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December 3, 2012: The "Fiscal Cliff"

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

The “Fiscal Cliff”

Negotiations are ongoing to reach an agreement and avert what is known as the “fiscal cliff,” a combination of automatic tax increases and cuts to our defense spending that will take place starting next month. House Republicans have proposed a bipartisan solution that combines significant spending cuts and tax reform with lower rates. I support a tax rate extension for every American, and will continue working to keep current tax rates in place for families and small businesses.

In contrast, Democrats in Congress have downplayed the danger of going over the cliff, and continue to advocate for tax increases on small businesses instead of the spending cuts that are needed to reduce our deficit. America doesn’t have a taxing problem—we have a spending problem.  I’ll continue pressing for a solution that cuts our debt without hurting jobs.

Long-Term Farm Bill will Benefit High Plains Economies

A recent study found that the agriculture industry accounts for about one-third of the local economy in the High Plains region, employing more than 103,000 people in the area. That is why I remain committed to passing a five-year Farm Bill that will give farmers and ranchers the certainty they need to make long-term decisions, and as a result, help our economy by creating jobs. The House Agriculture Committee passed a Farm Bill this summer that made real reforms and reduced spending while still ensuring our farmers have a safety net to carry them through bad seasons. We found $35 billion in savings, eliminated or consolidated 100 programs, and moved it to a more efficient, market-based system of crop support. A number of reforms that I proposed are included in that version of the bill. My hope is to see a bill similar to this, with even more savings from food stamps, signed into law before the end of this year.

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Could Limit Production in Texas

On Friday, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) officials announced their plan to initiate the process to list the Lesser Prairie-Chicken as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Listing this species as threatened would mean landowners would need a government permit to use their land in a way that could possibly affect the birds’ habitat.  Ranchers might not be able to install new fences, and energy producers could be prevented from building wind turbines.

I’m very disappointed in this decision, which could drive ranching families and energy producers out of business. It also ignores the $50 million that Texas and our neighbors have spent to conserve habitat in recent years. It’s clear that the Endangered Species Act has grown out of hand and is being driven more by litigation than science.

I do not believe the federal government should step in when public-private partnerships in Texas have already proven successful at maintaining habitat for wildlife, while still allowing us to utilize our resources. I hope the FWS reconsiders this listing and chooses a more cooperative approach that doesn’t hinder production in our state.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

On Friday, December 7th, we commemorate the 71st year since the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii, which pulled the United States into World War II. In the four years that followed that tragic day, brave men and women from across the country volunteered to serve in some of the harshest conditions for the sake of liberty and democracy. I hope you’ll join me on Friday in remembering the lives that were lost on December 7, 1941, and thank those who bravely served as part of the Greatest Generation.  And I hope you’ll also take some time this holiday season to support all the service men and women that continue to sacrifice to defend our country’s ideals.

Action Item of the Week

This week, I will sit down with members of the Texas Corn Producers Association to discuss the Farm Bill and other important issues in Congress that will affect producers in West Texas. I am committed to passing a long-term Farm Bill so that our farmers and ranchers have the stability they need to make planting decisions for the future.