Spouses \'get to know each other again' during couples' game
Lorinda Tritt, FRSA, 4th Sqdn., 4th Cav. Regt., 1st HBCT, 1st Inf. Div., left, holds up what she thought her husband would answer to a question after her husband, Gary Tritt, USAG operations and plans analyst, announces his answer. The couple participated in ACS� �Guess What Your Spouse Will Say� game Feb. 20 at Riley�s Conference Center on Main Post.

FORT RILEY, Kan. - Communication is key in relationships.

Army Community Service showed couples how well they communicated and how much they knew about each other during "Guess What Your Mate Will Say," a game-show-like presentation Feb. 20 at Riley's Conference Center. It took place alongside Riley's monthly brunch, which had a theme of "Brunch with your Little Valentine."

In each of its three rounds, three couples were asked questions and wrote down how they thought their spouse would respond, similar to "The Newlywed Game."

"It's a good way for people to connect and learn more about each other and see what they really do know about each other, regardless of how long they've been together," said Carolyn Tolliver-Lee, ACS Family Advocacy specialist. "We did a lot of age variations and variations of lengths of times they've been in their relationships, so there was a lot of diversity here."

While some of the couples were pre-selected, several were just volunteers from the audience or brunch attendees.

"I'm still excited," Tolliver Lee said. "I think it went extremely well. Feedback from the participants and those observing thought it was a very good approach to relationship building. We've been asked to do it again, so maybe we'll do that this summer."

Tolliver-Lee said the presentation helped the participants, as well as the audience, learn about communication.

"Most of the time when it comes to relationships, experts talk about how important communication is," she said. "This is just one way to enhance that among couples. It was a good way to make them aware of how much they know, and how much they need to study to know about each other."

Jillian Singleton, Riley's Conference Center's senior business manager, said she enjoyed teaming up with ACS.

"Our regular brunch-goers were exposed to some of the ACS programs, and, in turn, some of their guests could come and see what we can do for brunch," she said. "I think this is a gateway for future teamings for brunch, so we'll probably try to pair with ACS or other groups in the future."

Special dishes for the brunch included homemade beef stew and fresh baked chicken.

Angela Ballard, Riley's catering manager, said there was a nice mix of patrons.

"We did have couples who came in with the kids, and also Families of deployed Soldiers who just wanted to spend some quality time together," she said.

Page last updated Fri February 25th, 2011 at 16:08