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[ - ] Who is lasagna mom? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:21 AM Flag
a very thoughtful woman who wanted to bring marina krim a lasgna after the tragedy and everyone on ub has mocker her since. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:35 AM Flag
sorry for typos using a terrible new phone [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:36 AM Flag
[ - ] These ever-multiplying chin hairs are killing me. UGH. 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:49 AM Flag
That's what Tom Cruise said just before the divorce. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:58 AM Flag
I feel your pain :( [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:59 AM Flag
I pluck...and I pluck.. and I pluck... and it never ends! Sometimes I think if I didn't pluck, I'd have a full-on beard by now! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:22 AM Flag
[ - ] ugh, elderly relative had scabies, as a precaution I treated our whole family with permethrin since we spent time w. this relative. also washed all clothes, dried them for ages, washed pillows, bedding, etc...should this be enough? has anyone had experience with this? i am really feeling a bit paranoid and horrified. 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:48 AM Flag
You didn't need to do most of that. I got it and didn't even know what it was. Went to doc next day, put the cream on my hands and arms and washed my sheets that night. That was it. No one else got it from me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:52 AM Flag
[ - ] I hurt exbf very badly. I didn't cheat or anything like that. He is dating someone now, but I don't think he really loves her. I just want to see him one time to tell him how sorry I am. I will not be able to get over it and move on to other relationships until my conscious is clear. Yet, I don't want to contact him now that he is clearly dating someone and it would be so horrible to come in between. What should I do? 28 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:05 AM Flag
Move on, he's probably very happy with new gf [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:07 AM Flag
zip it until he's not dating. or write a letter if you don't want anything but just unload. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:08 AM Flag
unloading on someone is simply a bad idea. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
i meant get the guilty feeling off her chest. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:18 AM Flag
write him an apology letter and stay away. it's conscience, not conscious, by the way. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:09 AM Flag
Move on. The damage is done. Leave him alone. whatever he does, it's NONE of your business. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:09 AM Flag
Please do not bother him again if you are sorry. he doesn't want to hear from you anymore. saying sorry may make you feel better but it will only bring him bad memories. leave him alone. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:12 AM Flag
THIS. Telling him sorry so YOU can move in just selfish, especially if you hurt him and he still has feelings for you. I also wonder if you are on some unconscious level trying to stroke your own ego/see if you still have some power over him - he is dating someone new, and you feel threatened (even if you don't want him for yourself). Just STAY AWAY. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:26 AM Flag
^^move ON [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:31 AM Flag
And stop stalking him! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
Why don't you just ask him for a friendly coffee and talk to him and then move on? It seems that you need to unload [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:15 AM Flag
Because it is selfish!! SHE hurt HIM. He is obviously trying to move on, is dating someone else. She only wants to apologize so she can feel better herself. I don't believe for a minute that she truly thinks it would be "so horrible to come in between them". That is exactly what she wants to do, if even on a subconscious level. How many times do you hear women say "Just when I started seeing someone new, my evil ex came a-calling"?? And the response is usually - IGNORE him, he just wants to see if he can still get what he no longer has. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:29 AM Flag
he's prob over it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:19 AM Flag
+10000 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:20 AM Flag
Conscience ffs [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:22 AM Flag
?? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:31 AM Flag
It's conscience, not conscious. For f's sake [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:45 AM Flag
What did you do to hurt him? If its just that you left him, then let it be. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:27 AM Flag
Wait until they break up or you know he is single again to reach out. He will be happy to know you are sorry and can then decide how to move forward, if at all [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:41 AM Flag
wtf! you are not sorry. you want to see if he is still thinking about you. you'll hurt him again if he is not. you want him to break up because "you" don't think he loves her!?! yeah, right. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:42 AM Flag
that part about "not love her" was a bit rich and egocentric. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:49 AM Flag
What did you do? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:45 AM Flag
Alright. It might out me because it is pretty specific, but here goes. I am a nunchucks enthusiast. One morning, we got drunk and he said something rude to me. I grabbed my nunchucks and let loose my entire 2011 Nationals routine on him. He had to see a doctor and get two teeth pulled and he never really forgave me. This is not the first predicament my damn nunchucks have gotten me into. Or maybe it's my morning drinking. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:13 AM Flag
wow. he def doesn't want to see you again. don't ever contact him. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:21 AM Flag
FAKE! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:23 AM Flag
What gave it away? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:28 AM Flag
I was you. I ended up writing an apology letter stating not just that i was sorry, but why i did the things i did. This happened with a bf that i was with for four years in high school. I also felt i owed a letter to his parents, who i truly loved like my own. So i wrote letters and about a month later i got a phone call from his mom and dad. They said that of course they forgave me and they were happy i was in touch.. in terms of bf i dont talk to him except maybe once a year on facebook. But writing those letters lifted a huge weight off my heart [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:26 AM Flag
Exactly. It was a huge weight off of YOUR heart. If time has passed and everyone has moved on, and you did something that warranted an apology - and you are TRULY apologizing to apologize - then yes, maybe it is the right thing to do. But in the case of the OP, I quite frankly question her motives. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:31 AM Flag
[ - ] Went to cocktail party where there were lots of LI (Great Neck mostly) moms. Holy crap! The jewelry,the clothes. At first, I thought it was gaudy, but now I want to know where I can buy this over the top stuff! Great Neck mom, where do you shop? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:58 AM Flag
always think of the friedmans when i hear great neck. poor man. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:00 AM Flag
Aren't they all Persians jews there? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:02 AM Flag
i don't know. but that was one family that coulda used a couple million. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:02 AM Flag
Ugh. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:01 AM Flag
The Americana Manhassett? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:11 AM Flag
[ - ] my DS who is a freshman at stuy told me that there was a student (junior or senior) who came to school clearly under the influence of drugs and alcohol and punched one of the administrators. police were called and the student was taken away in handcuffs. but they are trying to keep the story under wraps so their already-damaged reputation isn't further tarnished... privates aren't the only ones that take measures to keep scandals from leaking out! 18 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:55 AM Flag
good job getting the word out, then [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:57 AM Flag
which ethnic group are you? i want to see if stuy really is 80% chinese or whatever. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:59 AM Flag
we are white [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
jewish? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
no [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:06 AM Flag
wasp? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:06 AM Flag
no we are a UMC family in brooklyn - i dont think thats waspy? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:10 AM Flag
you are if you are anglo saxon protestant. german qualifies, too. not if you're greek, italian, bulgarian, etc. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:20 AM Flag
So what made you post this on UB? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:00 AM Flag
just wanted to let others know... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
Know about what? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
serious question, how do you like the school? I didn't let my dd apply. Thought she should stay at her private. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
we transferred from private and DS likes it very well. as a parent however i think the administration is difficult to reach sometimes and it's not as great as it's hyped up to be... perhaps the other smaller specialized HSs besides the "big three" might have been a better choice. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:09 AM Flag
Thanks, I know it has some amazing kids, but the whole system with Bloomberg butting in every 5 seconds would have gotten old [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:12 AM Flag
This kind of thing could happen anywhere to a messed-up kid. Shouldn't be a "scandal" or "newsworthy." If the kid was back in the school the next day, now that is something else. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:05 AM Flag
i agree but this is not something i would expect from a student who goes to one of the best-ranked and well-regarded public HSs in the country [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:10 AM Flag
Oh for god's sake, it's a big school, doesn't surprise me at all that once in a while someone will get drunk and lose it -- particularly in a pressure-cooker school. Better this than another suicide. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
This. Huge school. Odds are good that this kind of thing will happen. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:56 AM Flag
[ - ] There are so many obviously smart and accomplished women on UB. And yet we sit here, with our computers and our glasses of wine while the kids are sleeping (finally) or graduated (finally) and husbands (or boyfriends, or exes) are at work or watching TV in the next room, and get pulled into discussions bashing rich-people or people who have the bad luck to fall in love with married men. Gosh, can't we do something better with our downtime? Call our sisters, write an email to our best friends who live abroad? Do what you like, of course, flare if you want, but I. Am. Out. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:54 AM Flag
good riddance. hate pollyannas. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:01 AM Flag
Yeah, seems like she does not understand what ub is all about. We give advice, we flame, we call out, we bitch, we vent... Op is just another hall monitor mom. UB is self-patrolling, if it does not ignite a response or interest from others, the post simply fade away. Hope op keeps her word, but I bet not. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:12 AM Flag
Op will keep coming back for more. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
We bash douchy people. If the douchbag happens to have money, it doesn't change the fact the person is still a douchbag and worthy of being flamed by posting a douchy comment. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:04 AM Flag
We bash douchy people. If the douchbag happens to have money, it doesn't change the fact the person is still a douchbag and worthy of being flamed by posting a douchy comment. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:04 AM Flag
[ - ] my dc has the flu. i am terrified--keep going in to check. what else should i do besides tylenol/motrin..? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:51 AM Flag
why are you terrified. it's just the flu. makes them stronger. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:52 AM Flag
Is the fever very high? If not, don't worry about it. Is this a very little baby? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:55 AM Flag
12 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:20 AM Flag
first child? how old is dc? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:59 AM Flag
[ - ] Best high end luxury purse brands that are understated and not overhyped like Birkin? 14 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:49 AM Flag
bottega hands down. also loro piano makes some very nice bags. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:50 AM Flag
Bottega bags are hyped up. They have been for years. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:04 AM Flag
So offer a better suggestion, you [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
I heard not-so-great-things about Bottega's manufacturing in Italy or China, or whatever. I will see if I can find the story and post it. Quite an eye-opener, really [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:42 AM Flag
Same question but what about jewelers? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:55 AM Flag
Can we stick to bags? I'm in the market too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:02 AM Flag
Ok [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:13 AM Flag
I am not a big handbag person, but I admire Nancy Gonzalez and Lana Marks bags (not the really structured ones, though--too formal). I also agree that some Loro Piana bags are gorgeous. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:07 AM Flag
I don't get LP - it's expensive jcrew like pieces [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:16 AM Flag
I love Loro Piana cashmere and coats. The other stuff looks hideously overpriced and pedestrian.... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:40 AM Flag
I want an old lady British handbag. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:22 AM Flag
Valextra? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:23 AM Flag
Check out the Sofia Coppola lv top handle [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:26 AM Flag
oh i love that! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:10 AM Flag
[ - ] Facts about mom with unemployed analyst DH. They have a dog and a car. Their last AMEX bill was "bare bones" of monthly spending, which was $2400. They were down to their last 75k two weeks ago, but are magically down to their last 100k today. She is "due any day" now for last month. Although she lived in London for 3 years, she managed to hold onto her rent stabilized apartment in NYC. Her DH is starting a fund with 100k savings and proceeds of selling apartment they have no mortgage on, valued at 700k. She was 35 in some posts and 40 in others. This is obviously a novelist working out the character! I would read a well written tale of a finance wife who can no longer afford Carter onesies when she ussed to spend $ on Botox and drapes! 28 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:40 AM Flag
Or she is just trying to change some non-critical facts so she doesn't "out" herself. And she's not as diligent as you apparently are in ferreting out the "facts." I have no horse in this race other than the fact that I like my arguments to be strong and make sense. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:43 AM Flag
So do you really think she is real? But she is such a caricature with her hysteria over her dwindling pile of hundreds of thousands. To me, it seems like a made up way to make fun of a finance wife who refuses to work. Kind of a "fallen on hard times" story. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:47 AM Flag
Yes I think she is real, she is in a panic, and she is pregnant, which makes it all the more daunting. She is not fucked but she feels like she is or is soon going to be. And to be fair, if he's out of work for 2 more years, she could get pretty close to LMC. That's tough to take when it isn't what you're used to and isn't close to what you were expecting. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:58 AM Flag
no way-faker than fake. NO ONE starts a fund these days with that little cash [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:23 AM Flag
np: no one sane but her husband might be grasping at straws out of desperation. anyway, $1MM isn't really a fund and i don't know who's going to give him money. he's just managing his own money but from what i can see, his history isn't great or he wouldn't be out of job right now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:05 AM Flag
but i'd freaking kill my husband if he talked about putting our nest egg in jeopardy like that. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:47 AM Flag
Really? I let my husband bet BIG with our savings in his investments. We have taken a couple hundred thousand and made it into millions in 2 years. Not for the faint of heart though. I still remember when I could not buy food because he took a cash advance on all my credit cards! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:54 AM Flag
yeah, sorry to say but i don't believe these stories on UB of financial genius. i worked in finance. my husband worked in finance. we did make million and i don't see a way to turn 200K into several million in 2 years without SEVERELY IMPRUDENT leverage, especially with the freaking tax taking its cut. unless you provide details, i call BS. and my husband does invest all our money now but definitely he wasn't canned from some job so i know he has the goods. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:58 AM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:01 AM Flag
Real Estate. We're not in NYC, so doubt this would work for NYC apartments. DH would buy houses with lots of units and rent them out. We live in a place where real estate is cheap but rentals are high because of a big university. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:01 AM Flag
i still don't get it. you buy a lot of multi-family homes? you haven't brought in millions in rent. so you must think you have millions in real assets. how do you figure? i think you're confused. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:06 AM Flag
No, not brought in millions in rent. Millions in assets. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:07 AM Flag
so you're saying your RE appreciated ten fold or something? where is this? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:09 AM Flag
Noooooo! Market did go up about 30% over that time frame. How we did it: bought with very little money down, like 10% or less. Then, when students moved in and house appraised higher, refinanced and re-invested proceeds into the next one while still getting rents from first one. So on and so on. Yes, we were highly leveraged and we owned a lot of homes. Also bought land and built a commercial building, that was a big part. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:15 AM Flag
who's giving you all this leverage? i still have hard time believing your story. 30% appreciation does not equate into 10x returns. and have you tried to sell any of these things? also, remember, you still have mortgage. i don't see where the millions comes in. are you sure your husband isn't embezzling/misappropriating money and lying to you? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:24 AM Flag
I give up. I have an accountant. My husband is not embezzling money from anyone. You really don't get it, are you even in finance? Imagine I put down $5 buying a house worth $100. Mortgage is covered by my rental income and there is actually surplus, but let's ignore it for now. Market brings up price to $130. What is my return? Please don't say 30%. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:29 AM Flag
yeah, but you still have the $95 in mortgage. where's your millions? and who's giving you millions in commercial mortgage? and then they are letting you take out equity in this environment? it doesn't add up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:36 AM Flag
I invested $5. When I sell, I make $30 in profit. That is 600% return on my initial investment. Now imagine I don't sell, but refinance instead and keep the surplus rental income. Are you getting it now? It's called leverage. And no, I am not taking equity out, I don't need to and my bank would not let me anyway. What area of finance are you in? I am curious [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:41 AM Flag
Oops, 6x return. Maybe I should back to remedial finance before I do more preaching. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:42 AM Flag
600% return is 6x return. i was in derivatives. but how is refinancing helping you if you aren't taking out equity? where are you getting money for your next project? you're just lowering your payments, that's all. so as far as i can tell (assuming $5=200K), you have $1.4MM at best in equity, not considering what the tax man taketh and assuming you really will lock in that 30% return and not taking into account maintenance. i don't see it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:47 AM Flag
Banks don't lend on 5% down these days. You would need mortgage insurance for HUD loan but that does not apply to investment properties. In today's market, properties do not appreciate 30% in two years. If you bought before the bubble burst when credit was easy, then value has actually dropped. Maxing out credit card is not a good indicator for lenders. Too many holes in your story. It may be based on some truths, but likely very exaggerated. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:50 AM Flag
Wow, that is impressive attention to detail [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:49 AM Flag
I'm convinced it's a character! Come on! She said she spent all their savings on drapes while living in London and then mentions buying Carter onesies at 70% off? It's obviously satire! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:50 AM Flag
Oh I see your point absolutely, I am impressed you put it altogether :) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:54 AM Flag
Eh, the story is consistent enough. It's getting old, however. It's the tale of someone who has slipped a few rungs in the economic ladder, but considers herself stony broke although she's worth close to a million (and don't forget the "obnoxious" diamond engagement ring she wrote about). She's looking for pity and people are buying into it. Some people even suggested she go on food stamps!!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:49 AM Flag
I love it that she is "obviously a novelist" as opposed to any other myriad options [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:51 AM Flag
People here must read shitty books. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:09 AM Flag
lol [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:16 AM Flag
[ - ] December boy thriving in kindergarten (where deadline is not dec 31). Inviting others to join me when NYC publics try to force your kids directly to first. 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
NY Schools 12.07.12, 04:20 AM Flag
Huh? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:25 AM Flag
good, it's not just me [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:30 AM Flag
um--yeah that wasnt' very clear. I meant to say that after freaking out about having to put my kid into first grade (because we tried unsuccessfully to get him into private school) we found a way out of the NYC rules. We moved to a district where the cutoff for kindergarten was oct 1. So he is now in kindergarten and doing well [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:29 AM Flag
Ah ha. Where is this place. May see you there in sept [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:32 AM Flag
you would have to leave nyc. Edgewater NJ!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:33 AM Flag
Ready for burbs. Good schools? How is commute? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:36 AM Flag
commute is easy. but edgewater is not really the burbs. like hoboken. elementary schools are fine. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:06 AM Flag
[ - ] What would you think of a women who has Birkin bag in 7 colors? 42 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:18 AM Flag
Birkin bags [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:19 AM Flag
1%, lucky! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:20 AM Flag
That she liked Birkin Bags. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:21 AM Flag
You don't think it's OTT? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:21 AM Flag
What's OTT? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:22 AM Flag
Over the top [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:27 AM Flag
well, I wouldn't see her holding all seven at once, and I probably wouldn't pay enough attention to count. don't care. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:45 AM Flag
Eh if I had the money to waste on purses I'd probably buy that crap too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:45 AM Flag
label whore, self esteem problems [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:21 AM Flag
Ok, I can't affird them either, but I don't think this [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:21 AM Flag
Afford [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:22 AM Flag
totally. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:24 AM Flag
+1000. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:31 AM Flag
uber rich and a total weirdo. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:22 AM Flag
That's why I don't carry them often, definitely not to school events. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:23 AM Flag
I don't think you need to hide your wealth. If that's your fav bag, use it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:24 AM Flag
PP: I didn't mean to call you a weirdo for having birkins or mean to knock you for being rich. I just think seven of the same bag or anything seems a little excessive. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:33 AM Flag
I love my Birkin, but seriously, going to a school open house I took the no-label route. The trashiest mom was decked out in big Birkin bag, giant Chanel CC earrings, massive faux fur jacket...(cringe) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:41 AM Flag
I saw a few moms that looked like they walked off a runway; outfits were just outrageous! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:47 AM Flag
Runway I love....flashy tacky not so much - this lady was definitely the latter ;) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:53 AM Flag
Not nearly as weird as the fact that you have counted all the colors. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:23 AM Flag
They're lined up in my closet. Not that hard to count them. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:25 AM Flag
Right, but if anyone else counted them (over a period of weeks, as you carried each), it would be weird. And you put your OP in the third person, so OR didn't know it was YOU! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:53 AM Flag
I would never notice or care. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:23 AM Flag
what is a birken bag [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:25 AM Flag
Never heard of them before UB.. don't know what I think -- pretty much don't care. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:25 AM Flag
Aww, sweet widdle baby [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:25 AM Flag
I have money for one and adore them. Oh the black with gold...gorg. But I just can't do it. It wouldn't fill what's upsetting me inside, so I'd rather save the $. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:27 AM Flag
This is the best thing I've read on UB in all of 2012, hands down. I hope you're being genuine ;) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:15 AM Flag
thats idiotic. some people have enough to blow the money...they arent necessarily "upset inside" [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:26 AM Flag
She likes Birkins. She has money. She appreciates quality. She doesn't take risks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:28 AM Flag
You, I like [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:29 AM Flag
Hey, I'd like a Birkin (in etoupe, please), but I can't justify it. My friend in Spain has an ostrich Birkin (in a walnut brown color) and it is stunning. Which colors do you own? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:32 AM Flag
Np. Ostrich Birkin tops my wish list! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:37 AM Flag
black, brown, green, blue.... but I think I am quite done. It's become too much of a hassle to buy one - in this day and this economy I have better uses for my money! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:43 AM Flag
One thing is for certain: you can certainly sell them and get a good chunk of your investment back. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:45 AM Flag
She must buy everything in 7 different colors--a total weirdo. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:32 AM Flag
She is an airhead. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:39 AM Flag
I wouldn't think much, I would probably don't notice her multiple birkin bags. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:38 AM Flag
It seems weird to me that you would post a question about yourself that is worded this way. Do you refer to yourself in the third person when talking? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:41 AM Flag
Obviously a case of multiple personality disorder, 7 personalities to be exact. I base my diagnosis on her being "a women" rather than "a woman". [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:46 AM Flag
That she's really rich. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:55 AM Flag
[ - ] Anyone switch from bc pills to a diaphragm? How did it go, did you like the switch? Was on bcp for 3 years, went off before ttc, and I'm SHOCKED at how much LESS painful and awful my periods are when I'm off the pill... I never want to go back. Was thinking of diaphragm for when I'm done w/ ttc, baby, etc. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:15 AM Flag
I got preg on diaphragm [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:29 AM Flag
OP here. Well, that's not encouraging. Thanks for the honest feedback. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:51 AM Flag
My mom got pregnant with me using one :) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:35 AM Flag
I used one for awhile bc I hated the pill, but it was honestly a pain in the a**. I think it is fine if you are "planning" sex but sucks when it comes to being spontaneous. That said, if your periods are regular, and you are willing to pay a little attention to your cycle (and it wouldn;t be the end of the world if you ended up pregnant), it isn't so bad to use for the 7-10 days a month around ovulation. That is how used it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:38 AM Flag
^^I should clarify it was a pain to use when I was really not wanting to get pregnant and used it all the time - as opposed to when I just used it for ~10 days/month [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:41 AM Flag
[ - ] Would you send your DC to the school you went to? 12 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:12 AM Flag
college, yes. HS, prob not but would if push came to shove. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:14 AM Flag
yes [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:21 AM Flag
Elementary: No High School: No way College:If my kid was 100% sure she wanted to go into the field my college specialized in I'd be ok with it, but I might still encourage her to go somewhere with better liberal arts education. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:23 AM Flag
What college specializes in one field? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:47 AM Flag
maybe juliard or parsons? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 06:10 AM Flag
Yes - all of them.. except for the all-girls... I have 2 boys :) Nothing but trouble for them in a HS full of girls in short skirts. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:26 AM Flag
What if you had girls? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:52 AM Flag
Not K-12 - I went to a really bad LAUSD school. And dc has declined to apply to my college. She wants a coed school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:48 AM Flag
where did you go? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 04:54 AM Flag
wellesley [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:03 AM Flag
HS, definitely not (Roslyn, LI). But definitely would to college (non-HYP Ivy). But didn't you hear, college is for suckers! I am not sure what my kids will do when their time comes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:26 AM Flag
My private K-8 school - absolutely, I loved it, fantastic school. Catholic HS - maybe. College - definitely, if I thought it was a good for their personality/interests (small liberal arts school) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.07.12, 05:42 AM Flag
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