012, 9:16 AM (GMT+02:00)

Israel’s operation was an intel coup to shut Iran’s gateway to Cairo via Hamas.

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Syria on a cliff edge between Assad and Al Qaeda
DEBKAfile Video
October 30, 2012, 1:59 PM (GMT+02:00)

Because the powers concerned about Syrian bloodshed stick to a hands-off policy Assad and al Qaeda win a free field to fight it out.

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Iranian leaders in Israel’s sights after calling for its destruction
DEBKAfile Video
August 21, 2012, 5:57 PM (GMT+02:00)

Some Western intelligence circles suggest that Israel may choose to disable Iran’s nuclear program by eliminating its leaders.

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If Damascus falls, Israel and its gas fields feared threatened
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
July 17, 2012, 2:32 PM (GMT+02:00)

The fall of Damascus may be drawn-out, bloody and excruciating. It will also have wide regional repercussions, as debkafile shows in this exclusive video, because neither the Assad regime nor Iran will take it lying down.

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