

“Way to Internet”

Horse can show you the way, but you’ll probably realize that you’ve known all along.



This thing is a functional camera!

It’s a Lego-esque mini digital camera that shoots lovely lo-fi photos (and videos). Think of it as a digital holga, but tiny!

Another fun thing about it is that you can add small blocks to it, so you can personalize what it looks like. ADORB.

Nanoblock Camera - a Lego-esque Mini Digital Camera

[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

TNW checks out Instagram’s Twitter dodge, Facebook’s market moves, and the House shouts into the wind.



Betterific, which is reminiscent of 43 Things meets Reddit, is still in its early stages — the service only recently added notifications, commenting and weekly top five emails — but the company is moving in an interesting direction, as it has the potential to service both users and organizations naturally. Nearly every company on the planet solicits feedback, and Betterific has the potential to disrupt bland, corporate suggestion boxes everywhere. In fact, within the next two months, the service has plans to introduce a new idea board feature, which can be embedded externally. (via Betterific launches out of beta to help you share ideas for making products and companies better - The Next Web)

[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

Nerdy house music may be about to join NerdCore in the genre of geek related music.

House duo, Jonathan Gjertsen and Morten Reinhard of Oslo have put together a funky house track based on the familiar Skype dial tone.

The pair, also known as Moodcraft, announced the publication of their track on SoundCloud and it is starting to spread via the short messaging service, so far to a warm reception.



“The European Commission (EC) announced today that it has fined seven major electronics companies — including Samsung, Philips, Panasonic, Toshiba – €1.47 billion ($1.93 billion) for participating in either one or two cartels that restricted pricing of CRT TVs and computer monitors.”



Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media Report is out and the big winner is (drum roll please)… Pinterest. With a 1,047% increase in unique PC visitors, the platform is aiming to surpass LinkedIn this year. 



Posting on Tumblr is like talking to your cat. You don’ know if they are listening, and you don’t know if they care, but for some reason, it still helps.




This attachable docking system is made from apple-grade aluminium, it will camouflage to your iMac and you’ll come to believe thats haw the iMac was designed.

check out their kickstarter appeal



Sneaker Speaker by Ray Kingston Inc.




Experiments are important, because doing something new will be what sets you apart from the others, and ultimately will be your key to success. But experiments in their nature will inevitably lead you to failure. Sorry, but it’s true. What’s crucial is that you take that failure, learn from it, and get back on the horse and start the cycle all over again. Each time you’ll be a bit more wise, and eventually, you’ll get it. by StartupVitamins


Nokia launches new 3.8-inch Lumia 620 Windows Phone 8 device, launching in January for $249 - The Next Web


Today, the European Commission announces The Europioneers, an initiative to celebrate Europe’s finest technology entrepreneurs.

Supported by yours truly, The Next Web, this prestigious technology award will be awarded to Europe’s Tech Entrepreneur of the Year. Giving technology entrepreneurship in Europe visibility on a national, regional and global scale.

(via EU Commission announces The Europioneers: The European Tech Entrepreneur of the Year Awards - The Next Web)