Thursday, December 20, 2012

BUMMER: EPA suffers slight setback in attack on America's family farms

The American Farm Bureau Federation is helping publicize the EPA's methodical extermination of the family farm.

In a surprise about-face, the Environmental Protection Agency has withdrawn an order demanding that West Virginia poultry grower Lois Alt obtain a Clean Water Act discharge permit for stormwater runoff from her farmyard or face up to $37,500 per day in penalties. While the action is a great victory for Alt, it leaves unresolved a major legal issue with serious implications for other livestock and poultry farmers that must be addressed, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia ruled in October that AFBF and West Virginia Farm Bureau have the right to join Alt’s lawsuit. EPA had aggressively opposed the Farm Bureaus’ participation. EPA’s withdrawal of the order comes six months after Alt filed her legal action and a mere six weeks before Alt and AFBF are scheduled to file briefs challenging EPA’s interpretation of the law.

In withdrawing its order, EPA cited new management practices identified during a May 2012 re-inspection of the farm. However, EPA’s inspection report also states that dust, feathers and small amounts of manure were still observed on the ground at the farm – which was the very same basis of EPA’s original order, according to AFBF General Counsel Ellen Steen. “EPA still has not backed away from its position that any amount of pollutant on the ground at a livestock or poultry farm requires a Clean Water Act permit,” according to Steen. “The more likely reason for EPA’s withdrawal is that it does not want to defend its position in court.”

“This is a personal victory for Lois Alt, but it should not have taken a federal lawsuit to convince EPA to withdraw an order that was illegal from the start,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman. “EPA’s withdrawal of the Alt order without correcting its legal position still leaves other farmers and ranchers hanging in uncertainty, vulnerable to the same threats that Ms. Alt faced.”

EPA’s November 2011 order threatened Alt with $37,500 in fines for each time stormwater came into contact with dust, feathers or small amounts of manure on the ground outside of her poultry houses... EPA also threatened separate fines of $37,500 per day if Alt failed to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Alt responded by filing her own legal challenge to the EPA order in June 2012.

“EPA says its withdrawal is based on a May 2012 re-inspection of the farm, but I can’t help but notice that EPA only withdrew the order after Farm Bureau was granted intervention in October,” Steen explained. “It’s like upsetting the chess board when you know you are in danger of losing. All signs are that EPA does not want to defend its position in court.”

“EPA knows very well that most farmers lack the resources to fight back when they face an EPA order – even if the order has no legal basis,” noted Stallman. “We are happy for Ms. Alt that EPA has flinched, but the principles for which she stood remain in danger.”

As an aside, this is all out of the playbook.

ALERT THE MEDIA: New iPhone OS "Suspected of Draining Batteries"

I don't think Steve Jobs would be pleased:

The iOS 6.0.2 update released earlier this week may have cured some people's Wi-Fi woes, but others now claim it's reducing their battery life too. First reported by TidBITS' Adam Engst and supported by a number of posters in Apple's Support Communities, some (but seemingly not all) iPhone users have begun seeing dramatically reduced battery life on their iPhones after performing the update.

...As noted by the team at TidBITS, this change in how devices connect to Wi-Fi may be related to the apparent battery drain. "Our speculation, based on some quick testing that Michael Cohen did, is that the problem is related to a change in Wi-Fi behavior, which maps with Apple's sole release note for iOS 6.0.2," Engst wrote. "[I]t's far from conclusive, but indicates that the problem may be related to wireless communication in some fashion."

Given the battery performance I see and hear about from my friends and family members with iPhones, this ain't exactly breaking news.

BEFORE AND AFTER: Capitalism vs. Socialism

Der Spiegel has a startling series of before and after shots of buildings and towns in East Germany. The original photos were taken just after the fall of the Berlin wall and now some 20 years later.

Every person who voted for Barack Obama in November elected to move America closer to the first photograph.

Hat tip: Whale Oil.

SAY, WHATEVER HAPPENED AFTER THE LAST ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRED? Oh, that's right: murders and violent crime went down.

I wonder if our betters ever review history before trying to slam more unconstitutional diktats down our throats?

That's a rhetorical question: of course they don't.

When the federal assault weapons ban ended on Sept. 13, 2004, gun crimes and police killings were predicted to surge. Instead, they have declined.

For a decade, the ban was a cornerstone of the gun control movement. Sarah Brady, one of the nation's leading gun control advocates, warned that "our streets are going to be filled with AK-47s and Uzis." Life without the ban would mean rampant murder and bloodshed.

Well, more than nine months have passed and the first crime numbers are in. Last week, the FBI announced that the number of murders nationwide fell by 3.6% last year, the first drop since 1999. The trend was consistent; murders kept on declining after the assault weapons ban ended.

Even more interesting, the seven states that have their own assault weapons bans saw a smaller drop in murders than the 43 states without such laws, suggesting that doing away with the ban actually reduced crime. (States with bans averaged a 2.4% decline in murders; in three states with bans, the number of murders rose. States without bans saw murders fall by more than 4%.)

...violent crime also declined last year, according to the FBI, and the complete statistics carry another surprise for gun control advocates. Guns are used in murder and robbery more frequently then in rapes and aggravated assaults, but after the assault weapons ban ended, the number of murders and robberies fell more than the number of rapes and aggravated assaults.

It's instructive to remember just how passionately the media hyped the dangers of "sunsetting" the ban. Associated Press headlines warned "Gun shops and police officers brace for end of assault weapons ban." It was even part of the presidential campaign: "Kerry blasts lapse of assault weapons ban." An Internet search turned up more than 560 news stories in the first two weeks of September that expressed fear about ending the ban...

...The fact that the end of the assault weapons ban didn't create a crime wave should not have surprised anyone. After all, there is not a single published academic study showing that these bans have reduced any type of violent crime...

Research funded by the Justice Department under the Clinton administration concluded only that the effect of the assault weapons ban on gun violence "has been uncertain"... Gun controllers' fears that the end of the assault weapons ban would mean the sky would fall were simply not true. How much longer can the media take such hysteria seriously when it is so at odds with the facts?

How much longer? As long as it takes to eviscerate the Second Amendment.

Which is why you haven't heard about any of this in the antique media. Or the hypocritical, would-be potentates in the Democrat Party?

GOOD NEWS: Verizon plans to monitor your activities -- laughing, sleeping, singing, playing with pets -- inside the home for better ad targeting

What could possibly go wrong with Verizon monitoring your every move inside your own home?

Verizon has filed a patent application for targeting ads to viewers based on information collected from infrared cameras and microphones that would be able to detect conversations, people, objects and even animals that are near a TV.

If the detection system determines that a couple is arguing, a service provider would be able to send an ad for marriage counseling to a TV or mobile device in the room. If the couple utters words that indicate they are cuddling, they would receive ads for "a romantic getaway vacation, a commercial for a contraceptive, a commercial for flowers," or commercials for romantic movies, Verizon states in the patent application.

For years, technology executives have discussed the possibility of using devices such as Microsoft's Xbox 360 Kinect cameras to target advertising and programming to viewers, taking advantage of the ability to determine whether an adult or child is viewing a program. But Verizon is looking at taking targeted advertising to a new level with its patent application, which is titled "Methods and Systems for Presenting an Advertisement Associated with an Ambient Action of a User."

Similar to the way Google targets ads to Gmail users based on the content of their emails, Verizon proposes scanning conversations of viewers that are within a "detection zone" near their TV, including telephone conversations.

"If detection facility detects one or more words spoken by a user (e.g., while talking to another user within the same room or on the telephone), advertising facility may utilize the one or more words spoken by the user to search for and/or select an advertisement associated with the one or more words," Verizon states in the patent application.

Verizon says the sensors would also be able to determine if a viewer is exercising, eating, laughing, singing, or playing a musical instrument, and target ads to viewers based on their mood. It also could use sensors to determine what type of pets or inanimate objects are in the room.

"If detection facility detects that a user is playing with a dog, advertising facility may select an advertisement associated with dogs (e.g., a dog food commercial, a flea treatment commercial, etc.)," Verizon writes in the patent application.

Several types of sensors could be linked to the targeted advertising system, including 3D imaging devices, thermographic cameras and microphones, according to the patent application...

Creepy doesn't begin to describe this "innovation".

Larwyn's Linx: Disastrous Gun Law Sparked School Shootings

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Disastrous Gun Law Sparked School Shootings: GunWatch
“Gun Owners, Segregationists, and Jim Sleeper”: Protein Wisdom
Five-Point Action Plan to Reduce Violence by the Mentally Ill: NRO

‘Before banning our guns, please recover the ones you sent to Mexico’: CFP
The New Racial Derangement Syndrome: Hanson
Where do we go from here?: Ace

We Know How To Stop School Shootings: Coulter
Crazy GOP Senator Proposes Putting National Guard In Schools: RWN
Missouri Police Chief Recommends Arming School Personnel: GunWatch


Foreigners Now Own $5.48 Trillion Of US Debt: S&L
Beware! Regulations Incoming!: Foundry
ATR Statement on "Plan B" Tax Plan: ATR

Boehner's Plan B Exposes Obama's Grade-A Tax Lie: IBD
Here’s how to get $2 trillion in new tax revenue without raising taxes: Peth
The End of the University As We Know It: AEI

Scandal Central

Obama’s Benghazi Fall Guys: RSM
Treasury Prepares to Lose Big on GM Bailout: Beacon
Obama stimulus: Gun buyers nationwide tweet about long lines, empty shelves: Twitchy

Climate & Energy

Climate Change Draft Undermines U.N.'s Claims: IBD
No bigs: Head of EPA does a bunch of her work on alias e-mail account: Hot Air
Obama Says Hotcoldwetdry One Of The Top 3 Issues He’ll Blow Off In 2nd Term: RWN


“President Obama to push assault weapons ban in second term”: Protein Wisdom
NY Times Really Loves Anti-Gun Letters: Cove
Judge Robert Bork dead at 84: DC

Hudson’s, the Buhl Café and Mrs. P’s Maurice: MOTUS
Krauthammer: Obama's use of a child massacre to say GOP must accept his terms is a SACRILEGE!: Scoop
Following School Shooting, 86% Want More Action to Identify and Treat Mental Illness: Rasmussen

Yes, Supporting Gun Control Is Racist: Bookworm
Lefty Media Tweeters Go After Reporters at Obama Presser For Not Obsessing Over Gun Control: BizzyBlog
#Metaphor: Academics Sign Their Own Death Warrants by Defending Loomis: RSM


Benghazi: State Department fail: Fausta
Benghazi Report Disqualifies Hillary For White House: IBD
A Challenge to All Progressives and RINOs, Who STILL Believe Obama is NOT a Communist: Loudon

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Netflix Encodes Every Movie 120 Different Ways: NetFlix
Maya Rise and Fall Photo Gallery: NatGeo
The Ultra-Legacy Problem - Systems so old...: Infosec Island


Racists White Teabaggers Attack Black SC Republican Tim Scott: AWD
California substitute teacher inherits cousin's $7.4M gold coin fortune: Fox

Image: Lame Duck President Wins Prestigious Gun Competition
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: An open call to gun-control advocates and gun supporters

QOTD: "The results of the Gun Free School Zone act’s passage have been devastating. The first mass school shooting occurred in 1997. As prominent researcher John Lott has noted, mass shooters are attracted to defenseless victim zones. While zones that ban armed citizens are a tiny percentage of the nation’s area, according to Lott, only one of the “successful” (four or more victims) mass shootings in the past thirty years occurred outside of a defenseless victim zone (gun free zone).

Why do mass shooters chose defenseless victim zones? Because they want the fame that goes with the media attention that a mass killer gets, and to get the attention, they have to kill a lot of people. If they are stopped by an armed citizen, they lose their chance to make the “record books”, and there is no point in mass killing.

Armed citizens stop about one in ten of mass killings before they become “successful”, but they are rarely mentioned because of this fact. Most of these life saving actions occur outside of defenseless victim zones.

We have a real world counterexample to the Gun Free School Zone act in Israel. Israelis were confronted with a similar problem after the Maalot massacre in the 1970s They responded by allowing teachers, responsible older students, and volunteer parents to be armed in their schools. They have not had a child shot in a school since.

Since the Gun Free School Zone act was passed for the second time in 1996, 13 mass school shootings have occurred. This unconstitutional law has been a disaster and should be repealed." --Dean Weingarten

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

AWESOME: Facebook plans autoplay video ads

Well, this ought to work out swimmingly.

The seemingly desperate quest for Facebook to make money out of its 1 billion users has taken another twist with rumours strengthening that it will roll out video ads that play automatically in news feeds.

The monetisation imperative already is facing an enormous backlash over a move by Facebook-owned Instagram to make money out of selling user images posted on the photo-sharing site.

Reggie Middleton predicted what would happen to Facebook nearly a year ago. His advice is well worth a review.

Hat tip: @Slone.


Relayed by The Looking Spoon.

And could someone please -- pretty please? -- ask John Boehner to stop negotiating with himself?

PIERS MORGAN'S TOP 10 FIREARMS TIPS. Oh, did I say Piers Morgan? I meant the Founding Fathers

Gee, I wonder whose counsel is more valuable and timeless: that of America's Founding Fathers -- or of Piers Morgan?

10. “Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” --George Washington, First President of the United States

9. "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." --James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46.

8. “And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …” --Samuel Adams, 1789

7. “...the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms" --Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789, Article on the Bill of Rights

6. "The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them.” --Zachariah Johnson, Elliot’s Debates, vol. 3 “The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution.”

5. "Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not." --Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States

4. "The great object is that every man be armed.” and “Everyone who is able may have a gun." --Patrick Henry

3. "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." --George Mason, Co-author of the Second Amendment

2. "The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-8

1. "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that … it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; … " --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Justice John Cartwright, June 5, 1824.

If Piers Morgan, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, and the rest of the progressive Left want to limit the right to keep and bear arms, then they must accomplish it the lawful way: by offering a Constitutional Amendment and then passing it.

Hat tip: @RayWatts.


There's hypocrisy. There's weapons-grade hypocrisy. And then there's Feinstein-level hypocrisy.

On April 27, 1995, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) spoke at the US Senate hearing on terrorism shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing.

During the hearing, she referenced her concealed carry permit and how she carried a gun with her in the 1970's, citing the urge to arm yourself for protection- in her case from threats...

"I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon and I made the determination if somebody was going to try and take me out, I was going to take them with me."

In 1994, Sen. Feinstein championed the federal assault weapons ban which expired in 2004 due to sunset provisions in the law.

Now, after recent shooting tragedies, Feinstein is making another push for tighter gun control.

In order to advance its ideological agenda, Mark Levin notes that the Left always twists the language:

• A "military-style weapon" is a semi-automatic rifle that resembles a military weapon, but operates precisely like a traditional hunting rifle;

• An "assault weapon", likewise, is a hunting rifle that looks scary;

• And a "high-capacity magazine" is a clip that holds more cartridges than some arbitrary threshold your betters arrived at.

As for the British CNN host Piers Morgan -- who invites actual experts on his show only to shout apoplectic epithets at them -- perhaps a brief history lesson in in order:

It's called Democide. And, if history is any guide, free people have much more to fear from their governments than each other.

Hat tip: Mark Levin.

10 Reasons the University as We Know It is Doomed

Culled from an excellent article at The American Interest (hat tip: BadBlue).

10. In fifty years, if not much sooner, half of the roughly 4,500 colleges and universities now operating in the United States will have ceased to exist. The technology driving this change is already at work, and nothing can stop it.

9. MIT is the first elite university to offer a credential for students who complete its free, open-source online courses. (The certificate of completion requires a small fee.) For the first time, students can do more than simply watch free lectures; they can gain a marketable credential—something that could help secure a raise or a better job. While edX won’t offer traditional academic credits, Harvard and MIT have announced that “certificates of mastery” will be available for those who complete the online courses and can demonstrate knowledge of course material. The arrival of credentials, backed by respected universities, eliminates one of the last remaining obstacles to the widespread adoption of low-cost online education.

8. In 2007 Princeton completed construction on a new $136 million luxury dormitory for its students—all part of an effort to expand its undergraduate enrollment. Last year Yale finalized plans to build new residential dormitories at a combined cost of $600 million. The expansion will increase the size of Yale’s undergraduate population by about 1,000. The project is so expensive that Yale could actually buy a three-bedroom home in New Haven for every new student it is bringing in and still save $100 million... What these universities are doing is pure folly, akin to building a compact disc factory in the late 1990s. They are investing in a model that is on its way to obsolescence. If these universities understood the changes that lie ahead, they would be selling off real estate, not buying it—unless they prefer being landlords to being educators.

7. The biggest obstacle to the rapid adoption of low-cost, open-source education in America is that many of the stakeholders make a very handsome living off the system as is. In 2009, 36 college presidents made more than $1 million. That’s in the middle of a recession, when most campuses were facing severe budget cuts. This makes them rather conservative when it comes to the politics of higher education, in sharp contrast to their usual leftwing political bias in other areas.

6. Student loan debt is at an all-time high—an average of more than $23,000 per graduate by some counts—and tuition costs continue to rise at a rate far outpacing inflation, as they have for decades. Credential inflation is devaluing the college degree, making graduate degrees, and the greater debt required to pay for them, increasingly necessary for many people to maintain the standard of living they experienced growing up in their parents’ homes.

5. The live lecture will be replaced by streaming video. The administration of exams and exchange of coursework over the internet will become the norm. The push and pull of academic exchange will take place mainly in interactive online spaces, occupied by a new generation of tablet-toting, hyper-connected youth who already spend much of their lives online. Universities will extend their reach to students around the world, unbounded by geography or even by time zones. All of this will be on offer, too, at a fraction of the cost of a traditional college education.

4. Recent history shows us that the internet is a great destroyer of any traditional business that relies on the sale of information... The higher-ed business is in for a lot of pain as a new era of creative destruction produces a merciless shakeout of those institutions that adapt and prosper from those that stall and die. Meanwhile, students themselves are in for a golden age, characterized by near-universal access to the highest quality teaching and scholarship at a minimal cost. The changes ahead will ultimately bring about the most beneficial, most efficient and most equitable access to education that the world has ever seen.

3. Technology will also bring future students an array of new choices about how to build and customize their educations. Power is shifting away from selective university admissions officers into the hands of educational consumers, who will soon have their choice of attending virtually any university in the world online. This will dramatically increase competition among universities. Prestigious institutions, especially those few extremely well-endowed ones with money to buffer and finance change, will be in a position to dominate this virtual, global educational marketplace. The bottom feeders—the for-profit colleges and low-level public and non-profit colleges—will disappear or turn into the equivalent of vocational training institutes. Universities of all ranks below the very top will engage each other in an all-out war of survival. In this war, big-budget universities carrying large transactional costs stand to lose the most. Smaller, more nimble institutions with sound leadership will do best.

2. What happens when a limited supply of a sought-after commodity suddenly becomes unlimited? Prices fall. Yet here, on the cusp of a new era of online education, that is a financial reality that few American universities are prepared to face.

1. The most important part of the college bubble story—the one we will soon be hearing much more about—concerns the impending financial collapse of numerous private colleges and universities and the likely shrinkage of many public ones. And when that bubble bursts, it will end a system of higher education that, for all of its history, has been steeped in a culture of exclusivity. Then we’ll see the birth of something entirely new as we accept one central and unavoidable fact: The college classroom is about to go virtual.

Big changes are coming, and old attitudes and business models are set to collapse as new ones rise. Few who will be affected by the changes ahead are aware of what’s coming. Severe financial contraction in the higher-ed industry is on the way, and for many this will spell hard times both financially and personally. But if our goal is educating as many students as possible, as well as possible, as affordably as possible, then the end of the university as we know it is nothing to fear. Indeed, it’s something to celebrate.

Larwyn's Linx: Gun Control, Thought Control and People Control

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Gun Control, Thought Control and People Control: Sultan Knish
GOP Leaders Capitulate on Core Conservative Principles: Foundry
Obama’s Obnoxious Obstructionism: Hillyer

Yes, It's Time For Bus Control: Bookworm
Team Obama still raising money--off Sandy Hook shootings: Exam
Obama backs new assault weapons ban: USA Today

A Short Open Letter to Joe Wilson: Hawkins
When Seconds Counted, The Police Were 20 Minutes Away: Howling
The Post-Newtown Witch Hunt: Malkin

The Return Of The Scary Gun Ban. 2012 Edition: RS
Police find no evidence Connecticut gunman was on medication: Fox
Michigan GOP Governor Vetoes Concealed Weapon Bill: ABC


Summary of Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals": Union News
Boehner’s House Has Increased Debt $18,944 Per Household: CNS
Domino’s Founder Files Lawsuit Challenging HHS Mandate: Foundry

Scandal Central

This is Awkward: SDA
Fast and Furious guns claim another victim in Mexico; Time for a national conversation?: Twitchy
The Detroit Political Machine: Charged With Stealing From Widows and Orphans: Mead

Mandatory Voting: Is This The Obama Administration's Goal?: IBD
Texas Democrat Party Official Calls For Murder Of Fellow Americans: Rhymes
Detroit's Tragic Decline Is Largely Due To Its Own Race-Based Policies: IBD

Climate & Energy

Great news: EPA regulating water: Times
EPA emails under internal probe: Hill


Ezra Klein: Mark to Myth: Finem Respice
Nanny Bloomberg Just Keeps on Making No Sense: Powers
Gun owners need weapons to protect themselves from anti-gun violent thugs!: AWD

Liberal Talk Station Folds; Blames Obama Campaign, Lack Of Like-Minded Financial Support: Katz
Press Gives Bloomberg a Pass for ‘Only Happens in America’ Remark on ‘Meet the Press’: BizzyBlog
1999 CT “Zero Tolerance” Law Outlawed State Employees From Carrying a Knife, BB Gun or Taser: Sooper

Anti-gun Michael Moore’s body guard arrested on gun charges in 2005: Greenroom
NBC News crew freed from captors in Syria: AT
Our Next Historic President: MB


Dems Aim For Gun Control Laws, As Another Fast and Furious Gun Shows Up at Murder Scene: MenRec
German TV Compares the Muslim Brotherhood With Communists and Nazis: GoV
Japanese Conservative Victory: A Welcome Development for the U.S.: Foundry

A Complete Whitewash: The Accountability Review Board Report On Benghazi: Howling
State Dept. defends arrest of Marine Veteran being held in Mexico on gun charge: Scoop
New Jersey Papa John’s robbed by hijabis: Creeping

Sci-Tech (courtesy

“In the beginning”...bringing the scrolls of Genesis and the Ten Commandments online: GoogleBlog
DARPA begins work on 100Gbps wireless tech with 120-mile range: ExtremeTech
No, what Instagram just did to its users is not acceptable: ZDNet

Invisibility Cloak Allows Combat Vehicles To 'Disappear' And Change Shape: Insider
Facebook Destroys Instagram: Ritholtz
Will Oracle Cloud Block Customers' Monitoring Tools?: TalkinCloud


The Hand In the Pocket: American Digest
The Decline of Western Title Sequences: Finem Respice
The Racist Roots of Gun Control: Firearms & Liberty

Image: Arizonan Helps Nab Bank Robber--All He Had to Do Was Show the Suspect He Was Armed
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Maggie's Farm

QOTD: "We hear an awful lot about heartless predatory corporations, but corrupt urban machines prey more viciously on the poor than does any corporation. Kids have been defrauded of education, pensioners are now looking at insecurity and cutbacks in their retirement years, homeowners have been ruined by failures of governance, and businesses have been destroyed—by failures of governance, by bureaucratic ineptitude, and by systemic corruption.

There are cities in this country where party organizations have become indistinguishable from criminal enterprises. Some smart lawyers could do a lot of good by ripping the curtain of denial aside. If Teddy Roosevelt were around today, this is the kind of issue the Bull Moose would be charging head on." --Walter Russell Mead

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


So long, Israel: it was nice knowing you.
• "The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here."

• "I'm a United States Senator, not an Israeli Senator."

• In 2002, a year in which 457 Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks (a figure proportionately equivalent to more than 20,000 fatalities in the U.S., or seven 9/11s), Mr. Hagel weighed in with the advice that "Israel must take steps to show its commitment to peace." This was two years after Yasser Arafat had been offered a state by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak at Camp David.

• In 2006, Mr. Hagel described Israel's war against Hezbollah as "the systematic destruction of an American friend, the country and people of Lebanon."

• In 2007, he voted against designating Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization.

• In 2009, Mr. Hagel urged the Obama administration to open direct talks with Hamas.

• In 2008, Mr. Hagel and John Kerry co-authored an op-ed in this newspaper titled "It's Time to Talk to Syria."

• "The United States and Israel must understand that it is not in their long-term interests to allow themselves to become isolated in the Middle East and the world," he said in a 2006 Senate speech. It's a political Deep Thought worthy of Saturday Night Live's Jack Handey. Does Mr. Hagel reckon any other nation to be quite so blind to its own supposed self-interest as Israel?

I don't think we've ever had a SECDEF with such a, eh, predilection for terrorists before. But, then again, this administration is historic.

IT TURNS OUT GUN OWNERS REALLY DO NEED WEAPONS: To protect themselves from left-wing thugs who threaten them with murder

Whatever happened to the post-Gabbi Giffords calls for civility? Oh, that's right: there's always a double standard for the Democrat Party and its hard left, progressive leaders:

Texas Democratic Party Official Calls For Murder of NRA Members

John Carburruvius tweeted this out after the Sandy Hook School shootings: "Can we now shoot the #NRA and everyone who defends them?"

John Carburruvius is a Democrat precinct committeeman in Bay Area Houston. He is a well-known Democrat in the state, worked on Noriega for US Senate campaign. He also SERVES ON THE TEXAS STATE DEMOCRAT COMMITTEE. On Friday he urged his twitter followers to murder NRA members and anyone who supports them.

His was hardly the only call for murder:

University of Rhode Island Professor Erik Loomis calls for killing NRA executive.

Actress Marg Helgenberger: ‘One can only hope’ NRA members get shot.

• Radio host Tony Katz, among others, was among many conservatives who received threats.

• And columnist/author Katie Pavlich collected additional threats.

Angry White Dude is right: "Gun owners need weapons to protect themselves from anti-gun violent thugs!"

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

BARRY RITHOLTZ: Facebook Just Destroyed Instagram

Well, these developments don't seem customer-friendly:

Over the past few years, I have been fairly critical about Facebook — starting first with its absurd valuation, and then moving to its abuse of privacy and data mining about its users, its frequent unannounced changes to its terms, and the general disdain with which it treats its users.

Although I was an Instagram fan, once [Facebook] bought the company, I stopped using the app (there are lots of alternatives)... This morning, I was reading the latest terms of service for the photo app — and they are nothing short of insane.

THE CASE OF THE MISSING MASSACRE: "How Come Obama Did Not Mention Fort Hood?"

Mark Levin catches a troubling omission by President Obama at a memorial service that turned -- surprise! -- into a political speech:

Over the weekend, the president was speaking and, really, when he got to his politics it was just stomach turning. There he is, in the middle of that little town … and he named four instances in where there were, what, massacres? But he left one out. I immediately realized -- and my brother emailed me too -- what happened to Fort Hood? How come he didn't mention Fort Hood? How come Obama did not mention Fort Hood where 13 human beings were slaughtered and there were several survivors. Because, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, Fort Hood is a military enclave, it's a base. You can't have more control than that.

Number two, they had all kinds of rules of who can carry weapons and who can't there. And unfortunately, a lot of men and women in uniform aren't allowed to carry weapons unless they're on duty. All kinds of gun control on that base.

But, number three, it had nothing to do with gun control. It had everything to do with political correctness run amok, costing the lives of 13 human beings. CBS News, July 19, 2012:

The FBI was too concerned about political correctness and did not launch an investigation into a man who was later charged with killing 13 people in the 2009 attack in Fort Hood, Texas, despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians, according to a lawmaker briefed on the new report.

THE END IS NEAR: 10 Terrifying Truths About the National Debt

Offering a long-term perspective on the debt and deficit, Tyler Durden presents a graph tracking the ratios throughout American history. The takeaways are anything but positive:

10. Beginning with the Anglo-American war of 1812, and continuing through the US civil war, World War I and World War II, the major military shocks to the US fiscal system are clearly obvious.

9. Just as obvious is the impact of not only The Great Moderation which started in the early 1980s just before the 1987 arrival of Alan Greenspan at the helm of the Fed, which allowed the US to exchange fiscal prudence for ever cheaper debt which could and would be used to fund an ever greater budget deficit, and lead to a surge in the Federal debt.

Larwyn's Linx: Let’s Have That Conversation About Guns

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Let’s Have That Conversation About Guns: Schlichter
Armed Citizen Shoots Gunman Attacking People at Movie Theater: Sooper
Boehner Can’t Give Away the House Fast Enough: RS

So if we're going to have that 'national conversation on guns'...: Instapundit
Gov. Nikki Haley appoints Rep. Tim Scott to DeMint’s seat: RedAlert
Mall shooter killed himself after seeing gun carrier aiming at him: Scoop

Longtime Senator From Hawaii Daniel Inouye Dead At The Age Of 88: Ace
God Suffers With Us: DLim
Why can't America care for the mentally ill?: Fox

Invincible Ignorance: Sowell
How Do We Know Ban Wouldn't Have Stopped Adam Lanza?: Reason
Conscience, Not Guns: Prager


Obama's Stealth Redistribution Strategy: Ushanka
10 Million Middle Class Families Face New Tax Under Obamacare: ATR
Judge Judy Confronts Entitlement Slacker, Hilarity Ensues: Bruce

Forget the 1%, Check Out Government Workers!: RS
Special Report: The Right to Work demonstrations in Lansing: Scoop
Obama makes new offer to narrow gap on cliff: Politico

Scandal Central

Mark Levin: Why Obama didn’t mention Fort Hood massacre at Sandy Hook vigil...: Scoop
Clinton And Kerry Get A Free Ride From The Press: IBD
Patterico on Tommy Christopher and the ‘Wheelerization’ of Steven Crowder: RSM


Factual weaponry for the stalwart foot soldiers fighting on behalf of the 2nd Amendment: Bookworm
The Implicit Racism of Ezra Klein: Innocent Bystanders
States with Stricter Gun Control Laws Are Less Safe: PJM

Furnishing Your Tidy Little Mind: RSM
Associated Press Story: Believe It or Not Mass Killings Are Not on the Rise, They Are on the Decline: Blaze
Village Voice Winds The Dog Whistle: Slack

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Urges Obama to “Track” People and Firearms: AIM
Media myths on ‘assault weapons’ and ‘semiautomatic firearms’: Exam
The Clueless Words of a Man Who Fears Guns, But Doesn’t Respect Them: Marfdrat

Mark Levin: Did you notice Obama didn’t mention Fort Hood as a massacre at Sandy Hook vigil?: Scoop
Penn And Teller On Gun Control: Ace
ABC and CBS Skip News of Tim Scott’s Historic Senate Appointment: NB


DISARMING AMERICA: Rebuttal of Ed Markey’s and other Democrats’ blatant lies: CDN
Banning Handguns Produced More Gun Crime in Britain: MB
The Principal Product of Malmö: Jew-Hatred: GoV

Europe Has Same Rate of Multiple Victim Shootings as the United States: FPM
Hope And Change: America Falls Out Of Top 10 Most Prosperous Countries For First Time: WZ
"Greece is not Japan": ZH

While Obama lectures us on personal responsibility...: Instapundit
First Photo of Marine Jailed in Mexico Sent to Family From Anonymous Mexican Email Account: Blaze
Narrative FAIL: Woman Carrying Concealed Weapon At Nail Salon Stops Armed Robbery: WZ

Sci-Tech (courtesy

"Gun" "Control": TechCrunch
Iranian computers targeted by new malicious data wiper program: Ars Technica
Stallman and Ubuntu: Sticks and Stones and a Blogosphere Brawl: Linux Insider


Life After Sex Work: Daily Beast
Sandy Hook Referenced in Dark Knight Rises: PP Simmons
Tyranny and the Monopoly of Arms: Mises

Image: Rep. Tim Scott picked to replace DeMint in Senate
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Small Dead Animals

QOTD: "There is no system in place—at all—that routes very sick mentally ill individuals, especially those at risk for violence, to forensic psychiatry professions truly skilled to evaluate them. In any case, the numbers of such professionals are extremely low and their use largely limited to evaluating and treating those who have already committed sex crimes or very violent acts, including murder.

Clinicians in ERs and in clinics, whose resources are already stretched dangerously thin—are loathe to file the paperwork that would force hospitalization on the unwilling or force medications on individuals who need them and refuse them, if they are lucky enough to get hospital care." --Dr. Keith Ablow