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The Worst People In The Galaxy: Star Trek Characters We Never Want To See Again

Like we’ll wager a lot of you, we’re getting pumped for a new Star Trek movie — especially with the new trailer for Star TrekĀ Into Darkness dropping today.We’re really excited to see what characters from the show may get renewed leases on life in the fresh timeline they now have to play with. Through a history spanning six decades, there are plenty of characters in the Trek universe that we have come to love dearly — and a few that we’ve come to loathe with all the strength in our black little hearts. Recently, we turned to Facebook — on our page and our own walls — to find out who the most reviled characters in Trek history were, and we’ve got them here for your perusal. Feel free to let us know how right or wrong we are in the comments, as it wouldn’t be a Star Trek conversation without a nerd fight or two.

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Listen to the Entire Grammy-Nominated Journey Soundtrack Right Here

Of all the Grammy nominations that have ever been made, there are few we can say we support wholeheartedly. That’s mostly because the Grammys tend to be a boring affair, full of uninteresting nominations for uninteresting folks. It looks like that’s not the case for the 55th Annual Grammy Awards, though. Of all the nominations, our absolute favorite is hidden within the Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media category. Composer Austin Wintory, thanks to his soundtrack for the video game Journey, is up for a Grammy. Hit the jump to listen to the entire thing.

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Seen From Space, The Earth At Night Is Really, Really Beautiful

When you’re in a city and you look up at the night sky, it’s easy to be frustrated by all the lights around you, obscuring your view of gorgeous, delicious space. It turns out that looking down at cities from space at night can be beautiful too, though. This video, composed of new images from the Suomi NPP satellite, shows what the Earth looks like lit up at night, and it’s pretty amazing. Hey, I think I can see my house!

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There Is A Mathematically Correct Way To Decorate Your Christmas Tree, And This Is It

Many of you are probably setting up the Christmas tree this weekend, and if you’re anything like us, it’s a daunting task. The pines and spruces of our youth, were always decorated with love, care, and not a little shouting. They also usually left one with the impression that we had jammed all the ornaments, tinsel, and lights at our disposal into a cannon, fired it in the general direction of the tree, and moved on with our lives. The University of Sheffield’s Maths Society – presumably sick of watching people like me decorate like an animal — has offered up a Christmas miracle — a series of calculations that, if followed, will get your tree looking picture perfect, from an exacting tinsel-to-tree ratio to a star or angel that’s just the right height.

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Wake Up, Everybody! The Trailer For Star Trek Into Darkness Is Here, This Is Not A Drill

There are days when it’s just not worth it to get out of bed. Days when the only reasonable thing to do upon waking is hit the snooze button, draw the blankets back over your head, and roll back over into the welcoming arms of sleep. This is not one of those days, folks, as we just woke up to the just released teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, and if that’s not worth waking up for, we don’t know what is. So rouse that sleepy head, put on a pot of coffee and check out what you’re in store for next summer — lava lakes, terrified stares, and no shortage of things exploding, all narrated by a guy who sounds way more menacing and intimidating than someone named Benedict Cumberbatch has any right to. Then click replay and watch it again, because seriously, this looks kind of sweet and now that we’re actually recalling how good JJ Abrams first foray into the Trek universe was, getting pumped for this one has officially commenced. In all seriousness though — if you can watch the trailer after the jump without getting out of bed…we recommend that pretty highly.

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Watch Mr. Burns Explain the Fiscal Cliff as Only The Simpsons Can

The upcoming fiscal cliff is something that’s particularly worrying to a number of folks. What exactly is this “fiscal cliff,” and why are so many people concerned about it? Well, those are excellent questions. Thankfully, The Simpsons have already saw fit to answer these particular concerns. The ever-popular and savvy Mr. Burns has even deigned to explain things himself. That’s just how important this particular political snafu is. We won’t spoil, but, well, it’s certainly hard to argue with conclusions like his.

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Russian Version of iTunes Overrun With Porn

For years Apple has really gone out of their way to try to prevent porn from tainting their products, so it’s almost karmic that the launch of iTunes in Russia has been plagued with links to pornography and escort services. It’s very unlikely that Apple has somehow relaxed their policy on adult content to this extent, and the mistake has already been explained by a bug. Sorry, Russia. You’ll just have to get porn on almost every single other site on the Internet, just like the rest of the world.

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Only in Canada Can One Smell Like Freshly Made Pizza

The borders to our Canadian cousins are so close, and yet we tend to do things oh so differently. You see, in the United States, it’s frowned upon to reek of the processed and entirely unnatural fast food we tend to scoff down on a regular basis. A scarlet letter indicative of a poor diet and even poorer hygiene, if you will. Canada, on the other hand, views the musk of such edible delights as a badge of honor and mark of loyalty for one’s restaurant chain of choice. To reward such unwavering devotion, Pizza Hut Canada handed out bottles of Eau de Pizza Hut — a pizza-scented perfume — to 110 lucky Facebook fans after reaching a momentous 100,000 likes on their fan page.

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New Map of Moon Gravity Most Accurate Ever, Looks Tie-Dyed

A pair of twin spacecraft from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission have completed a new map showing the Moon’s gravity in unprecedented details. The new map is now the most detailed map of the gravity of any celestial body. The new data could help scientists understand how the Earth and other planets form. If we’re lucky, it could also lead to revolutionary new moon bounces at parties, or at least safer moon bounces. Okay, maybe not, but it’s still neat.

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Geekolinks: 12/5

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