
Thursday 21 June 2012


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No 10's troubles can be traced back to one man - George Osborne

In the coming reshuffle, the Chancellor should be made to choose between his two jobs, says Peter Oborne


Let’s be softer on our youngsters

The best way to stop our children damaging themselves with drugs is to remove the need for them to deal with criminals, argues James Delingpole


Who will find Cameron a pro-gay marriage archbishop?

Brown left a poisoned chalice by abandoning the PM’s right to choose the head of the Church of England , says Sue Cameron.


We can’t all be Mozart – but we can still play

The evidence that music can transform lives is overwhelming, says Jesse Norman


The downfall of a moralising moron

Julian Assange has connived enthusiastically in his own destruction, believes Robert Colvile. And as for Jimmy Carr...


Erotic fiction needs a touch of wordplay

There's a fundamental problem with E L James’s Fifty Shades of Grey – the quality of the writing, says Celia Walden.

Global warming: second thoughts of an environmentalist

Fritz Vahrenholt, one of Germany's earliest green energy investors, is not convinced that humanity is causing catastrophic global warming.


Wind of change gives Tories a boost

A government re-think on costly green energy resources is a winning statement of intent, writes Benedict Brogan.


'We’re mortgaging our children's future'

The older generation is piling up debt at the expense of the younger generation, argues Niall Ferguson in his first Reith Lecture


No sign of a taxpayer spring after this tram fiasco

News of the pay-offs to the people behind the project is another kick in the teeth for Edinburgh's long-suffering residents, writes Alan Cochrane


The doctors' strike will harm not just patients

Telegraph View: This dispute over pensions has damaged the standing of the medical profession


Pump action

Telegraph View: The 3p fuel duty rise due in August should be abandoned to stimulate consumer spending


A grand young Duke

Telegraph View: The Duke of Cambridge, who is 30 today, has shown great maturity as he carries out his duties



Comment cartoon


Cherie Blair attacks yummy mummies

Not all mothers want to be alpha feminists like Cherie Blair, says Cristina Odone


Dear invading French, once you know us, you will love us

The rich French coming to London can only be bad news for us ladies, says Judith Woods


Doctors’ strike is a grave, self-inflicted wound

We used to look up to the medical profession. Not any more, says Allison Pearson


Rio+20: chance to secure our future

Paddy Ashdown argues that Rio Earth Summit offers an opportunity for co-operation on sustainability that we cannot afford to miss.


The green, green fake grass of home

The changeable weather persuaded Judith Woods to stwich to an artificial lawn


The flaw in Michelle Obama's parent plan

The First Lady’s mothering tips are almost perfect, says Cristina Odone


Is the Rio Earth Summit destined to fail the world?

The environmental problems facing the world are growing critical, so why is so little expected from the summit, asks Geoffrey Lean


Women are not afraid to look evil in the eye

Gitta Sereny’s probing of the minds of killers took feminine qualities of intuition and empathy, says Ruth Dudley Edwards


Army misrule is turning Egypt into Pakistan

The generals should be told that US aid depends on a swift handover of power, says Shashank Joshi


Croydon’s finest

Telegraph View: The borough should choose a safe local figure as its ambassador, like Ronnie Corbett


The summit of delusion

Telegraph View: Blaming 'Anglo-Saxon' capitalism will not help José Manuel Barroso solve the euro crisis


Regional pay plans scuppered by politics

Telegraph View: Liberal Democrat and Tory MPs are preventing reforms that could help create jobs


Pretty vacant

Telegraph View: An advert for a gig led to two constables and three licensing officers being sent to raid a pub


The cost of dictatorship

Telegraph View: The road to democracy is rocky, but Aung San Suu Kyi shows that persistence has its rewards


Political timidity stops airport plans taking off

Telegraph View: In the next three years China will build 70 new airports, while we will produce only a strategy document


When he’s 64+6

Telegraph View: Happy Birthday to Sir Paul McCartney


Don’t care, won’t care

Telegraph View: Why on earth are doctors going ahead with Thursday's strike?


The eurozone must bite the bullet to solve its crisis

Telegraph View: Europe's economic future will not be built on an unworkable monetary union.



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