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Justice Committee holds one-off evidence session

What's on

Wednesday 28 November 2012

House of Commons

Main Chamber

Time Business
11:30am Oral Questions


12:00pm Prime Minister's Question Time
Ten Minute Rule Motion - Mr Adrian Sanders

Consolidation of Housing Regulations


Opposition day [11th allotted day] – (i) Effects of the planned reduction in the additional rate of income tax (ii) Jobs and social security

Adjournment - Jim Dowd

Unsustainable provider regime and special administration in the NHS

Westminster Hall

Time Business
9:30am - 11:00am Mr Stewart Jackson

Transferable tax allowances

11:00am - 11:30am Oliver Colvile

Use of transit visas by non-EU nationals on UK trawlers

2:30pm - 4:00pm Eric Joyce

UK listed mining companies

4:00pm - 4:30pm Keith Vaz

Police pensions

4:30pm - 5:00pm Tim Farron

Direct elections to National Park authorities

General Committee

Time Business
2:30pm - Room 11, Palace of Westminster Third Delegated Legislation Committee

Draft Charitable Incorporated Organisations (Insolvency and Dissolution) Regulations 2012 and the Draft Charitable Incorporated Organisations (Consequential Amendments) Order 2012

Select Committee

Time Business
9:15am - Room 8, Palace of Westminster Justice

The work of the Secretary of State - Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Justice, Ministry of Justice

9:30am - The Wilson Room, Portcullis House Education

Careers guidance for young people - Matthew Hancock MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Education

9:30am - Room 15, Palace of Westminster Public Administration

Public engagement in policy-making - Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General

9:30am - Room 16, Palace of Westminster Work and Pensions

Governance and best practice in workplace pension provision - Otto Thoresen, Director General, Association of British Insurers, Jonathan Lipkin, Associate Director of Research and Pensions, Investment Management Association and Joanne Segars, Chief Executive, National Association of Pensions Funds ; Sean Lloyd, Pensions Product Manager, Phoenix Group, Richard Parkin, Head of Proposition, DC and Workplace Savings, Fidelity, Ronnie Morgan, Strategic Insight Manager , Scottish Life and Steve Groves, Chief Executive Office, Partnership

9:30am - The Grimond Room, Portcullis House Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards Sub-Committee D

Panel on corporate governance: below board level - Mike Walters, Group Head of Compliance, Barclays, Michael Roemer, Chief Internal Auditor, Barclays, Robert Le Blanc, Chief Risk Officer, Barclays, Michael Aldred, Reward and Performance Director, Barclays and Rich Ricci, Chief Executive, Corporate and Investment Banking, Barclays

10:00am - The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House Science and Technology

Marine Science - Joan Edwards, Head of Living Seas, Wildlife Trusts, Alec Taylor, Marine Policy Officer, RSPB and Dr Jean-Luc Solandt, Biodiversity Policy Officer, Marine Conservation Society

2:15pm - The Grimond Room, Portcullis House Treasury Sub Committee

Money Advice Service - Sajid Javid MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and Alison Cottrell, Director of Financial Services, HM Treasury

2:15pm - Room 8, Palace of Westminster Environmental Audit

Insects and insecticides - Dr Mike Bushell, Principal Scientific Advisor, Syngenta, Dr Fraser Lewis, Division Head, Environmental Safety, Syngenta and Dr Julian Little, Bayer CropScience; Dr Nigel Raine, University of London, Dr Chris Connolly, University of Dundee and Professor Simon Potts, University of Reading; Georgina Downs, UK Pesticides Campaign

2:30pm - The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House European Scrutiny

European Scrutiny system in the House of Commons - James Brokenshire MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Home Office

3:00pm - Room 16, Palace of Westminster Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Rural Communities - George Dunn, Chief Executive, Tenant Farmers’ Association, Harry Cotterell, President, Country Land and Business Association and National Farmers’ Union; John Moore, Chief Executive, Nynet and Malcolm Corbett, Chief Executive, Independent Networks cooperative Association (INCA); Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries and Rob Sullivan, Chief Executive, Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), Department for Culture Media and Sport

3:05pm - Room 20, Palace of Westminster Procedure

Private Members' Bills - Professor the Lord Norton of Louth, Professor of Government, University of Hull, Professor Michael Rush, Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Exeter and Dr Ruth Fox, Director of the Parliament and Government Programme, Hansard Society

3:15pm - Room 15, Palace of Westminster Public Accounts

Funding for Local Transport - Councillor David Sparks OBE, Vice-Chairman, Local Government Association, Stephen Glaister, RAC Foundation and Tony Travers, London School of Economics; Philip Rutman, Permanent Secretary, Department for Transport and John Dowie, Director of Local Directorate, Department for Transport

House of Lords

Main Chamber

Time Business
3:00pm Oral Questions - Baroness Tonge

95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and the welfare of Israelis and Palestinians

Oral Questions - Lord Sheldon

Local authority control over the digging up of streets

Oral Questions - Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke

EU membership of the remainder of the UK should Scotland secede

Oral Questions - The Earl of Clancarty

Safeguarding arts funding in North-East England

Legislation - Lord Wallace of Tankerness

Justice and Security Bill [HL] - Third reading - Lord Wallace of Tankerness

Legislation - Lord Sassoon

Financial Services Bill - Report stage (Day 5) - Lord Sassoon

Grand Committee

Time Business
3:45pm Orders and Regulations - Lord Knight of Weymouth

Plant Health (Forestry) (Amendment) Order 2012

Short Debate - Lord Renfrew

Preventing the wreck of HMS Victory from being subjected to inappropriate commercial exploitation

Select Committee

Time Business
10:15am - Room 1, Palace of Westminster Constitution

Private meeting

10:30am - Room 3A, Palace of Westminster Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy (EU Sub-Committee D)

EU energy: decarbonisation and economic competitiveness - (at 11.00am) Professor Peter Cameron, Director, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy and Professor of International Energy Law and Policy, University of Dundee; (at 12.00pm) Dr Gordon Edge, Director of Policy, RenewableUK; and Dr Robert JK Gross, Director, Centre for Energy Policy and Technology; Policy Director, Energy Futures Lab; Head of the UKERC’s Technology and Policy assessment function; Convenor of the Energy Policy option, MSc Environmental Technology; Thesis Term Director, MSc Environmental Technology, Imperial College.

10:30am - Room 3, Palace of Westminster Home Affairs, Health and Education (EU Sub-Committee F)

Private meeting

2:30pm - Room 2A, Palace of Westminster Draft Communications Data Bill Joint Committee

Private meeting

2:30pm - Room 2, Palace of Westminster Internal Market, Infrastructure and Employment (EU Sub-Committee B)

Private meeting

4:00pm - Room 1, Palace of Westminster Justice, Institutions and Consumer Protection (EU Sub-Committee E)

Combating fraud against the EU’s finances - (at 4.05pm) Mrs Rosalind Wright CB, QC, former Director of the Serious Fraud Office and former member and Chairman of the OLAF Supervisory Committee.


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