175th Anniversary Gala

Dahlia Lithwick "The Supreme Court and Free Speech"
Date: September 16, 2011
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Madison Hall, Madison Building
Press Release| Flyer (PDF, 749KB) | Facebook Event (external link)

“Father Chief Justice”
Date: March 8, 2011
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building
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Blog Launched
The Law Library of Congress blog entitled In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Congress was launched on August 2, 2010.

Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress, Issues a Holiday Letter
Date: January 5, 2011
Read about Law Library of Congress updates from the previous year.
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Human Rights Day 2010
Date: December 10, 2010
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Mumford Room, James Madison Building

A panel discussion titled “Cultural Property Rights of Indigenous People.”
Press Release | Flyer (PDF, 224KB)

Assistant Law Librarian Appointed
Robert R. Newlen was appointed as the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach and Services.
Press Release

David S. Mao Appointed as First Deputy Law Librarian of Congress
David S. Mao has been appointed to the newly created position of Deputy Law Librarian of Congress. Currently working for the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Library of Congress, he will assume the Deputy post in late June.
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The Wickersham Award Dinner 2010 – Honoring Harold Hongju Koh
Date: May 4, 2010
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Willard Hotel, Washington, DC
Contact: Leon Scioscia, lsci@loc.gov

The Friends are pleased to honor Harold Hongju Koh in 2010.
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How Different Jurisdictions Treat Foreign Law In Their Jurisprudence
Date: March 23, 2010
Time: 8:30am – 2:00pm
Location: LJ 119, Jefferson Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, lsci@loc.gov

The Law Library of Congress is co-sponsoring a program that deals with “How Different Jurisdictions Treat Foreign Law In Their Jurisprudence.” The morning discussions will feature Law Library of Congress Senior Specialists and the Lunch Speaker will feature a Professor of Constitutional Law from Georgetown University Law School.
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Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress, Issues a Holiday Letter
Date: January 5, 2010
Read about Law Library of Congress updates as the Institution heads into the next decade.
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Free Press In A Time Of Terrorism
Date: December 10, 2009
Time: 9:30am – 11:0am
Location: LM621, West Dining Room, Madison Building
Contact: Barbara Moore, bmoo@loc.gov

The Law Library of Congress, in celebration of Human Rights Day, presents “Free Press In A Time of Terrorism.” The discussion will focus on how countries around the world are attempting to balance the needs of a free press with an effective strategy against terrorism.
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The Geneva Conventions at 60: Taking Stock
Date: December 3, 2009
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Location: LJ119, Jefferson Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, lsci@loc.gov

The Law Library of Congress, the American Red Cross and the Friends of the Law Library of Congress invite you to a thought-provoking panel discussion on the history of the Geneva Conventions, the challenges they face today, with some speculation about their future.
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Kellogg Lecture on Jurisprudence
Date: October 26, 2009
Time: 1 pm – 2:30pm
Location: Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

Ronald Dworkin, professor of jurisprudence at University College London and the New York University School of Law, delivered the inaugural Frederic R. and Molly S. Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence.
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Roberta I. Shaffer Appointed Law Librarian of Congress
Date: August 20, 2009
Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has appointed Roberta I. Shaffer to the position of Law Librarian of Congress.
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The Legal Challenges Facing NATO at 60
Date: July 9, 2009
Time: 1 pm – 3:00pm
Location: Montpelier Room, Sixth floor of the James Madison Building
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

This seminar will analyze the legal challenges facing NATO in the 21st Century (e.g. expansion in Eastern Europe, Afghanistan mission, and anti-piracy operations).
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The Approach of the Halakah and Sharia' to Contemporary Legal Issues
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Location: Mumford Room
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

The potential application of Judaic and Islamic legal systems (based on Halakah and Sharia', respectively) to the development of foreign policy is the subject of a program on Wednesday, June 17.
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Law Day / Emancipation Proclamation
Date: Friday, May 1, 2009
Time: 1pm - 2:30pm
Location: Members’ Room, Jefferson Bldg.
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Civil War? Did it have a broader effect on the slave trade throughout the Americas? In celebration of Law Day, these questions and many more were discussed by Congressman G.K. Butterfield, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., Dean Kurt Schmoke and Professor Emeritus Roger Wilkins, with PBS Newshour's congressional correspondent Kwame Holman moderating. Presented with support from the Friends of the Law Library of Congress.
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Human Environment Challenges, Domestic and International
A Talk by Barry Hill

Date: Monday, April 27, 2009
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Location: Library of Congress, Whittall Pavilion
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

Distinguished EPA senior counsel Barry Hill defined human environment challenges and discussed the relationship between the rule of law and government enforcement of protective environmental laws to address these challenges. He stressed the importance of measuring governmental performance through appropriate performance measures, using Jordan as an example of how he works with other countries.
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Connie Morella Visits Law Library
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Time: 1pm - 2:30pm
Location: Library of Congress, Whittall Pavilion
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

Former Maryland Congresswoman Connie Morella Discusses Her Legislative Experience Working For Women, Children and Families.
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Looking Beyond Gitmo: U.S. and Foreign Approaches Toward Legal Treatment of Terrorist Suspects
Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Time: 1pm - 2:30pm
Location: Library of Congress, Madison Building, 6th Floor Mumford Room
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

The Law Library assembled a panel for a discussion titled Looking Beyond Gitmo: U.S. and Foreign Approaches Toward Legal Treatment of Terrorist Suspects. The program is free and open to the public, though seating is limited and advance reservations are required.
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News Release | Webcast

Law Day 2008
Date: Thursday, May 1, 2008
Time: 1pm - 3:00pm
Location: Northeast Hall and Pavilion, Jefferson Building
Contact: Barbara Moore, (bmoo@loc.gov)

The Law Library has assembled a panel of experts to examine what "The Rule of Law" means to established and to emerging countries. The program is free and open to the public, though seating is limited and advance reservations are required.
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News Release | Webcast

Former Oklahoma Representative Mickey Edwards Discusses Book on Conservatism
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Location: Law Library of Congress Multimedia Center, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

Former Congressman Mickey Edwards presented a talk on his newly published book "Reclaiming Conservatism: How a Great American Political Movement Got Lost—And How It Can Find Its Way Back." A book signing followed.
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News Release | Webcast

"Terrorism Trials - Some Experiences from US Allies" Lecture by Dr. James Renwick
Date: Monday, January 14, 2008
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Law Library Multimedia Room, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

Dr. James Renwick, an Australian Barrister, is a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Reservations Required.
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Law Library Staff Reunion
Date: December 13, 2007
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Location: Northeast Hall and Pavilion, Jefferson Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

The Law Library held a staff reunion to honor the individuals who have contributed their time and talent to the institution. Current and former employees will be recognized for their dedication.

"Extraordinary Rendition: Constitutional Issues" A Speaker Series Panel Discussion
Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Time: 12:30pm - 2pm
Location: West Dining Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

A panel discussion featuring Louis Fisher, Law Library of Congress; Heather Sawyer, House Committee on the Judiciary; Daniel Huff, Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Reservations Required.
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News Release | Webcast

Native American Heritage Month Law Panel Discussion
Date: November 28, 2007
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: West Dining Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

“Indian Religious Freedom, to Litigate or Legislate?” Featuring Dean Suagee (Cherokee), Suzan Shown Harjo (Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee) and Kevin Gover (Pawnee). Moderated by Lou Fisher, Law Library.
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News Release | Webcast

Native American Heritage Month Hoop Dance Performance
Date: November 15, 2007
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

World Hoop Dance Champions, Dallas Chief Eagle (Rosebud Sioux) and Jasmine Pickner (Crow Creek Sioux), share with audiences an ancient hoop dance story. In partnership with American Folklife Center.
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Panel Discussion "Strickland v. Washington and the Effective Assistance of Counsel Standard"
Date: November 7, 2007
Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Location: Montpelier Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

A panel discussion, co-sponsored by the Law Library of Congress and the Constitution Project, featuring retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Reservations Required.

Webcast - Panel 1 | Webcast - Panel 2 | Webcast - Keynote Address | Webcast - Panel 3

Native American Heritage Month Keynote Program
Date: November 6, 2007
Time: 2pm - 3pm
Location: Mumford Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

Congressman Tom Cole (Chickasaw), OK-4, delivers the keynote address. Ethnic food sampling follows. Native American Heritage Month is co-sponsored by the Law Library and Office of Workforce Diversity.
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News Release | Webcast

Native American Heritage Month Lecture
Date: November 2, 2007
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Mumford Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

Dr. Loriene Roy (Anishinabe), American Library Association President, discusses her national reading club for Native American children. Reception follows. In partnership with Center for the Book.
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News Release | Webcast

Film Series: Eyes on the Prize
Date: October 3, 2007
Time: 6pm
Location: Pickford Theatre, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

This year’s film series, sponsored jointly by the Law Library and Tufts University, will focus on Civil Rights. A panel discussion and reception follows the screening. Reservations Required.
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Speaker Series: "National Security and the Rule of Law"
Date: September 17, 2007
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Location: Montpelier Room, 6th Floor, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

The Law Library and the Constitution Project will co-sponsor a panel discussion featuring Charlie Savage, Mickey Edwards, Mort Halperin, and moderator Virginia Sloan. Reservations Required.
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News Release | Webcast

Panel Discussion “National Security and the Constitution”
Date: September 12, 2007
Time: 12pm – 1:30pm
Location: Law Library Multimedia Room, Madison Building
Contact: Alisa Carrel, (acar@loc.gov)

A panel discussion featuring Louis Fisher, Law Library of Congress; Brian McKeon, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; and Michael O’Neill, Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Reservations Required.
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News Release | Webcast

175th Anniversary Gala
Date: July 14, 2007
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Great Hall, Jefferson Building
Contact: Leon Scioscia, (lsci@loc.gov)

A Gala dinner was held in the Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building to mark the 175th Anniversary of the creation of the Law Library of Congress. By invitation only.
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