DOT Streamlines New Starts/Small Starts Program “Hawaii’s first rail transit system will be a game-changer for the region because it will serve nearly 80 percent of Oahu’s total population.” -P. Rogoff Our webcast is now available on demand MAP-21 and FTA “Enactment of MAP-21 signals another opportunity for us to work collectively to strengthen our transit systems and better serve the American public.” P. Rogoff FTA Announces $32 Million to Build Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit in Grand Rapids

DOT Announces $1.55 Billion To Build First Rail Transit System in Hawaii

“Hawaii’s first rail transit system will be a game-changer for the region because it will serve nearly 80 percent of Oahu’s total population.”

-P. Rogoff   Read More!

MAP-21 and FTA

“Enactment of MAP-21 signals another opportunity for us to work collectively to strengthen our transit systems and better serve the American public.”

-P. Rogoff Read More!

FTA Announces $32 Million to Build Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit in Grand Rapids

“The new Silver Line is a great example of BRT that’s done right.” –P. Rogoff Read More!

DOT Streamlines New Starts/Small Starts Program

Communities will see more of their local transportation priorities become reality. –P. Rogoff Read More!
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