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Fortune Magazine
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  1. Tomorrow, Fortune's Leigh Gallagher will join the roundtable on MSNBC's Morning Joe at 8:15AM ET.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Fortune MagazineSee All
    • Great article on Jeff Bezos. I really appreciated the return to reading and writing well-thought out narratives versus bullet ridden PowerPoint slides and cursory email communication. Mr. 2012 BusinessPerson of the Year understands the connection between strong communication skills and business success. Go Jeff!
      5 hours ago
    •  Before you disqualify this, check out the quick four min movie. Then to see the compensation plan, take the free tour. I get paid every Thursday and get monthly bonuses and I just started in late october. Http://
      9 hours ago
  3. Companies like Pfizer and Goldman Sachs have gotten behind a new bill that would allow U.S. citizens to sponsor their same-sex partners for citizenship.
    Photo: Companies like Pfizer and Goldman Sachs have gotten behind a new bill that would allow U.S. citizens to sponsor their same-sex partners for citizenship.
  4. Yes, mobile devices are growing at an unbelievable clip. That doesn't mean technologies like phones and tablets don't face hurdles in becoming ubiquitous. Here are 4 obstacles in the way of mobile world domination:
    Photo: Yes, mobile devices are growing at an unbelievable clip. That doesn't mean technologies like phones and tablets don't face hurdles in becoming ubiquitous. Here are 4 obstacles in the way of mobile world domination:
  5. What's scarier than the return of Silvio Berlusconi? For some investors, it's his likely opponent in the race to succeed Mario Monti as Italy's prime minister: Pier Luigi Bersani.
    Photo: What's scarier than the return of Silvio Berlusconi? For some investors, it's his likely opponent in the race to succeed Mario Monti as Italy's prime minister: Pier Luigi Bersani.
  6. Housing is showing solid signs of rebounding, while the government reports that residential construction jobs are shrinking. What gives?
    Photo: Housing is showing solid signs of rebounding, while the government reports that residential construction jobs are shrinking. What gives?
  7. The head of Google Search is coming in tomorrow. What should we ask him?
  8. A risky makeover of the king of shrinkwrapped software is starting to win over skeptics. Will Adobe's new cloud strategy pay off?
    Photo: A risky makeover of the king of shrinkwrapped software is starting to win over skeptics. Will Adobe's new cloud strategy pay off?
  9. Many investors don't trust Wall Street anymore, so they're putting money into exotic alternatives. The saga of two friends provides a window into a growing peril.
    Photo: Many investors don't trust Wall Street anymore, so they're putting money into exotic alternatives. The saga of two friends provides a window into a growing peril.
  10. From the Fortune archives: What we know about marijuana -- so far (Fortune, 1971) -
    Photo: From the Fortune archives: What we know about marijuana -- so far (Fortune, 1971) -
  11. The total cost to attend Stanford's prestigious business school is now $185k, besting Columbia as the world's most expensive MBA program. Is it worth it?
    Photo: The total cost to attend Stanford's prestigious business school is now $185k, besting Columbia as the world's most expensive MBA program. Is it worth it?
  12. Fiscal cliff? What fiscal cliff? If uncertainty were the issue it would already be slowing hiring. It's not.
    Photo: Fiscal cliff? What fiscal cliff? If uncertainty were the issue it would already be slowing hiring. It's not.
  13. Our latest in the #SaveTheSeaport series looks at how bakeshop Made Fresh Daily is adjusting to the new normal.
    Photo: Our latest in the #SaveTheSeaport series looks at how bakeshop Made Fresh Daily is adjusting to the new normal.
  14. Can GameStop learn from the likes of Blockbuster and Borders and avoid a common fate?
    Photo: Can GameStop learn from the likes of Blockbuster and Borders and avoid a common fate?
  15. Fortune spoke with Vice Chairman and former CEO Susan Lyne about today's announcement of Michelle Peluso, global consumer chief marketing and internet officer at Citigroup and former CEO of Travelocity, as Gilt's new CEO. Here's what she had to say.
  16. Adweek named us the Best Publication for Getting (or Staying) Rich in its 2012 Hot List. Thanks, Adweek!

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