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Image of original cover of Hungarians in Rumania and TransylvaniaHungarians in Rumania and Transylvania;
a bibliographical list of publications in Hungarian
and West European languages. Compiled from the holdings of the Library of Congress.

By Elemér Bakó and William Sólyom-Fekete.
With a preface by Edward J. Patten.
Originally published by the Government Printing Office in 1969.

Hungarians in Rumania and Transylvania was compiled by two Library of Congress staff members, Elemér Bakó, the Finno-Ugrian Area Specialist in the Slavic and Central European Division, and William Solyom-Fekete, Legal Specialist in the European Law Division, Law Library, on the basis of a Congressional directive (House Resolution 497, October 10, 1968) to "prepare a comprehensive bibliography of books, periodicals and documents published by Hungarian authors or by Western authors writing on the history, culture, economics and ethnology of the Hungarian population of Rumania, particularly in Transylvania."

This publication consists of 2,056 numbered entries in 13 chapters, followed by a name index. The preface, by Congressman Edward J. Patten, explains the congressional rationale behind the publication, while the compilers' notes describe the physical arrangement of the entries, and other bibliographic information.

This bibliography is also linked to the corresponding entry in the Library of Congress online catalog. The digitized version presented here may be viewed via "page view" display or searchable .pdf.

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  October 5, 2012
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