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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today's Paper

The Times in Print for Wednesday, December 12, 2012

U.S. Will Grant Recognition to Syrian Rebels, Obama Says

Declaring Syria’s opposition as its legitimate representative, marks a new phase of engagement for President Obama in a nearly two-year bloody struggle.

Limits on Unions Pass in Michigan, Once a Mainstay

Sweeping legislation signed by Gov. Rick Snyder on Tuesday will vastly reduce the power of organized labor in a state that was a symbol of union clout for decades.

North Koreans Launch Rocket in Defiant Act

Washington and its allies have said they think North Korea’s rocket program has less to do with putting a satellite into orbit than with developing a vehicle for a nuclear warhead.

Time and Punishment

For Lesser Crimes, Rethinking Life Behind Bars

Many scholars say mandatory sentencing policies lock up nonviolent, low-level offenders for too long and are no longer a cost-effective way to reduce crime in the United States.

Tracing a Victim’s Path in Life to a Brazen Killing in Midtown

Detectives on two coasts scoured for evidence and a motive after Brandon Lincoln Woodard, a law student from Los Angeles, was stalked and killed in Midtown Manhattan.

That Crush at Kosovo’s Business Door? The Return of U.S. Heroes

The competing business dealings of former high ranking United States officials in Kosovo may present a special ethical quandary.

Today's Front Pages

Quotation of the Day
"Mandatory sentences breed injustice."
ROGER VINSON, a federal judge in Florida.




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