Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor


I serve as the Majority Leader and represent Virginia's 7th District in the U.S. House. Welcome to my official account!

Richmond, VA ·

While millions of Americans remain fixated on finding jobs, Pres Obama remains fixated on taking more money from those that could hire them.

The best way to help American families is to get serious, and find a reasonable solution to the tax, spending and debt problem.

We will never forget the sacrifice of those who answered the call of duty and fought to preserve the freedoms we have today.

President Obama needs to accept the middle ground that Republicans have offered, and help us avoid the economic threat ahead.

We must not prioritize big government spending over policies that will create opportunity for working men and women.

BY THE NUMBERS: 182 - # of days since House passed my repeal bill - time for Senate to act & .

With the passage of PNTR, we can now take advantage of Russia’s rapidly growing market and create U.S. jobs.

The President has said he supports STEM visa reform. should get behind the bipartisan House-passed STEM Jobs Act.

Senate Democrats have decided to play politics, rather than take up the bipartisan STEM Jobs Act that passed the House last week.

The House will not adjourn the 112th Congress until a credible solution to the fiscal cliff has been announced.

The President's obsession with raising taxes is not going to solve the problem. We have got to do something about the spending.

We cannot just keep borrowing money and raising taxes and expect the problems to go away.

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