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Wednesday 12 December 2012


Latest breaking UK news, including politics, crime and celebrity.

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Key Cameron aide Craig Oliver threatens Telegraph over Leveson

David Cameron's director of communications warned The Daily Telegraph that Maria Miller was “looking at Leveson” after being asked questions about her expense claims.

Norovirus cases surge 68,000 in a week

Three-quarters of a million people are thought to have contracted the ‘winter vomiting bug’ so far this season, according to latest official figures.


Harding steps down as editor of The Times

James Harding has stepped down as editor of The Times, News International has confirmed. He will be replaced by John Witherow, editor of the Sunday Times.


Census: the areas where English is not spoken

Up to a quarter of households in parts of London have no one who speaks English as their main language, according to figures contained in the census.

Three-quarters of a million hit by norovirus

Latest figures reveal biggest early winter outbreak of the bug in five years which has struck 68,000 people in a single week.

Curbing mass immigration 'could bring down house prices'

Mass immigration needs to be curbed to bring down house prices, improve wages and reduce the benefits bill, Theresa May has said.

Jimmy Savile's victims accuse him of 200 crimes, including 31 rapes

Jimmy Savile has been accused of carrying out hundreds of crimes during his decades of sex abuse.

Gove: dock teachers' pay if they 'work to rule'

Teachers should have their pay docked if they “work to rule” in protests against the Government's school reforms, Education Secretary Michael Gove says.


David Cameron's 'agony' over state collusion in Pat Finucane murder

David Cameron has spoken of his "agony" at finding out state agents colluded in the murder Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane.

Jagger's 'Brown Sugar' letters sell for £180,000

Mick Jagger's love letters to secret girlfriend who inspired hit Brown Sugar sell for more than £180,000.

Police scale down search for April Jones

April Jones: missing girl's parents speak of how "particularly difficult" Christmas will be without her.

Weather: travel chaos to continue for second day

Britain is braced for another day of freezing fog which halted more than 70 flights this morning.


£70 fines for drivers who park 50cm from kerb

Council pledges to fine any driver £70 if their car ends up further than 20 inches (50cm) from edge of the road.

Muslim woman jumped from City wine bar after harassment by strangers

A Muslim woman threw herself from the roof of a City wine bar after being harassed by strangers over her Western lifestyle, an inquest has heard.

Half of women admit flirting to get their own way

Women are not scared to use their feminine charms to get what they want both at home and in the office, according to a new study.

Nazca lines may be a labyrinth

Mysterious "Nazca lines" drawn in Peruvian desert more than 1500 years ago may have been labyrinth.



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A lion licks its paw in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa

Art of Nature

Wildlife across Africa, photographed by Heinrich van den Berg.


 A warning sign alerts drivers to an icy road in Knutsford, Cheshire

Frost and freezing fog

Frost and freezing fog cause flight delays and misery on Britain's roads.

Cities at night

Cities around the world at night, photographed by Jakob Wagner.


12/12/12 in pictures

Couples celebrate mass weddings and births on auspicious date.

Gove's plan to dock teachers' pay a 'publicity stunt'

Shadow schools minister Kevin Brennan says the Education Secretary Michael Gove should be "concentrating on raising standards, not trying to raise the temperature" in the dispute over the Government's school reforms.


Jimmy Savile accused of more than 30 rapes in decades of abuse

Jimmy Savile is a suspect in nearly 200 crimes committed all over the UK during his decades of sexual abuse.

May: mass immigration pushes up house prices

Home Secretary Theresa May reveals that cutting the number of people coming to live in Britain could reduce house prices.

Text messages showed nativity of would be spy

Would-be spy Edward Devenney was “naive in the extreme” on the workings of the world of espionage as a series of contacts with his supposed Russian agents revealed.

Sketch: From PMQs to Pat Finucane, the two sides of the House

Michael Deacon watches Prime Minister's Questions followed by David Cameron's statement on Pat Finucane.

Nuclear submariner tried to pass secrets to Russians to 'hurt' Navy

A Royal Navy nuclear submariner who tried to give military secrets to the Russians has been jailed for eight years.

Gove's plan to dock teachers' pay a 'publicity stunt'

Shadow schools minister Kevin Brennan says the Education Secretary Michael Gove should be "concentrating on raising standards, not trying to raise the temperature" in the dispute over the Government's school reforms.


Ravi Shankar

Maestro of the sitar who dazzled George Harrison and Yehudi Menuhin in his mission to bring Indian music to the west

Bosnian Serb general crosses himself as he's sentenced to life for Srebrenica genocide

The UN's Yugoslav war crimes court found Zdravko Tolimir, a former Bosnian Serb general, guilty of genocide for his role in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, Europe's worst atrocity since World War II, and sentenced him to life in jail.

Barack Obama has the public vote on 'fiscal cliff', say polls

President Barack Obama appears to be winning the battle for public opinion as the US draws nearer to the "fiscal cliff", with two-thirds of Americans saying he has a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy.

Egypt opposition gives first sign of compromise in crisis

Opposition parties have backed away from confrontation in the first major sign of compromise in Egypt's worsening political crisis, saying they would participate in this weekend's constitutional referendum.

Bloody aftermath of Damascus bomb

Syrian state television reports casualties after a car bomb hits the main gate of the Syrian Interior Ministry in Damascus.

12/12/12 in pictures


Couples celebrate mass weddings and births on auspicious date.

Syria fires Scud missiles on its own people

Syria’s regime has fired at least six Scud ballistic missiles on its own people since Monday in a significant escalation that means it has used every weapon in its arsenal short of chemical weapons.

Modern Family star at centre of custody battle

Ariel Winter is at the centre of a bitter custody battle between her mother and older sister.

12/12/12 in pictures


Couples celebrate mass weddings and births on auspicious date.


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