A Great Place For News, But Not Your Blood Pressure.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

-The Bell News-

I am writing this post to let those of you who have followed me through the years know that I will be 'moving' so to speak.  Instead of writing on The P/Oed Patriot all the time I will be posting most of my articles on a new website.  I have realized over the past year that in order to reach more people, while cutting down on my stress, I was going to need help.  So I have asked three of my fellow bloggers to join me and between us we came up with The Bell News.

While I will still be covering my usual topics like Communism, Unions etc; my fellow writers on The Bell News will be bringing their skills, and areas of expertise, to help you learn more than I could ever hope to share with you alone.

I whole heartily appreciate you, my readers, and the loyalty you have given me over the years.  So I hope you will follow me over to The Bell News.

Because the fight for Liberty... never ends.

Patch W. Adams

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2nd Amendment: What The Progressives Don't Understand

I have tried my best to keep from joining the fray that has ensued due to the tragic school shooting several days ago mainly because I do not believe in taking a tragedy and spinning it into political ammo in order to push an agenda.

But sadly the progressive left doesn't share the same good taste.  So in response to the attacks on what I consider the essential right which protects my Liberty, I feel compelled to write this.

One of the great shames that has continued to take place over the past 30 or so years is that generations of Americans have been taught that we, as a nation, are nothing special.  That the United States is not unique in the modern world and therefore we deserve no special consideration as it pertains to how our laws are written.  There has been a constant push from those on the left that we should, "Be like Europe".  From the concepts of National Health Care to gun ownership.. the progressives believe we should just fall in line with the rest of the world.

Well if you are a believer in these progressive ideals then I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed in this post.. because sorry to tell you, but you're wrong.

The United States is entirely unique in the modern world because the founders drafted a document which was to create a government that was based on the belief every individual is sovereign.  That every individual is born with 'natural rights' endowed by his creator.   That these rights can not be removed by any form of Government or law created by man.  No country in the history of the modern world has ever been founded on this concept which makes this nation absolutely unique.  An acceptance of these facts are essential to understanding why the current tragedy should have no bearing on your right to gun ownership since it is comparing apples to oranges.  One has nothing to do with the other because while one was a crime committed by a madman, the other is a right that pertains to your Liberty.

If you read the founders thoughts on natural rights you will notice that many, if not all, the rights they discuss are ones you bring into this world with you... I.E. Life, Liberty and the desire to Pursue Happiness.  But there are other 'rights' which they included as Amendments to the Constitution which were meant to protect those natural rights.  The 2nd Amendment being the most important, in my humble opinion, because it is the last line of defense for your Liberties.

The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or even with protecting your family from crime.  It, instead, is all about defending your Liberty from a tyrannical government.  The founders understood from their own experience that without the proper tools (Firearms are tools) they could not defend themselves from the tyrannical King.  So in order to help future generations protect their Liberty it was essential that Americans be gun owners. Because if a populace is unarmed and a government isn't, then short of throwing rocks, the populace will have nothing in which to defend themselves against tyranny.

It is not only your right as an American to own a firearm, it is your duty.  Because a "Well Regulated Militia" is not the Federal Army or even the National Guard.  It is you, your neighbors, your town and your state.

Knowing all of this Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"When governments fear the people, there is Liberty.  When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.  The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government. "

And I'm pretty sure a government isn't going to be afraid of a populace armed with rocks and sticks or even just shot guns and revolvers, do you?

 So when Progressives push for more gun control they are not actually trying to make you safer from crime but make you more susceptible to tyranny from the government.

Which ironically.... works in their favor.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Communist Party Celebrates Obama's Reelection

Sam Webb's article on People's World
Many people on the left are happy today about Obama's re-election and that seems to include the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) leader, Sam Webb.

In an article posted on the CPUSA news, People's World, Sam Webb talks about how the victory for Obama is a victory for democracy:

"After a long and bitterly contested battle, the forces of inclusive democracy came out on top yesterday. The better angels of the American people spread their wings, as they went to the polls.
An African-American president was re-elected to the office of the Presidency, the Democrats unexpectedly strengthened their hand in the Senate and House, and victories, including big ones for marriage equality, were registered at the state level."

But Sam Webb sees this "victory" as something even more substantial, a sign that the country is leaning more his way:

"Moreover, the balance of forces - that is, the ground on which people fight going forward - has shifted in a progressive direction."
While I disagree with Sam Webb's conclusions about the big Progressive shift being the reason for Obama's victory...it is hard to discount one thing...

A man was just re-elected as President of the United States who has appointed known Communists to Government positions and his campaign was supported and endorsed by the Communist Party USA who is a known enemy to the ideals of Liberty.

If that isn't the most insane thing you have ever seen in your life... then I'll eat my tricorn hat.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Communist Party USA Chair: "We Can Set In Motion Progressive Agenda Coming Out Of 2012 Election. (If It Goes Our Way)"

Sam Web, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA ) Chairman, said to a gathering of local Communists in Arizona last year that if the 2012 election goes their way, (The re-election of President Obama) that they will have the possibility of setting the 'Progressive' Agenda. (Starts around the 2:00 Mark.)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lisa Fithian For Violence?: "I Believe In Non-Violent Protest Because There Are So Many Guns In This Country, We Would Get Slaughtered."

Lisa Fithian admitted to a group of Occupiers that the reason she believes in non-violent protest is because there are so many guns in the U.S. and if they tried to violently over throw the country they would get slaughtered. (comment starts around the 1:50 mark)

So in essence what she is saying is that if the Progressive left could win a violent revolution she would be for it.

Ironically this is the same view of the Southern California Communist Party.