• Welcome All

    Welcome back from the desert, north European delegates and activists. You certainly picked the right spot and time, as mostly half of the continent has been suffering from the sudden winter attack and ensuing traffic chaos. Interested people have thus been spending days in frozen airports reading about your courageous battle against warming.

  • New Kyoto commtiment period adopted. Developed nations assigned liability for climate “losses”

    COP 18 voted just minutes ago to create a “Doha Climate Gateway” and agreed to a second commitment period for the Kyoto protocol. The U.S. remains out of the protocol, now joined by Russia, Japan and Canada.

    COP 18 inserted a “Loss & Damage Mechanism” into the final text which would require developed countries like the U.S. to pay poor nations for climate damages supposedly resulting from extreme weather events.

    The U.S. and the developed world must not empower the UN to order damages against our nations when severe weather strikes.

  • Deadlocked talks go into overtime

    The Doha climate talks deadlocked Friday, went into overtime and reconvened Saturday at 7:30 AM for an unscheduled extra day. Climate funding and CO2 targets divide nations rich from poor. Who speaks for freedom?

  • The misdirected tears of the Philippines

    This week Naderev M. Sano of the Phillipines delegation made a tear-filled speech to COP 18 in Doha, Qatar. In contrast to the delegates wrangling for national advantage, the shameless rent-seeking of the carbon profiteers and the left-wing agendas of the radical NGOs, Mr. Sano projected a refreshing sincerity. Sadly, he is sincerely wrong.

  • Chanting for climate

    Want to chant for climate? Forests? The environment? It’s cheaper than subsidies, wind turbines and redistribution and just as effective. Watch now.

  • Behind the scenes at COP 18

    The COP 18 chieftains have instituted a “paperless” policy, depriving delegates of daily programs and copies of negotiating documents that keep them relatively informed. And while this policy has allegedly “saved” 217 trees as of yesterday (I know this because the U.N. keeps a running tally prominently displayed on electronic billboards throughout the conference site), it has angered many who find this policy a means to keep the public in the dark about the current status of demands and negotiations. The conference was supposed to wrap Friday, but we’re going into overtime.

  • Triple threat: UN, EPA and Congress

    The triple threat to our energy, economy, jobs, living standards, health and welfare is justified by assertions that the actions will stabilize Earth’s climate and prevent a litany of global warming horrors.

    We need to educate the public and start the debate before our fate is sealed for us.

  • Extreme weather debunked

    There would be extreme weather if humans lived on Earth or not. With an arguable less than one degree Celsius of total warming, with no warming for the last 16 years, claims that human prosperity are causing extreme weather events are propaganda — nothing more.

    Climate Depot’s Extreme Weather Report 2012 lays out the science, history and evidence in detail. The report thoroughly debunks extreme weather propaganda and lays open the hypocrisy of those who exploit natural tragedy for ideological gain.