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Resources for the Future has a long tradition of pioneering research on health issues, including early work on schistosomiasis control, fertility, and a seminal 1970 study exploring the link between air pollution and mortality. Today RFF researchers are building on that tradition by employing creative approaches to a host of health-related policy challenges. These include responding to the growing threat of drug resistance in disease-causing pathogens, valuing disparate health outcomes, setting disease control priorities and health policy in developing countries, devising strategies to control and eliminate malaria, and enhancing food safety. By applying methods first developed in the environmental economics field to the analysis of health issues, RFF research is opening up new avenues for cross-disciplinary research and policy solutions.
Malaria Can Be Controlled Despite Rising Temperatures
Contrary to conventional wisdom, global warming will not cause malaria to spread or intensify according to new research by Visiting Scholar David L. Smith.
Watch: Stemming the Spread of Global Drug Resistance
Drugs to treat malaria, infections, and other illnesses are losing effectiveness. RFF's expert panel explains why and suggests way to reverse this troubling trend.
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Extending the Cure
The Extending the Cure project is a research and consultative effort that frames the growing problem of antibiotic resistance as a challenge in managing a shared societal resource.
Adoption and Impact of Improved Groundnut Varieties on Rural Poverty: Evidence from Rural Uganda
Menale Kassie, Bekele Shiferaw, Geoffrey Muricho
RFF Discussion Paper EfD 10-11 | May 2010
One size fits all? Time to rethink how we use antibiotics.
Ramanan Laxminarayan, Patricia Geli, Simon Levin, Michael Dunne and David Smith
Diversify or Focus? Spending to Combat Infectious Diseases When Budgets are Tight.
Ramanan Laxminarayan, Soren Anderson and Steve Salant
Multiple First-Line Artemisinin Combination Therapies to Delay the Emergence of Resistance
Ramanan Laxminarayan, Dave Smith, Eili Klein and Ellis McKenzie
The effect of free antibiotic programs on retail antibiotic sales
Ramanan Laxminarayan,Mike Eber and Shanjun Li
Are physicians sensitive to pharmaceutical prices?
Ramanan Laxminarayan and Shanjun Li
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 Video Interview 

Senior Fellow Alan Krupnick discusses his research into lead paint exposure in children.

Click the player below to watch.

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