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Mars rover 'shake and bake' cooks up a carbon mystery

Curiosity has detected organic compounds on Mars, after cooking them up itself <i>(Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)</i>

NASA's Curiosity rover has tasted carbon in Martian soil, sparking speculation as to its origin, and has also found that Mars prefers its hydrogen heavy
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Storytelling software learns how to tell a good tale

NEWS:  10:00 08 December 2012

A system that can improvise elements of a story could lead to a much more flexible type of artificial intelligence

Doha climate talks stumbling towards a deal

BRIEFING:  17:56 07 December 2012

As the Qatar climate summit looks set to run into the weekend, we look at some key issues, such as compensation for poor countries harmed by climate change

Twin spacecraft map the mass of the man in the moon

17:54 07 December 2012

Two satellites called Ebb and Flow have revealed the fine variations in the moon's surface with the most detailed gravity map ever

Lose weight without eating less - just cut down on fat

17:40 07 December 2012

A review of studies involving 75,000 people shows that simply eating less fat made them lighter

North-east Japan quake rattles same fault as last year

16:06 07 December 2012  | 2 comments

A new quake off Japan's Pacific coast revives memories of 2011 tsunami; Fukushima nuclear power station "undamaged"

YouTube reorganises video with automated channels

15:48 07 December 2012

Software that automatically classifies video into channels catering to specific interests is YouTube's latest ploy to become the future of television

Parasite makes mice fearless by hijacking immune cells

13:20 07 December 2012  | 1 comment

The Toxoplasma parasite does its dirty work by getting immune cells to make a chemical normally found in the brain

Space-time waves may be hiding in dead star pulses

THIS WEEK:  11:28 07 December 2012

The first direct detection of gravitational waves may happen in 2013, if new studies of pulsars affected by galaxy mergers are correct

Captured: the moment photosynthesis changed the world

THIS WEEK:  09:00 07 December 2012  | 6 comments

For the first time, geologists have found evidence of how modern photosynthesis evolved 2.4 billion years ago

Commute to work on the roller coaster train

NEWS:  08:30 07 December 2012  | 3 comments

A Japanese train based on a theme park ride could make getting around cleaner – and more fun

BSE infected cattle have prions in saliva

THIS WEEK:  08:00 07 December 2012

The discovery of tiny levels of prions in cow saliva might pave way for a test for BSE before symptoms develop, and raises questions about transmission

Space bigwigs offer billion-dollar private moon trips

19:22 06 December 2012

Robots aren't the only ones heading to the moon. The Golden Spike Company will sell you a ticket whether you want to explore, mine or just show off

Human eye proteins detect red beyond red

19:00 06 December 2012

Tweaking the structure of a protein found in the eye has given it the ability to react to red light that is normally unperceivable

Kyoto protocol gets a second lease of life

BRIEFING:  17:19 06 December 2012

Just weeks before it is due to expire, the world's only binding climate agreement appears to have been saved – sort of

Zoologger: The toughest eggs in the world

16:34 06 December 2012

The eggs of the tiny seed shrimp Eucypris virens are truly stalwart, happily enduring sub-zero temperatures, UV radiation and oxygen deprivation

Browser hacks enable free cloud computing

16:18 06 December 2012

Cloud computing resources can be hijacked by exploiting loopholes in browsers

Your next boss could be a computer

NEWS:  13:34 06 December 2012

Software that delegates tricky problems to human workers is changing the nature of crowdsourcing

Sat-Map: Explore the lights of the world from space

11:54 06 December 2012

See humanity's global footprint in our night-time glow seen from orbit – from the dark realm of North Korea to oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico

Celebrities turn to encryption to keep phones private

INSIGHT:  08:00 06 December 2012  | 3 comments

Smartphone encryption tools will make it easier to keep your calls private

Chemical key to cell division revealed

22:00 05 December 2012

The discovery that lipids are vital for an important stage of cell division could offer new ways to treat cancer and rare genetic disorders

Gay 'conversion therapy' enters the courtroom

UPFRONT:  19:00 05 December 2012  | 34 comments

A widely condemned therapy which aims to help gay men change their sexuality is under legal scrutiny in a US trial

NASA's next Mars rover to launch in 2020

18:36 05 December 2012  | 1 comment

Rock storage and a zoomable 3D camera are some of the possible updates to a rover based on Curiosity's design

Astrophile: A baby solar system with big ambitions

18:00 05 December 2012

The infant should grow up into a sun-like star, and is surrounded by enough matter to make at least seven Jupiters

Earth-spanning super typhoon Bopha pictured from space

18:00 05 December 2012

A snapshot of the tropical storm from the International Space Station shows the extent of Bopha's fury from 370 kilometres up

No sign of emissions letting up as climate talks begin

INSIGHT:  18:00 05 December 2012  | 16 comments

Temperatures and sea level are rising faster than predicted, but it's our ever increasing greenhouse gas emissions that are the real worry

Gene switch found to help a heart heal itself

18:00 05 December 2012

Injecting specific sequences of RNA into the hearts of mice damaged by heart attack can help the organ repair itself by producing new muscle tissue

Dying aspen trees sound alarm for world's forests

16:48 05 December 2012

A severe drought in the US 10 years ago weakened the region's aspen trees. If the same is true for other tree species, climate change may destroy many forests

Nitpicking experts make Wikipedia a harder read

16:38 05 December 2012

Often written by expert writers with an obsessive quest for accuracy, the readability of Wikipedia entries is taking a back seat



Greece in crisis: Saving a nation

In this special report, New Scientist reveals the humanitarian cost of the Greek catastrophe, with plans for recovery and insights into network analysis
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Higgsteria: Hunting the world's most wanted particle

The Higgs boson was the only particle predicted by the standard model of physics that remained undetected – now all that's changed
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Twin spacecraft map the mass of the man in the moon

Two satellites called Ebb and Flow have revealed the fine variations in the moon's surface with the most detailed gravity map ever
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How to create stunning paintings using physics alone Movie Camera

Attention, Pollock wannabes – watch different colours of paint interact to produce abstract images thanks to fluid dynamics
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