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Michael Grabell

Michael Grabell

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Michael Grabell covers economic and labor issues for ProPublica. He has produced stories for the New York Times, USA Today, NPR and the CBS Evening News. His investigative work has included stories on the TSA, the Lance Armstrong doping allegations, chemicals stored near schools and neighborhoods, and a bus fire that killed 23 nursing home patients. Before joining ProPublica, Grabell was a reporter at The Dallas Morning News. He is the author of "Money Well Spent?," a book about President Obama’s stimulus package and his efforts to revive the economy from the Great Recession.


California Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Temp Workers

The bill, inspired in part by a ProPublica investigation, will hold companies accountable for labor abuses by temp agencies and subcontractors they use.

Senator Asks OSHA About Temp Worker Buried Alive In Sugar

In a letter to OSHA, U.S. Senator Robert Casey asks whether the agency has the tools to ensure that temp workers are protected in the workplace.

Sugar Plant Removed Safety Device 13 Days before Temp Worker’s Death

Janio Salinas was buried alive in sugar. A newly released accident report and an undercover investigation by Univision reveal the obstacles OSHA faces in its temp worker safety initiative.

Hummus Maker Warned of ‘Extreme Safety Risk’ Before Temp Worker’s Death

Daniel Collazo was pulled into a hummus grinder in 2011. New documents show Tribe Mediterranean Foods knew about the safety problem that caused his death, but did nothing about it.

California Considers Bill to Protect Temp Workers

California bill would hold companies legally responsible for wage and safety violations committed by their subcontractors and temp agencies.

A Modern Day ‘Harvest of Shame’

Today’s blue collar temp laborers face abuses similar to those of migrant farmworkers depicted in iconic 1960 CBS documentary.

Temp Worker Regulations Around the World

The United States has some of the weakest labor protections for temp workers in the developed world. Here, we map out how countries compare based on data compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

U.S. Lags Behind World in Temp Worker Protections

'Permatemping' cases highlight lack of U.S. protections for temp workers. Other countries limit the length of temp jobs, guarantee equal pay and restrict dangerous work.

How to Improve Temp Worker Safety

Health and safety experts have identified steps regulators could take to decrease temp workers’ injuries but opposition from business and industry makes immediate change unlikely.

How We Calculated Injury Rates for Temp and Non-Temp Workers

Worker’s comp data collected from five states shows temps are far more likely to be injured on the job.

Temporary Work, Lasting Harm

Temp workers are thrown into dangerous work with little training and suffer injuries far more often than permanent employees.

The $13 Test That Saved My Baby’s Life. Why Isn’t it Required For Every Newborn?

Dozens of babies die every year because hospitals do not perform a simple test that detects congenital heart defects. Seventeen states have yet to require the exam for newborns.

The Expendables: How the Temps Who Power Corporate Giants Are Getting Crushed

America is now dotted with “temp towns” – places where it’s difficult to find blue-collar work except through a temp agency and where workers often suffer lost wages, no benefits and high injury rates.

Los Sacrificables: Como Los Temps Que Dan Fuerza A Grandes Empresas Están Siendo Aplastados

Hoy Estados Unidos está salpicado de “temp towns” – lugares donde es difícil encontrar trabajo manual si no es a través de una agencia de empleo temporal y donde los obreros frecuentemente sufren la pérdida de sueldos, ausencia de beneficios y altas proporciones de lesiones laborales.

Graphic: How to Fit 17 People in a Minivan

Walmart Accepted Clothing from Banned Bangladesh Factories

After the deadly building collapse in Bangladesh, Walmart released a list of factories it had banned. But it has continued receiving shipments from two of them.

Taken for a Ride: Temp Agencies and ‘Raiteros’ in Immigrant Chicago

Some of America's best-known companies and largest temp agencies benefit from — and tacitly collaborate with — an underworld of labor brokers, known as raiteros, who charge workers fees, pushing their pay below minimum wage. We explore the system in Chicago's Little Village.

Llevados al Engaño: Agencias de Trabajo Temporal y ‘Raiteros’ en Chicago

Algunas de las empresas más conocidas y de las agencias de trabajo temporal más grandes de Estados Unidos se benefician de – y colaboran de forma tácita con – un submundo de intermediaros del empleo, conocidos como "raiteros."

Where Does the Workers’ Money Go?

The Inactivation of the Body Scanners

Everything you always wanted to know about the TSA's body scanners — and why many of them have been warehoused.
Michael Grabell

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