iGo Green

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Recycling in Small Spaces

"I have limited space in my small apartment for recycle bins. So, if I have to choose certain items to save and recyle what would they be?"

Giving Up Paper

"I am getting a lot better at reaching for a wash cloth instead of a paper towel but I'm not perfect yet. I have noticed though that we've had the same paper towel roll on our counter for over 2 weeks now. "

Easy ideas for your home, your family and the planet, from the experts at Greenopia.

get started

Only 10% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb produces light; the rest is given off as heat.

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One Cool Tool

Discover the size
of your carbon footprint (and what you can do to reduce it) with this easy tool from GE.

Plant a Seed

Watch it grow! Create your own gorgeous interactive flower. Bonus: This bloom won't fade.