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Meet Amazing Americans Adventurers & Explorers Amelia Earhart
Photo of Amelia Earhart, circa 1935
Famous aviator Amelia Earhart

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Born: July 24, 1897
Died: July 1937 (?)

Amelia Earhart wasn't afraid to break down barriers. In 1928, she was the first woman to fly as a passenger across the Atlantic Ocean. Then, in 1932, she became the first woman to pilot a plane across that ocean. There weren't many female pilots back then, and her actions inspired other women to follow their dreams. This was especially important because there were few career choices available to women at that time. Amelia Earhart has inspired generations of women to do things that had never been done by women before.

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More Stories About Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
"I Knew I Had to Fly"
"Amelia Earhart Learns to Fly"
An Unsolved Mystery
"Amelia Earhart's Last Flight"
Flying to Fame
"Amelia Earhart Flies Across the Atlantic"

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