
Reports, podcasts & more from the congressional watchdog, the U.S. Government Accountability Office. For our legal decisions & opinions, follow .

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Civil Rights: Additional Actions in Pigford II Claims Process Could Reduce Risk of Improper Determinations

Employees' Compensation Act: Effects of Proposed Changes on Partial Disability Beneficiaries Depend..

GAO is hiring entry-level IT analysts to evaluate the federal government's information systems. Learn more & apply:

GAO is hiring entry-level analysts in the health care area. Vacancies in DC, Atlanta, Seattle & Chicago. Learn more:

Low-Income Housing Credits: Agencies Implemented Changes Enacted in 2008, but Project Data Collection..

Screening Partnership Program: TSA Should Issue More Guidance to Airports and Monitor Private versus ..

High-Speed Passenger Rail: Preliminary Assessment of California's Cost Estimates and Other Challenges

Small Business Lending: Opportunities Exist to Improve Performance Reporting of Treasury's Programs

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