Runyan Praises Announcement of Higher Than Expected Social Security COLA Increase Again Calls on Senate to Swiftly Pass Veterans’ COLA Increase

Oct 16, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jon Runyan issued the following statement in response to the Social Security Administration’s announcement of a benefit increase:

“I was pleased to learn of the Social Security Administration’s announcement of a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) benefit increase of 1.7 percent for 2013.  This will impact almost 62 million Americans and will be a huge help in this economy to our seniors here in South Jersey, said Congressman Runyan.”  “This announcement also impacts our brave veterans.  The House of Representatives recently passed legislation that I introduced, (H.R. 4114), that will increase COLA disability benefits for veterans.  Once the Senate passes my bill, veterans will get the same COLA as Social Security recipients.  Our veteran heroes will not get this increase, however, until the Senate acts. That is why I am once again urging the Senate to swiftly take up and pass this important legislation.”

Congressman Runyan (R-NJ) is the lead sponsor of H.R. 4114, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Act of 2012. This legislation would provide an increase in the amount of disability benefits provided to veterans equal to the COLA for Social Security Benefits. The bill was passed in the House of Representatives by voice vote on July 9, 2012, and is now under consideration in the Senate.  Recently, the Congressman sent a letter to the Senate Majority and Minority leaders strongly urging swift passage of this critical legislation.  A copy of the letter is attached.
