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"Blizzard blasts upper Midwest" [1]
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10 reasons why 2013 will be a BAD year for Darwinism

10 reasons why 2013 will be a BAD year for Darwinism


United Kingdom Darwinism is doomed

UK Darwinism is doomed

In London, 40% of residents are not evolutionists. In 2006, the BBC reported: "Furthermore, more than 40% of those questioned believe that creationism or intelligent design (ID) should be taught in school science lessons." [2] Evangelical Christianity is growing in the UK.[3]

It is just a matter of time before Darwinism fades away in the UK.

Union jack.jpg

2013: A BAD year for evolutionary belief

2013: A BAD year for evolutionary belief

Why is 2013 going to be a BAD year for evolutionary belief?


The 5 strategies to collapse Darwinism

5 strategies to collapse Darwinism


13 recent grim events for Darwinism

13 recent grim events for evolutionary belief


Evolutionism is crumbling

Evolutionism is crumbling


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In 2011, the results of a study was published indicating that most United States high school biology teachers are reluctant to endorse the theory of evolution in class.

Discover what Wikipedia and the liberal media don't want you to know about the creation vs. evolution issue.

Unreasonableness of young earth deniers

Unreasonableness of young earth deniers

Resources to refute evolutionists

Comprehensive resource to refute claims of evolutionists

Question Evolution! Campaign

Question evolution! campaign - worldwide anti-evolution campaign featuring 15 questions that evolutionists cannot satisfactorily answer

The Question evolution! campaign is a worldwide anti-evolution campaign and is primarily being conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa.[4] The focus of the campaign is on 15 Questions that evolutionists cannot satisfactorily answer. The 15 questions can be found HERE.

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In the News. what the MSM isn't fully covering.

A new version of the Bible alters the passages critical of homosexuality. [5] Fortunately, the Conservative Bible Project rejects any such departures from the Bible's original meaning.

Republican Scott Brown has a big lead to win John Kerry's U.S. Senate seat in the Democrat stronghold of Massachusetts, reports the left-leaning Politico.

"Video game lobby silent" now; it spent "$4.4 million lobbying Congress" in 2011, allowing video games to continue to desensitize kids to extreme violence like that inflicted by the young mass murderer in Connecticut. [6]

Fast and Furious just added another twist to the scandal. Ex-ATF agent buys gun - illegally - and this gun ends up at the murder scene of a Mexican beauty queen. [7]

When it comes to guns [8] or Robert Bork [9], Democrats and liberals just have to "tweet" as much hate as possible.

Adam Lanza had a basement lair, to which he would retreat to play violent video games every day: [10] Are his favorite games on this list? [11]

A public school district in Texas has "allowed staff members and teachers to carry concealed weapons" since 2008, and never had a problem. Some other school districts do likewise, yet liberals won't allow it where it is needed most - where neighborhood kids play video games all day. [12]

A veteran Tea Party activist offers a sobering perspective on gun control as certain Representatives and Senators pursue it. [13]

American Christians: Inoculate your church's young people against atheism/agnosticism and doubt! Have your church invite Dr. Jonathan Sarfati to your church for his Christianity for Skeptics tour in the United States.[14]

Invite all your village atheists acquaintances to your church when he speaks there! Remind them that atheism has no proof and evidence supporting it.

The rise of teavangelicals in American politics. Teavangelicals may play a bigger role in the 2016 or 2020 U.S. Presidential election. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio: Democrats Worst Nightmare. [15]

"Give me liberty," said Patrick Henry. It's worth remembering why he said that. [16]

Against the raw emotional appeal of the liberals to gun control, some facts to remember about mass killings and how to stop them. [17]

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) joins the Shameless Squad of gun control promoters. Of course, he shed not a tear for the victims of Operation Fast and Furious. [18]

Your liberal radio host Ed Schultz, and the lack of respect he has for the nation's founders. "The idea that we need to be stuck in the mud of a different generation because some dead people think that's the way we oughta live 200 and some odd years later, I'm not there." [19]

Are you a wise man? Are you seeking Him?[20]

Yes, you can legitimately blame liberals for the Connecticut school shooting. Why? Months before Adam Lanza played with guns for the last time, the liberal ACLU STOPPED Connecticut Senate Bill 452, which they claimed would have infringed on the rights of the mentally ill without their consent. [21] So, we have a liberal organization saying you can't forcibly medicate someone who's nuts without their consent. As opposed to killing children without their consent?

The usual suspects scream for gun control. We really need evil control. [22]

"US school gunman was ‘obsessed’ with violent video games" - an India news headline tells the truth that the lamestream media fail to admit. [23]

A message from Gary Bates the CEO of Creation Ministries International USA (CMI-USA) about the Question evolution! campaign and the year 2012.[24]

The evolutionists have become so angry about not being able to answer the 15 questions for evolutionists, they have even threatened to disrupt CMI meetings in churches!

Creationists laugh at the threats of evolutionists! Expect the Question Evolution! Campaign to expand considerably in 2013.[25]

A gun incident ignored by the major media: A concealed gun permit holder prevented a larger tragedy at a shopping mall. [26]

This Christmas season, let's remember that Jesus Christ is the Lord of time and creation. [27]

The Rt. Rev. Stanley Ntagali was yesterday enthroned as the eighth Archbishop of the province of the Church of Uganda, at a function where President Museveni urged leaders and the public to desist from promoting homosexuality.[28]

Liberal denial: instead of admitting that violent video games probably incited the unspeakable rampage by the young mass murderer, the authorities plan "to interview the youngest survivors of the school shooting as they try to determine the motive of the gunman." [29]

The meme of atheism and obesity is spreading WIDELY across the internet. Google USA estimates that there are 126,000 search results for "atheism and obesity".[30]

A Christian apologetics article at Beacon Apologetics mentions "atheism and obesity".[31] At Yahoo Answers India someone wrote that people are starving in the world because obese atheists are consuming too much food.[32]

"KAL 007's After-attack Escape from Destruction:" [33]

"Exit polls: Conservative party wins Japan election." [34]

The Christian apologist Mariano Grinbank reviews the movie IndoctriNation: Public schools and the decline of Christianity in America.[35]

When Christian private schooling and homeschooling was predominant in America, there wasn't a significant problem with children killing children. Don't send your kids to the ungodly public schools.

Alex Jones has a show on the documentary IndocriNation which demonstrates that American public schools are not only unsafe in terms of violence, but they have significant problems in terms of molestation and indoctrination into filth/leftism/anti-Christian rhetoric/evolutionism.[36][37][38]

Dynasty Warriors: that was the violent video game preferred by the young mass murderer several years ago. [39] Why won't authorities say what he was doing on his computer in the days leading up to his Connecticut massacre of schoolchildren?

Dems "open to relaxing federal marijuana laws." [40]

Rampage in another school leaves 23 injured, but this time it involves a knife: [41] And why is the liberal media largely silent on this story? Is it because there's no guns involved?

Officials withhold from the public the evidence they seized from the killer's computer. [42] Authorities and the lamestream media may never disclose what the young mass murderer was really doing leading up to his rampage.

Labor unions were once champions of liberty. Today many of them act like instruments of tyranny. And the United States government is taking a mis-cue from them. [43]

Liberal claptrap for gun control begins within hours of today's tragic murders, which would not have happened if laws banning guns for self defense in public school were repealed.

Why do liberal politicians, who ban the most common foods and drinks, press so hard to legalize marijuana? Could it be because this drug destroys initiative in the user? [44]

Incredible: Barack Hussein Obama gets his own portrait bust, commissioned by a big-city mayor, specifically of Trenton, New Jersey. Does he now think he is Julius Caesar? [45][46]

Pennsylvania becomes the 28th state to reject the ObamaCare exchanges. [47] Is ObamaCare the biggest legislative failure in history?

Among the targets of the union violence of December 11: a hot dog seller. Happily, the local community has rallied to him. And shame on the goons who wrecked his business. [48]

Atheism drops England lower on the European standard of living ranking, as the UK falls below the less atheistic Germany and Austria. [49] "Atheism" = "stop trying," which is why there are almost no atheistic sports stars.

Roots are important. Your ancestry affects your life now. Unless your past is rooted with dignity, being made in the image of God, then what difference does it matter what happens to you?[50]

"Taxation without representation!" A battle cry during the American Revolution. And is it relevant again today? [51]

Poll: Obama support mirrors Bush after reelection. [52] And then it declined, and declined, and declined.

Two years ago, a Tea Party group in New Jersey tried to recall their Senator. So why didn't they work actively against his re-election? Because his suggested replacement would have been his near-clone. The head of Recall NJ explains. [53]

Is union violence the real face of organized labor? The reaction to Michigan's new right to work laws makes that plain. You can also play the incriminating footage of the incidents. [54]

The quid pro quo in Michigan: [55]

A Tea Party/third party activist accuses Democrats and Republicans of hypocrisy about the "fiscal cliff." Included: a shocking video to illustrate the US debt ceiling, which Congress will raise again. [56]

"A right to carry firearms in public may promote self-defense" -- with those words the Seventh Circuit invalidates Illinois' ban on carrying weapons in public. [57] The federal appellate court recognizes the right to use weapons for self defense in public.

A Question evolution! campaign blog has now received over 275,000 views. This is merely the beginning of things to come. Wait until the all-out assault on evolutionism arrives![58]

Shoot down of Korean Airlines Flight 007: the transcripts [59]

The GOP-led Michigan legislature passes right to work, which ends compulsory union dues; many public school teachers walked off the job to protest at the capital. [60] Unions don't support real "freedom to choose."

"The Ruling of the Baby Killers." [61]

Woman could face up to a year in jail for faking victimization by an anti-gay hate crime. [62]

The S.S. has been christened today and it is a battleship and not a cruise ship! The S.S Evolutionism will be blown out of the water![63]

Also, Richard Dawkins wants to create "double gayness" on the internet.

Tim Tebow, who has completed 6/7 passes this season, is probably disappointed with the N.Y. Jets says the Jets head coach Rex Ryan.[64]

When you are a conservative champion, it must be disappointing to play football in a state with so much liberal mediocrity!

Federal court rules that Choose Life license plates are unconstitutional unless North Carolina also offers pro-abortion-rights plates. [65]

8 YouTube atheists who are afraid to debate the YouTube Christian Shockofgod. Ask these atheists to debate the 15 questions for evolutionists.[66]

Have these 8 atheists evolved into chickens?

RINOs are worried that conservative Tom Price may challenge the weak John Boehner for Speaker of the House. [67] One congressman nominated Newt Gingrich to return as Speaker, which is allowed by the rules.

One thing you can be very sure of: The world is approximately 6,000 years old.[68]

Hosing the influence of evolutionist rats out of Britain before more British college women enter the sex trade! Also, news update: Gentlemen, if you want to marry a nice girl, marry a lady where biblical creationism is prevalent or growing![69]

"Cuba stays silent about deadly cholera outbreak." [70] Leftist regimes are not known for telling the truth.

The liberal media continue to prefer failure rather than support playing the conservative Tim Tebow. Today the Jets barely squeaked by the 2-11 Jaguars. [71] There will be no playoffs for the Jets if they continue to play this poorly without Tebow.

Unchivalrous and evolution loving British liberal elites are looking the other way while British young women are being used as exploited sex workers. In the last year, sexually related work has doubled for college students in the down British economy - an economy no doubt oppressed by failed liberal economic policies. [72]

2010 research suggest that one in four British students know someone who had worked in the sex industry to fund their college studies – up from three per cent in 1990. British women working in dangerous conditions reported physical/verbal harassment from customers.[73]

British college women are paying their way through college by being whores, pole-dancers, strippers, lap-dancers and escorts.[74] The UK brought us evolutionism which has been linked to a loss of morality.[75]

New research conducted by Professor Ron Roberts at the Kingston University found that six percent of students are obtaining jobs in sexually related sector of the British economy and universities are receiving between £600,000 and £3 million from the sex industry.

China, Russia, and France, which are countries with a recent past of secularism and/or have current secularistic societies, have lunatics panicking over the supposed end of the world according to the Mayan calendar.[76]

In addition, there are Americans buying survival shelters (no doubt Barack Obama supporters and/or American evolutionists!). See: Irreligion and superstition

"Two killed at alleged Washington pot house on first day of legal weed." [77] Didn't Democrats claim that legalizing pot would reduce crime?

The harmful impact of ObamaCare is beginning to be felt: at the Cleveland Clinic, considered one of the better facilities, a doctor sees ten patients at the same time to save money. [78]

Atheist serial killer from Alaska did not repent of his atheism and committed suicide in jail.[79]

See also: Atheism and mass murder and Atheism and suicide

Self-worship by liberals has no limits: "Obama to take corporate cash for inauguration." [80] Teleprompters are expensive!

The Russians give a big NYET to homosexuality.[81][82]

Unlike evolutionism, biblical creationism strongly affirms the family and God's roles for the two sexes.[83] Biblical creationism is unfriendly to feminism and abortion.[84]

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, it's the only word that can describe FEMA under the Obama Administration: [85]

"Armageddon's terrorist prison: home to the earliest known church," essay by Bishop Bert [86]

Conservative African American Tim Scott is the front-runner to replace Jim DeMint in the U.S. Senate for South Carolina, but GOP governor Nikki Haley will make the appointment. [87] DeMint becomes president of the Heritage Foundation. [88]

The Great Tea Party Purge just had another consequence: the Fire Boehner campaign, to remove Representative John Boehner (R-OH) as Speaker of the House. [89]

Human beings in the evolutionary scheme are reduced to the status of mere animals, at the mercy of their various lusts and appetites. Yet leading theistic evolutionists, such as Kenneth Miller, downplay or altogether ignore these points in their teachings.[90]

Armed with the 15 questions for evolutionists and his razor sharp creationist intellect, the popular YouTube Christian Shockofgod easily and effortlessly wins in debate with an evolutionist![91]

The Great Tea Party Purge from the House of Representatives might have given House Speaker John Boehner more than he bargained for. He pulled four men from key committees, for voting conservative when he didn't want them to. And he's not fooling anyone. [92]

Not even $42 million -- the most of any congressional candidate -- was enough for Democrat Elizabeth Warren to defeat Republican Scott Brown in liberal Massachusetts; Warren begs with donors to help her pay down the additional debt she incurred. [93] And Warren is a bankruptcy law professor!

Conservatives save American sovereignty by defeating a U.N. Treaty that would regulate disability. [94]

Record early sales for Black Friday fell flat the following week, just as the liberal gimmick of early voting decreases overall turnout in elections. [95]

Liberal consequences: "Manufacturing Declines to Weakest Level Since July 2009." [96]

A sports announcer parrots the old logical fallacy about gun control, after an NFL linebacker killed his girlfriend, then himself, with a gun. His remarks were as disgraceful as they were absurd. [97]
Broadcasters who make millions from the NFL blame others for the harm it causes.

"Peace-making, God-style, in Alexandria, Egypt", by Bishop Bert. [98]

The 4-7 Jets were losing to one of the worst teams in the league when the coach finally replaced their quarterback, but still refused to play the conservative Tim Tebow. [99] This time the excuse was a minor rib injury, but the reality is that the liberal media want to exclude the pro-life Tebow.

A leading African American conservative, J.C. Watts, considers running against RINO Backer Reince Priebus for the chairmanship of the RNC. [100]

The Mercury ice could not have stayed on Mercury for 4.5 billion years, or even 3.2 million years. The meteors and dust that bombard Mercury constantly should have blown it away. It did not. So it got there recently—thousands, not billions, of years ago. [101][102][103]

Does Barack Hussein Obama want to go over the fiscal cliff? Maybe. Maybe he wants a rerun of the Cloward and Piven Strategy. [104]

It appears the lamestream media may succeed in driving conservative Tim Tebow out of the New York City media market. "Tebow, likely along with much of the current Jets roster and coaching staff, is almost certainly gone this offseason," writes a prior supporter. [105] The Jets would rather lose than play a conservative who would win.

"Obama’s Now Borrowed More Than All Presidents from Washington to W." [106]

The goofy atheist Stephen Hawking goes off the deep end with his "little green men" fantasies.[107]

The ice on Mercury, found by NASA's MESSENGER probe, has provoked a lot of controversy. Specifically, a creation-oriented correspondent asserts that the Mercury ice confirms the Hydroplate Theory of the Great Flood. Here's why no other theory can account for the Mercury Ice. [108][109][110]

Ronald Reagan proposed to "starve the beast." Now a Tea Party activist proposes to slay the beast. That beast is larger than government, which is only part of it. [111]

The United Nations votes to call Palestine a "State." But what does that really mean? Does it do anyone any favors? [112]

"The Message and its Music: a marriage that sticks," by Bishop Bert [113]

NASA's MESSENGER probe today found ice on the planet Mercury. Enough ice, in fact, to bury Washington, DC in two and a half miles of ice. But where did it come from? The best answer is that it came from Earth during the Great Flood. [114]

The Eighth Circuit issues an injunction against a key ObamaCare mandate. [115] One possible reason: the mandated drugs could harm the women who take them! [116]

Warren Buffett is not only a hypocrite, but he also spouts total nonsense about how people invest. [117]

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer rejects ObamaCare by declining to set up a health insurance exchange there. [118]

An atheist who loses a debate admits that "most homosexuals are atheists".[119][120]

No wonder why so many young earth creationists are better in sports that atheists! More Olympic gold medals will be coming to America and the UK!

Fifteen questions the Mainstream Media should ask of Barack Obama, but won't, this as Obama uses a woman (United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice) to shield him, while pretending to defend her: [121]

"Speak Loudly, and Carry a Busted Hockey Stick," by Dr. Walter Starck: [122]

A Tea Party activist lays it on the line: America suffered a coup d'état on November 6, 2012. Now, she asks, what will the people do about it? [123]

Those foolish enough to buy a Powerball lottery ticket will be better off if they lose than if they win. "A West Virginia man who won $315 million a decade ago on Christmas later said the windfall was to blame for his granddaughter's fatal drug overdose, his divorce, hundreds of lawsuits and an absence of true friends." [124]

A British ex-atheist/evolutionist writes to Creation Ministries International: "I am overwhelmed by the quality of information you guys put out and overjoyed to have discovered what a fraud the unbiblical theory of evolution is."[125]

An example of liberal hate on the air: Mike Malloy goes on the air to "pray" for the execution of anyone in the Tea Party. [126]

Conservative Rand Paul affirms that he'll honor his anti-tax pledge, asks why liberals plan to break the pledge they made to the American people. [127]

Just who is it that really wants to execute homosexuals? [128]

Millions fall for the fool's gold of the Powerball jackpot, now that it reaches $500M in payout. [129] The lottery losers are mostly Obama supporters.

RINO Backers Fox News Channel and John McCain strike again: Folks "like me" should leave the abortion issue alone, McCain declares on Fox. [130] Jesus didn't keep quiet in standing up for life.

Religious makeup of the chambers of the 113th U.S Congress. Atheists still mistrusted by many.[131]

Are you an American atheist? Maybe you should start off small and run for dog catcher!

The 19-year-old star of the "Two and a Half Men" comedy calls the show "filth", and he begs people to stop watching the show. [132] Teenagers are increasingly repudiating the garbage pushed on them by the Left.

The U.S. Supreme Court clears the way for a new challenge to ObamaCare, by Liberty University with respect to the mandate imposed on employers to buy insurance. [133]

Liberalism: is it psychosis, evil, or based in ignorance? [134]

"Millions Struggle With High College Debt and No Degree." [135] The Worst College Majors pushed by liberal colleges can leave students with misinformation and massive debt.

Uganda's president begs forgiveness for his sins, his country's sins, and dedicates his nation to Jesus Christ: [136] “This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals," Rev. Scott Lively said. "On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve."

"Abortions Down 5%, Biggest Decline in a Decade." [137]

How evolutionary belief has harmed science and society.[138]

A shrill evolutionist was clearly rattled by the scientists at Creation Ministries International.

An unholy trinity has replaced the system of checks and balances of our Constitution. A Tea Party activist reminds us of what comes of that, and what to do about it. [139]

The gimmick of early shopping for Black Friday is as senseless as the liberal stunt of early voting for elections: "Low Black Friday turnout at big-box stores in" a Pennsylvania town. [140]

My two dads and my two mommies have one thing in common: their kids ain't so happy and gay. [141][142][143][144]

Ahhh, Planned Parenthood. Want that abortion? Fine. Want the "doctor" to mess up your innards? Fine. Want the staff to call 911? Fine. Want the staff to say you're "fine" at the same time? [145]

The so-called "United Nations" refused to stop Hamas from firing rockets into Israel, then condemned Israel for defending herself. [146]

Remembering KAL 007: The crossing of Jesse Helms, Larry McDonald, Noelle Ann and little Stacy Marie. [147]

Liberals would rather fail than be led by a conservative, and the Jets' pathetic failure without playing Tim Tebow proves it. The Jets drop to 4-7 after being routed at home 49-19.[148] Jets fans urged the team to play Tebow, and then left the stadium when denied.

Some underachievers would rather shop on Thanksgiving than read the Bible or say a prayer, so Black Friday commercialism begins to encroach on the holy day.

More than 4 times as many Americans would like to have pro-life Tim Tebow as a Thanksgiving dinner guest than Barack Obama. Only 5% want Obama to join them today for dinner. [149]

Uganda's anti-homosexuality bill was officially added to their Parliament’s schedule on November 21, 2012.

The Uganda speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga was greeted with a hero's welcome at Entebbe International Aiport for her staunch support of the proposed anti-homosexuality bill. VIDEO

Why didn't the Republicans challenge the rampant voter fraud in the 2012 Presidential election? Because 31 years ago, they signed away their right to do so! A Tea Party activist explains, and vows to take up the challenge. [150]

Why do those who dislike unemployment insist on voting for socialists? "London students protest youth debt and joblessness." [151]

Conservapedia proven right, again: Some Dems would rather fail than accept conservative reforms. Union bosses refuse to allow a secret ballot for workers, thereby causing the maker of Twinkies to terminate nearly 18,500 jobs and liquidate in bankruptcy. [152]

Suicide Bomber: A Personal Account: [153]

Conservapedia proven right again. Fordham University would rather cater to a university professor who has defended infanticide and bestiality rather than a conservative commentator whom they claim is “hateful,” and “needlessly provocative.” [154] Defense of raping animals and killing children isn't hateful?

Senate to vote on warrantless access to Americans' e-mail. [155]

  • Bill was originally to strengthen privacy but drastically revised by Patrick Leahy

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