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 Guardian Unlimited Search

How to use Guardian Unlimited search:

Simply type one or more search terms (words) into the search box and hit the 'Enter' key or click on the 'Go' button.

Search terms:
The search engine returns only results matching all of your search terms. There is no need to include "and" between terms. To restrict a search further, just include more terms.

If you want to specify a particular phrase, use double quotes (e.g. "world cup" will search for the specific phrase "world cup", rather than the words "world" and "cup").

Results ordering:
By default your results are ordered by date, most recent first. If you are looking for a specific article, you may find it useful to order them by relevance, using the link on the results page.

Refining your search:
You can continue to refine your search from the results page. You might try changing your search terms, or using the filters we display next to your results to narrow down to a particular section of the site, writer, date, or publication.

Excluding words:
If you want to exclude a specific word from your results, put the word NOT (in capital letters) before the term you wish to exclude. This can be combined with phrase matching. For example searching for York NOT "New York" is likely to return results about York, but not those mentioning New York.

Further help
More detailed hints and advice can be found in our comprehensive search help section © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008