Financial Services

Financial Services


Official Congressional Committee that oversees the financial services industry. Top priorities: a stronger economy, more jobs & no more bailouts.

Washington, DC ·

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House’s Solvency Act passed 402-7. Given dire finances @ FHA, Senate must act on needed reforms before the end of the year

Hearing on the economic & market implications of derivatives title originally scheduled for today will take place Dec. 12

Our hearing has recessed for votes on the House Floor. The hearing will reconvene shortly.

More : “When we do, we can revive & strengthen the free enterprise system – the best housing & jobs program known to man.”

Chairman-to-be Hensarling: we must end TBTF, reduce taxpayer risk in the marketplace & cut volume, complexity, uncertainty of red tape

If you'd like to read some witness testimony that's already been submitted for Thurs. hearing on :

2 be discussed Thurs: It costs more to make a penny than 1¢ & more to make a nickel than 5¢ says


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