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Friday, December 7, 2012

Business Day Technology

In Shift of Jobs, Apple Will Make Some Macs in U.S.

Timothy Cook, Apple’s chief, said that the company was planning to build more Mac components domestically, with partners.
Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Timothy Cook, Apple’s chief, said that the company was planning to build more Mac components domestically, with partners.

Some analysts are hopeful that the move by a big, innovative company like Apple could inspire a broader renaissance in American manufacturing, but a number of experts remain skeptical.

National Network for First Responders Is Years Away

Planning delays, lack of money and limitations in technology have slowed the creation of a communications network for the police, firefighters and others.


S.E.C. Weighs Suit Against Netflix

Netflix said that it and its chief executive, Reed Hastings, may face civil claims from the Securities and Exchange Commission because of information disclosed in a Facebook post.

Bits Blog

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion

John Chambers is revamping Cisco to keep up with a revolution in the technology business.

Bucks Blog

A New Airport App in Time for Holiday Travel

TravelNerd Airport Guide aims to help travelers make their way around airports quickly and cheaply, with detailed maps of terminals and gates.

Bits Blog

T-Mobile Will Sell Apple Devices in 2013

Deutsche Telekom, the parent company of T-Mobile USA, said that it had entered a partnership with Apple to sell its products for use on its network in 2013. T-Mobile USA is the last major carrier in the United States that does not offer Apple products.

Drafters of Communications Treaty Are Split on Issue of Internet Governance

A United States proposal to keep the Internet in the hands of the private sector is being resisted by some delegates, including those from Russia and some African and Middle Eastern nations.

Bits Blog

F.C.C. Calls on F.A.A. to Allow Electronics on Planes

Julius Genachowski, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration urging the agency to allow more electronics on airplanes.

Bits Blog

Apple and Samsung Tangle on Damages and Juror

Samsung and Apple lawyers butted heads over the more than $1 billion in damages that a federal jury awarded Apple in August, but the judge in the case issued no new rulings in the case.

Bits Blog

Does Apple's Tim Cook Want an Apple Television?

In an interview with NBC, the chief executive of Apple, Timothy D. Cook, said the television was “an area of intense interest” for the company.

State of the Art

All-in-One PCs Look Good and Cost Plenty

Three sleek and shiny PCs from Apple, Hewlett-Packard and Vizio offer the latest components but no DVD drives.


Why Breaking Up H.P. Makes Sense

A back-of-the envelope calculation shows that the parts of the once-storied computing conglomerate could be worth just under $26 a share — 85 percent more than the company’s current share price.

Global Agenda | Conversation

Are We Becoming Cyborgs?

Susan Greenfield, Evgeny Morozov and Maria Popova on what technology and the Internet mean for our brains, our relationships and our future.

TimesCast Media+Tech

Video: Newspaper Cover Sparks Debate

TimesCast Media+Tech: A newspaper’s front-page photograph. | David Pogue compares desktops in 60 seconds. | Netflix and Disney make a deal.


Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter

A technology used by the Arab Spring protesters in their drive for a new order in the region is now under attack over aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.

How Online Retailers Play With Pricing

Fierce price competition among retail rivals.

Some Top Picks for Children's Tech Gifts

When it comes to technology, adults may be unaware of what's appropriate for children. Here are some popular options for gift-giving this holiday season.



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