Regulations/Policy Branch

The Policy Branch coordinates and oversees the procedures and processing of all documents, including proposed and final regulations, for publication in the Federal Register, ensuring that such documents are in the required format and are concisely and clearly written.  The Policy Branch serves as a focal point within the Sustainable Fisheries Division with respect to regulatory policy, consistency, and the implementation of Federal regulations.

This information (regulations) is provided by the Southeast Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for the use and convenience of interested persons. The information available through this site may change over time. Official sources of information, such as the Federal Register, control in the event of any discrepancy appearing on NMFS home pages.

Contact the Policy Branch
Anik Clemens (Team Lead)

Scott Sandorf

Anne Marie Eich

To reach Sustainable Fisheries staff, please call: 
(727) 824-5305.

Southeast Fishery

Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR part 622
(Last Updated January 8, 2013)

Spiny Lobster Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic, 50 CFR part 640 (Last Updated November 10, 2012)

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Tips for Navigating Federal Regulations:

Comment on Proposed

How to Submit a Comment

Submit a Comment

Documents that filed for public inspection today

Regulatory Process

Open Comment Periods

NOAA Weather Radio Announcements

Listen to Broadcasts - VHF Frequencies

Other Guidance/Statutes

Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act of 2006


Items of Interest

Southeast Regional Office IFQ Login

Permits, Applications, and Forms

NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries

More Information

State Fishing Regulations

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (including Atlantic tuna, billfish, sharks, and swordfish)

International Fisheries Regulations (including Vessels of the United States Fishing in Colombian Treaty Waters)

Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council

South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Caribbean Fishery Management Council