Today's picks

  • The Justice Collective - Christmas Number 1

    The Hillsborough Christmas No1 would make Joe Strummer proud

    Charles Shaar Murray: The true spirit of the Clash lives on in the Justice Collective's Hillsborough charity single. That's what I call a Merry Christmas
  • Krauze

    Why 2012 was the year of the fairytale

    Libby Brooks: From Mirror Mirror to Once Upon A Time, this year's tales reflect modern concerns, with UKuncut-style protests and unemployed dwarves. It's not nostalgia we seek, but magic


  • What you're saying
    Saw them twice, brilliant and prescient. Reluctant to join cyber crashing fray, when I can watch 'em on YouTube!
    Graeme Ewens
    commenting on Kraftwerk

2012's most read articles on Comment is free

  • Anywhere but Westminster: where do we go next? - video

    Video Video (4min 17sec) In our Anywhere but Westminster video series, John Harris and video producer John Domokos have covered political and social stories away from the metropolitan elite. Tell us what you want us to capture next


Do you visit bookshops to window shop, then buy online?

All high street retailers have seen sales fall because of online shopping – but bookshops have suffered more than most. And to add insult to injury, according to the BBC many of us now use bookshops only to browse in, then buy online. Are you guilty?