Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor


I serve as the Majority Leader and represent Virginia's 7th District in the U.S. House. Welcome to my official account!

Richmond, VA ·

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Great welcoming home some of the young men and women I had the privilege of nominating to attend our Service Academies

The House of Representatives has concluded legislative business for the week. The House will return after the Christmas holiday when needed.

The President has a decision to make: support these measures or be responsible for the largest tax hike in American history.

Today, I am proud to sponsor the Spending Reduction Act, which replaces the first year of the sequester with responsible cuts.

Today, we will gather in our nation's Capitol to remember a true American hero, Senator .

Tomorrow, the House will meet at 12 p.m. for legislative business. First votes expected: 2:30-3:30 p.m. Read more:

House Republicans remain committed to trying to minimize the impact of the fiscal cliff on hardworking families and small businesses.

Tomorrow, the House will meet at 10 a.m. for morning hour and noon for legislative business. Details at

We remain committed to trying to minimize the impact of the fiscal cliff on hardworking families and small businesses.

The President is not where he needs to be in order for us to push through a bill that really begins to address the spending problem.

House Republicans remain committed to trying to minimize the impact of the fiscal cliff on hardworking families and small businesses.

House Republican leaders will hold a press conference on efforts to resolve fiscal cliff at 10 AM ET. Tune in »

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